How to stay calm when discussing Citizen Rights: Well it's more of a hypnotherapy guide to not losing your mind

As an empowered creator of your own life, it is essential that you feel you can abide by the principles of 'love one another' and 'love thy neighbor as yourself.' You can't lose sight of the importance of civil rights even when engaging in conversations with others. Picture yourself as a person of peace and harmony – your cells will start vibrating to that frequency. Understanding what you are entitled to gives you a sense of power, making it far more beneficial than being unaware and uncertain.

America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America - Jimmy carter

In stark contrast to America's spiritual principle that governances should support and elevate the spiritual potential of each individual, countries such as Russia are built upon a Marxist or socialist framework which dictates the "collective good" is more important than an individuals'. This suppresses certain rights at times for the greater collective. Spiritually speaking, it assumes groups possess their own set of privileges rather than valuing every person individually.

There is a hierarchy of laws in America  Among these are:
1. The foundation of the American legal system is "natural right," derived from a higher power, which has precedence over any human-made law. This foundational belief was heavily influential in constructing the United States as we know it today and can be found within Biblical laws which were received by Moses whilst escaping Egypt. These fundamental rights may not be trampled on or restricted by government forces.

2. Individual people, not collective entities, are the recipients of natural rights like life, liberty and pursuing their happiness. To ensure that each individual can reach their highest potential unhindered by outside forces, laws and governments have been established to safeguard those fundamental rights.

3. Establishing beneficial laws is the cornerstone to creating a peaceful and prosperous society. Laws should be designed in such a way that they encourage the development of intelligence and potential within every individual.

• Protect the weak from the strong.

• Protect minorities from majorities.

• Provide equal treatment and consideration for all.

• Protect the innocent from the guilty.

Equality and equity are attained when both qualities are upheld.

Can you envision two extremes?

Imagine on one side, there is an extreme monarchy led by a selfish ruler who governs the entire country. On another end lies an absolute democracy where decisions are determined by majority vote. This kind of democracy usually results in a tyrannical mob rule, and the French Revolution was a dramatic showcase of this phenomenon. The United States Constitution is the contract between the American people and their federal government; a document that makes America unique. This form of leadership is a constitutional republic, not to be confused with democracy. A republic stands for the rule by law and lies in between two polar opposites. America was designed to be governed by laws, not based on the arbitrary desires of politicians and special interest groups.

Natural rights are not bestowed upon us by a ruler or any other entity, but rather they originate from the Creator - that divine and mysterious power of life.

These higher powers of light have been referred to as "obvious intelligence and design". Civil rights are distinct from natural rights, as they are given by governments and can be amended at any point. Natural rights, on the other hand, have evolved over centuries - stemming for England's conception of them - and cannot be curtailed or restricted by governmental forces. This is something our nation's founders firmly believed in; thus why it remains a core tenet in society today.

If a person fails to abide by the law, they may face consequences that result in the forfeiture of their rights.

For example, criminal offenders will lose their right to move about freely since exercising one's privileges necessitates taking responsible actions.

It is up to you to assert your rights, as they are only possibilities until then. Fail to do so in a situation like an encounter with the court or police and you will have involuntarily given them away. Knowing this could be of immense significance at times. When it comes to claiming your rights, UCC 1-207.4: Sufficiency of the Reservation provides an accurate explanation:"When you want to reserve your rights, any expression indicating such intention is enough - for example 'without prejudice'." Declaring "without prejudice" and saying or writing “All rights reserved” are ways of safeguarding your inalienable prerogatives. If you ever find yourself facing a legal authority, it is wise to reserve all your rights - as the ninth amendment states we have such privileges under the Constitution. Although it does not guarantee that a judge will agree with this position, asserting our autonomy is what matters most here.

The principles of Biblical law, also known as Observable Common Sense

Originated from the Egyptian Isis and then Moses, the regulations include: Thou shalt not kill, steal, lie or bear false witness; which have been maintained up to now in American legal documents. The Bible showcases mankind's development from being servants in Egypt to becoming responsible for what they think and do through their own volition.The Ten Commandments are the cornerstone of taking accountability for one's life. The Hebrew word for "commandment" actually refers to a signpost, indicating that if we stay true to these fundamental principles, it will steer us in the right direction and lead us towards contentment.

If you're exhausted of the incessant debates about citizen rights, and are struggling to remain composed in discussions, then hypnotherapy could be a viable solution.

