The Gold Medal Hypnosis Trick That Will Unleash Your Inner Champion

Whether your level of athleticism is taking part in marathons or watching the football from the couch, you’ve probably heard of sportsmen being ‘in the zone’ or ‘in flow’.

This state describes a feeling of being totally immersed in the present moment, so the only thing the mind is focused on is the single goal you’re aiming for. And it’s quite incredible what elite athletes can achieve when they enter this state of flow.

What this proves is just how powerful our minds are when it comes to sporting prowess. While physical attributes are of course important, so much about success in the sporting arena comes down to what’s going on in your head.

The impact and influence of our minds are apparent across all types of sports, from swimming to golf, basketball to tennis. And today, I want to share with you one incredible, elite-level hypnosis technique that taps into our subconscious minds in order to unleash our inner champions.

Get ready to go for gold with this powerful sporting hypnosis technique.

The Ultimate Sporting Hypnosis Trick to Get Your Mind in the Game

Ok, the elite-level technique I’ve been referring to was devised by world-famous hypnotist Paul McKenna and is called “Step inside the future you”.

The idea with this trick is that you clear your mind of all the things you can’t do when it comes to sport - the CrossFit move you just can’t pull off, the weight you can’t seem to lift, or the basketball shot you’ve been unable to score despite countless hours of practice. All of those no longer exist when you embrace the “future you” mentality.

To engage in this practice, begin by imagining a champion version of yourself standing a few feet in front of you.

See this champion version of yourself in incredibly vivid detail. Watch them effortlessly perform all of the moves you’ve been attempting, executing every single one with ease and grace. Admire their flawless technique, their harmonious breathing, the way their body moves beautifully through every twist and turn.

Now, look closer at the champion you up ahead. Notice their hairstyle, their clothes, their body shape. Pay attention to every little detail about the champion version of yourself.

Ok, it’s time to get ready to step inside the future you. The one that’s embodying the champion that you already are. Are you ready? Take a deep breath, count to three, and then step inside the future you.

See exactly what the future you sees, hear what they hear, know what they know and feel what they feel. They are you and you are them. Both perfect, both champions, both one and the same person.

As you become the future champion version of yourself, experience how it feels to perform every move effortlessly, just as you watched them do from afar. Experience the sensations, the movements, and everything that goes with it. Mentally rehearse these feelings over and over again.

You’ve now entered into a champion mindset. And there’s no going back now! Tap into this mindset and let all the feelings and sensations come rushing back the moment you step out onto the field or into the arena.

Remember, you’re already a champion. You just need to get your subconscious on board.


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