Hypnotherapy to increase Calm - Be an inner athlete of Calm

You are a patient, courteous person tired of being forced into an avalanche of emotions? It's time to increase your inner tranquility and take control because you deserve it!

Keeping composed permits you to flush your frustrations down the toilet. Doing so further helps lower heart rate, hypertension and enhances breathing.

Our bodies are designed to heal and repair themselves, allowing us to feel fantastic when in peak health. On the contrary, stress can significantly slow down our healing process, as well as cause sleep disruption. In fact, it is believed that 90 percent of people seeking medical care do so due to issues related directly or indirectly with stress.

You are wrapped in an electro-chemical matrix of emotional molecules. Every thought you have, every song you hear, every social media post you expose your brain to, stimulates the limbic emotional center of your brain and causes neuro-secretors to create molecules in response to your emotions. These emotional-molecular-crystalline structures emit vibrations at frequencies that align and resonate with the structures found throughout your body.

When the news of the EU corruption scandal broke, imagine your whole being was consumed by rage. Your limbic system sent out a signal and you could physically feel anger coursing through your veins as blood rushed to your hands in preparation for a fight. Simultaneously, adrenaline surged through your body allowing you to respond with anger.

Once you have achieved a higher level of inner peace, no longer needing the molecules that bring rage to your body - they are collected and expelled via urination. In their place more beneficial chemicals will be released in your system, so much so that you may find yourself bursting into laughter until tears pour down your cheeks!

Every emotion has its purpose, and sadness is no exception. It can be a signifier of loss and an invitation to grieve in order to begin anew; it often results in reduced energy levels as well as metabolic slowdown - both necessary for the healing process. Ultimately, this feeling serves one major role: helping you successfully adjust to the transitions life inevitably brings your way.

When feeling fear, a rush of blood quickly flows to the larger muscles, such as your legs, so you can escape - making it seem like your veins are full of ice.

Love, affection and pleasure stimulate your parasympathetic system, promoting a state of arousal that is different from the "fight-or-flight" response. This parasympathetic activation leads to feelings of relaxation, calmness and contentment.

If you allow any emotion to take over your 'emotional mind,' it can make you become more irrational.

A study done by Yale University two decades ago used actors and exercise to illustrate this point. Actors were chosen for the experiment since they are masters at feeling emotions on command. The participants were divided into two groups, with their vitals like blood pressure, heart rate and respiration being monitored throughout the process.

  • The first group were asked to get really angry then engage in exercise.

  • The second group were asked to get really calm and then exercise.

As you know, exercise is good for you; however, it turns out that in this study, the exercise only proved advantageous in the "calm" group. Common wisdom tells us that exercise reduces stress; however, our state of mind and state of being while exercising is just as important as the number of repetitions and sets we do to improve our health.

If you've ever sprained your ankle, then you know how pain and inflammation can disrupt its normal function. Stress affects everyone differently; fortunately hypnotherapy is an effective tool to help reduce stress levels and promote inner peace - I speak from experience!

Here is the one Relaxation script  by Global Hypnosis

As you become more aware of how your thoughts shape your well-being, you decide that no longer will stress control and dictate your life. You embark on a journey to create the lifestyle you desire by taking hold of controlling how much daily pressure affects your overall health.

As your relaxation increases, so does your ability to focus and concentrate on tasks at hand- be it a job or leisure. Furthermore, you find yourself less anxious in the face of stressful situations as your concentration has heightened....Your newfound relaxation when making decisions provides you with the clarity that is necessary to overcome any impediments - be they mental, physical or spiritual. You have become empowered and are now unshakeable in your ability to remain calm under pressure.

Through each word I speak, you become more and more relaxed. You worry less because of this newfound calmness; instead, you apply your mental energy towards solutions rather than problems. To simplify everyday stressors even further, you turn to resources that provide insight into successful handling techniques - because ultimately it's all in your control! With a cool head and the right tactics at hand, anything is possible when it comes to managing life's pressures.

If you are serious about reducing stress and improving your efficiency, why not consider exercise and healthy eating as part of the solution? Dedicate a few minutes each day to something that will help you escape from reality – whether it be learning a new hobby or project, reading books, laughing more frequently (for laughter is often regarded as the best medicine), stimulating your creativity, making an impact in others' lives, spending quality time with loved ones - these activities may just prove beneficial for managing anxiety levels.

If you learn to relax and let go of stress, you will find that your work and leisure activities become more enjoyable. You can also lead by example for others; relaxation gives us the tools needed to live longer, healthier lives. With a heightened level of concentration and focus due to relaxed states, even stressful situations are handled with less anxiety. Enjoy life more as all aspects improve!...With a calming, yet decisive mindset, you are able to effectively accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. You understand the power of your capabilities and have full command over your own destiny.

Now is the time to be smart and make wise decisions regarding your day-to-day life. Create a list of tasks each morning that you will focus on during the day, ensuring no task goes undone or delayed. Instead of letting anger control your emotions, try creative activities like working out, hobbies, arts & crafts and writing as positive outlets. Not only do they help channel frustration in a more constructive manner but also provide an opportunity for self-expression!

Whenever you sense a stressful situation on the horizon, it's time to take action and utilize your calming signal: one long deep breath. This simple technique will help you relax and maintain focus in order to address any issue with clarity and poise. Make this practice part of your daily life, so that going forward all potentially taxing circumstances can be dealt with swiftly yet sensibly.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by a certain aspect of your life, focus on overcoming it in a collected manner. Utilize the power of concentration and determination to tackle this challenge with assurance and strength. Remind yourself that you can accomplish anything if you stay focused - so smile confidently as you seize control over your situation!

You are starting to feel more relaxed and self-assured...enjoying the wonderful sensations. In a few moments, you will be back in your full alertness...I'm going to count from one up to five. When I reach the number five, your eyes shall open and you'll experience a revitalized sensation of peace and blissfulness. Here we go....One....Two.....Three......Four.......Five.........Open your eyes now!


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