With its calming effects on your mind and body - even while confronted with highly emotional arguments - hypnotherapy can help keep your temper under control as well as provide clarity amidst heated discourse.

Suppose you are conversing about the fundamental liberties of Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition when someone's opinion triggers a disagreeable reaction. Through hypnotherapy techniques, you can teach yourself to take deep breaths before responding academically instead of becoming defensive or emotional. Consequently, rather than an argumentative confrontation stemming from being provoked; your words will create a more serene conversation.

Here is a Staying Calm hypnotherapy script

Relaxing your body and mind can be a breeze; all you need to do is close your eyes, take in deep breaths, and simply allow yourself to feel peaceful. Let's begin this journey of relaxation by counting down from ten to one - when we reach the final number, you will have achieved an immense sense of tranquility.

Now, take a deep breath in for 10 seconds and out for 10 seconds. Count down to 1 with each inhale and exhale. Visualize yourself surrounded by the beauty of nature - feel the warmth of sunrays as they dance on top of a serene lake; observe an elegant bird gliding gracefully against tranquil clouds above you. Experience true tranquility within your mind while allowing your body to relax into complete peace.

You can now feel the gentle, loving energy forming in the sky above you. It appears like tiny glistening specks of silver and gold that delicately spiral around each other. This comforting sensation then descends towards you, radiating a peaceful cone filled with unconditional love and tenderness.

Let the soothing sensation of relaxation wrap around your head, suppressing all negative emotions. Leave behind any self-criticism or hesitation and redirect that energy towards positivity. Stop worrying about what might happen in the future and don't linger on past mistakes. Erase any disturbing thoughts that cause uneasiness, fear or stress; allowing a tranquil peace to overtake you instead. Feel how this peaceful calmness fills your mind - embracing it with each breath until its forever yours!

The cone of energy now descends to your throat, ridding you of any impediments that prevent you from communicating with love and candor. Your throat is opened so that the truth can be spoken aloud.

And now the energy cone dips lower and covers your heart.  And here, it takes away the anger and the blame and replaces it with forgiveness.  It takes away the longings and regrets, the jealousies and any feelings that there is something you are missing, any yearnings that make you think that happiness lies somewhere in the future, if only things were different in some way.  Instead of this longing, this feeling of loneliness and emptiness, instead it is now filled with sweet love.  The empty loneliness is cleared away and you are filled with the love of the universe in its place.  

The energy cone gradually drops to your abdomen and solar plexus, pushing away any fear from this region and replacing it with a sense of tranquility. You feel centered in the present moment; secure in knowing that you are exactly as you should be right now.

As the cone descends and surrounds your body, you are immediately connected to this experience. You feel a deep connection with earth and everything that exists in it. Any remaining fear of being physical dissolves away as the energy within the cone intensifies.

The cone of energy grows and widens, enveloping the entirety of your space. It soaks up all traces of negative feelings and conversations that were ever experienced here- both recently as well as years ago. Any lingering negativity is now gone; only positive vibes remain to be felt!

As the cone expands, it encircles your entire building and transports you away from all that is negative. Its circular motion cleanses any residual negativity while filling in a newfound sense of positivity.

Now the energy lifts off slowly, slowly, lifts up and returns to the sky, swirling and taking with it all of the negative energy which was removed, and sends this to the light where it is accepted and transformed.  And now, you feel completely clean and clear.  You feel as if you were just born, brand new, and ready for life and love. 

Look up and behold the angels hovering above, their glowing golden radiance emanating pure love. They are adorned in pristine white robes and hold gleaming silver pitchers which they fill with light-filled love before showering it upon you, filling each room of your building with its blissful energy. Feel this divine elixir purifying every inch of you as negative energies gently fade away - allowing only sweetness to remain. 

Love fills you up so much that it inevitably overflows and cascades out of you, like a sweet stream of compassion. Let love blanket your world as the waters reach out to every person in your life, washing them with its tenderness. Feel the force of these emotional waves flooding over everything and everyone with their affectionate embrace.

Savor the rare joy of being engulfed in love. Allow yourself to be captivated by its great depths and revel in its endless bliss. Smile as you feel a sense of warmth radiating throughout your core, cascading through every corner until you are overflowing with happiness. Let out an ecstatic cheer as you bask in this torrent of affection that has been specially prepared just for you!

