A Mammoth way to perfect Manners with hypnosis in 2023

Remember, it's ok if you can't satisfy everyone. It is our responsibility as citizens of the Commonwealth to embrace respect and uphold constructive values that encourage a positive atmosphere. When done so, remarkable results occur: people become more cheerful and their behavior elevates with enthusiasm! I'm sure your exemplary politeness and admirable qualities will bring this same magic wherever you go.

Polite masculinity

Within the military, 'Polite Masculinity' is highly valued and admired. This type of behavior promotes physical wellness, graceful movement and an overall harmony among soldiers on the battlefield. Military strategists, instructors and service members alike recognize its worth in achieving a cohesive team dynamic that leads to victory. You won't come across toxic masculinity in the military when agility and flexibility are needed in urban combat scenarios.

Polite computing 

The Journal of Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT) promotes the concept of polite computing, which puts people before technology. Take for example Microsoft's infamous talking paperclip Mr Clippy; users found him too intrusive and stopped using it due to his rude behaviour in popping up on their computer screens every time they opened an application. Polite computing is therefore a crucial factor when designing user-friendly experiences with computers! Recent studies have demonstrated that politeness in computing is established when an action offers control of a social interaction to another person. For instance, although software may not be outlawed for creating pop-up windows, this can still be seen as discourteous since it strips the user from having any selection or input on the matter. 

How to utilize keywords for manners

Manners are the building blocks of etiquette. When you demonstrate politeness, others will pay attention to what you say, they will use polite words such as 'please' and 'thank you', understand if your time is limited, offer assistance or compliments when appropriate, and make an effort to be punctual while wearing suitable attire. In fact, some hospitals recognize the importance of keywords so highly that they hold entire meetings focused on them.

When a patient arrives, many healthcare professionals and nurses are aware that the most important thing they can do is to ask: "Is there anything else I can do for you? I have time ". Failing this simple task could lead to the patient hitting the ‘call’ button or even worse, complaining about it to family and friends. The best way of demonstrating manners is to anticipate their patients' needs. Nurses check the bedside table, telephone and call light are all within reach for their patients. 

Here is the one mammoth way to perfect Manners with hypnosis in 2023

Because Learning came so naturally in those early years....  Revisit your Curious Baby Self

“And now I wonder if you can allow your mind to drift gently back through time to those earliest days and weeks and months and remember yourself.

From those earliest moments when you emerged from the womb, a safe, warm, comfortable environment where nothing mattered except you - and your comforts and bodily needs were met.. And that very first day when you pushed yourself down when you were ready to be born, and coming out into a bright, hard, cold world. How do you think was it for you? Did you feel loved and wanted – cradled in soft, loving arms - were you secure in the love of all those around you. 

Remember how you learned to cry. At first it was instinctive but after a while you realized that your other needs could be met when you made a sound. You slept quite a lot those days, and then after some time in this bright new world, you learned how to lift your head – it was such an achievement. There was a time when you tried to roll over and you tried and tried until you succeeded – it took such concentration to get all those muscles to work together – but you did it.

Remember learning to sit up and balance your muscles. Soon you were pulling yourself up into a sitting position – sometimes you lolled to the left and sometimes to the right – until you mastered the art – and even then you weren’t satisfied with just that. Remember how brave and daring you felt when you ventured out onto that very first step. And even when you fell back on your bottom – you didn’t give up – you persevered. You held onto the furniture to help you to move – until finally – you trusted yourself to let go – and you did – you succeeded again.

Remember learning your language – all the sounds that rolled off your tongue – and by your first birthday you could already understand a lot of what was being spoken to you. You could even begin to make a few of your own needs understood.

Now let yourself go right back – inside – and discover that baby self deep within you. You’re still open – you’re still curious – feel those special parts still there – receptive and eager to learn. For a few moments just let yourself enjoy yourself – (pause) and of course you can continue to enjoy for as long as your unconscious mind finds it necessary – discovering your love of learning – new things – and quite often the more challenging they seem the more satisfaction you feel afterwards – of having achieved – having learned something new – it’s an exciting feeling – it’s special. And your brain contains its own special patterns where your learnings are stored – new ones being created – all the time.

(Pause for about three minutes, then continue). Bring back with you to the present time, those special parts of you, and the curious, eager, receptive parts. For you’re learning all the time. Even when you’re playing, you’re learning – it’s fun – it’s exciting to discover new ways. Learning for you is just that. Fun and exciting.”

So what if you thought about manners differently and what if you didnt the choice is yours


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