Are You Being Brainwashed? Watch Out For This Insanely Effective (Yet Oh-So-Simple) Brainwashing Technique!

One of the common misconceptions about hypnosis is that it’s similar to (or actually is) brainwashing. In fact, the question ‘is hypnosis brainwashing’ is a commonly-searched Google query, which just goes to show how many people are concerned that hypnotists or hypnotherapists are attempting to hack their brains and control their minds.

Firstly, I want to make it clear that I’m not here to brainwash anyone! The type of hypnosis I offer at Coaching Hypnosis isn’t a form of brainwashing at all - it’s about influencing your patterns and behaviours so you can make better, healthier decisions that align with your goals. I don’t have control over your mind, nor can I force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But the idea of brainwashing certainly captures people’s attention. So I thought it would be interesting to explore this concept and shine a light on just how simple brainwashing actually is.

Far from being something that can only happen if you’re unconscious or semi-conscious (like in a hypnotic state), brainwashing can occur on a much more subtle level simply through having a conversation with someone. Intrigued? Read on to learn about one incredibly simple brainwashing technique that you’ve probably fallen victim to!

What is brainwashing?

The definition of brainwashing is ‘the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.

And while the idea of ‘radically different beliefs’ may conjure up images of joining a religious cult or doing something wildly out of character, it can also be something much less dramatic, such as choosing to buy something you had no intention of purchasing.


How can brainwashing work in everyday life?

After reading the definition of brainwashing, your first reaction might be “well that would never work on me”. We generally like to think we’re in control of our thoughts, actions and behaviours - not to mention that we’re far too smart to be tricked into doing anything we don’t have the intention of doing.

Well, I’ve got news for you! The chances are, you’ve probably been brainwashed multiple times without even realising it. The type of brainwashing I’m referring to occurs in the world of sales and advertising - and even in hypnosis - causing us to make certain decisions without consciously wanting to.

Often, this type of brainwashing uses the concept of “truisms” - statements that emphatically put forward something true - interspersed with false statements that our brains perceive to be true. For example, in a hypnosis setting, this could involve the hypnotist stating:

“Your feet are on the floor” (true)
“You’re sitting in the chair” (true)
“Your eyes are starting to feel heavy” (false - but perceived as true because it was associated with the previous true statements).

Our brains can be easy to manipulate in this way, leading to a form of brainwashing that leads us to particular outcomes without even realising it. In a sales scenario, this technique could look like this:

Rather than selling a product by telling someone they really need it, a salesman may position it as a reward or incentive. For example, “you’ve worked really hard this year, don’t you think you deserve this shiny new car?”.

While that example doesn’t sound too bad, this can become a bit more sinister if the incentive is fear. For example, when selling a home security system to an elderly person, the “brainwashing” sales technique could run along the lines of “Don’t you want to protect yourself from intruders? Don’t you want to feel safe in your home? If so, this product is the only way to keep you safe.”

So the moral of the story is, stay alert and aware of potential brainwashing techniques in the world around you!


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