Let go of fear and replace it with the power of love. Let its embrace fill you up with joy, unconditional acceptance, and a sense of liberation from guilt. Love is all-encompassing - honor it, purify yourself in its presence, feel cleansed by its warmth. Ponder this: All is love!

You have already achieved fantastic success and are perfect in your own right! You may not have accomplished every single one of your goals yet, but that’s perfectly fine. Keep on pushing forward – it is valid to be proud of yourself for how far you've come thus far. Always remember: the best version of you will always do just fine! 

You have achieved success and what you left unfinished is beautiful as well. You are in the ideal place to take that next step forward - simply be who you were meant to be! Strength, capability, and satisfaction with yourself embody your current moments; nothing else matters because all that is truly meaningful lies within you now!

Believe in who you are and everything that has made up your journey. Yes, there have been certain decisions or mistakes along the way - but these missteps brought you to this very moment; a fresh start! Any past regrets should be forgotten as every choice was necessary for you to reach the now-which is perfect. Likewise, so are YOU!

From the very start, you have been faultless and complete. Every single experience that has happened in your life was meant to be there; even this exact moment is necessary for where you stand now - wholeheartedly perfect! Therefore accept yourself with poise and self-assurance; nothing can compare to it.

Have faith in your inherent worthiness. Acknowledge that you deserve the most wondrous and unconditional love from around the globe! See how vast legions of angels are hovering above you, radiating with brilliance and grace as they shower upon their immense affection for you. These angelic spirits offer countless blessings to all those below them, pouring out an unending sea of love from on high!

You deserve all of this love. Yes, you do! You are worthy of it and have an abundance of it surrounding you at every turn. It is because you are so deserving that help comes to your aid without fail.

You are a treasured part of this world. You contribute to the grand puzzle that is life, and your presence completes it. Don't underestimate yourself – you have immense value! Heal yourself, love yourself – for when you do so, you will be healing and loving all things around you too. Remember also that you are connected with all existence; thus making YOU an ultimate god unto thyself!

Allow yourself to fully embrace this connection. Embody it in your core and feel the depth of its meaning all the way from beneath you into the depths of Earth, up through you and into Heavens above. Perceive how everything is one—and that without you, existence itself would not be as abundant or complete. You are vital—never forget your worth!

You are worthy of love and you are worthy of respect.  Respect yourself deeply.  Love yourself deeply.  Treat yourself with deep respect.  Treat your body with respect, giving it pure water and healthy food, exercising it and pampering it.  Treat your mind with respect, providing it with times of peace and quiet in order to let it clear and recharge.  Treat your emotional self with respect by demanding that others treat you well, by speaking up for yourself, by making life choices and decisions which help you.  

You should always prioritize your own wellbeing. Respect and care for others, but ensure that you demonstrate the same level of respect and love for yourself first. See within yourself with kindness, appreciation, and admiration - this inner glow will radiate outwards to those around you. Taking time to nurture yourself is essential; start here before anything else!

Witness the inner spark that lies within you. Notice the glimmer radiating from your very essence and recognize this as a reminder of your creativity, admiration for life, and self-love. Now allow it to expand – let its illumination fill you completely until every inch is enveloped in its warm embrace; bathe yourself in all that makes up who you are!

Radiate your brilliance! Unveil all of your skills and let them glimmer. Express yourself with humor and wit, allowing it to sparkle in the world. Believe deeply within yourself to reveal your personal truth as you light up the room.

Let the love within you sparkle and illuminate everything around, until your entire being is engulfed in a dazzling aura of compassion. Let this light reach far beyond you, extending its warmth to those who need it most; let your flame become an inspiring source of guidance for others to follow suit.

This is your goal.  To let yourself be seen, in all of your glory, in all of your beauty, to let yourself glow so brightly that you light up the world.

You are capable of greatness. In your unique and wondrous entirety, you have the power to shine brighter than ever before. Believe in yourself - let your light sparkle through!

Now, relax and let your true brilliance illuminate within you. Feel the power of its radiance as it illuminates all around you. Let that light shine bright! Shine on - shine strong!

Now, inhale deeply a few times and feel your body relax. Move around your toes, then legs; hands then arms - grasp the air upwards above you as you stretch them out. Rotate your shoulders in circles for added relaxation and take one long deep breath before opening those eyes!

As you embark on your day, remember to radiate brightness!


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