Mind Control in Movies: The Freaky Film About the Power of Hypnosis

We all know that the world of Hollywood can be a little farfetched at times. From fantastical romances to whacky comedies, we have to take the glitzy action of the silver screen with a pinch of salt.

But sometimes, the topics explored in movies can be scarily close to reality. Today, I wanted to talk about one famous Hollywood movie that explores the subject of mind control. And while the on-screen action of this classic flick might seem like something straight out of sci-fi, it’s actually more feasible than you might think.

So if you’ve ever thought about mind control and wondered things like “can the CIA really brainwash people”...”can anyone be hypnotised?”...or “could you brainwash someone to become a zombie?”, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of the Hollywood blockbuster that offers some revealing insights into what’s possible with hypnosis.


Fact or Fiction? Mind Control in The Manchurian Candidate

Starring Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep. The Manchurian Candidate follows the story of Raymond Shaw, a war hero who uses his legendary military reputation to climb the political ranks.

There’s just one problem...fellow Gulf War soldier Bennet Marco (Denzel Washington) doubts that the incident that catapulted Shaw to war hero status ever actually occurred.

The movie explores the idea of inserting false memories into civilians in order to make them believe that certain fictional events really happened - until they ultimately believe they served in a war, even if they never did.

The question is, could this actually happen in real life or is it just the stuff of Hollywood fantasy?

Well, despite the fact that as a member of the International Hypnosis Association I would lose my license if I tried that technique (not to mention the fact I couldn’t live with myself), I can tell you that this kind of thing is entirely possible.

To achieve this, the technique would involve using highly manipulative and suggestive questions, drilled into the subject while they’re in a zombified state, before they become hypnotised.

These loaded questions would then influence the client while they’re under hypnosis and have a significant impact on their entire hypnosis experience.

Some examples of the kind of questions that might be asked include the following:

  • ●  Are you sure you grew up in a loving family? (by asking this question, you’re introducing doubt their family ever loved them).

  • ●  Do you think it's possible some events can be so traumatic that you can't remember them?

  • ●  Do you think it's possible you've ever been on a top-secret mission for the government that you don't remember?

    These would be followed by some more general, ‘normal’ questions, such as: .

  • ●  Have you ever felt anxious?

  • ●  Have you ever had trouble sleeping?

    As you can see, these questions are distinctly unpleasant in nature and plant seeds of unease and doubt in the subject’s mind. By manipulating and leading the subconscious mind in a certain direction, it would be feasible to create false ‘memories’ about events that never actually took place.

    It’s a chilling thought - and thankfully couldn’t be further from the work I do here at Coaching Hypnosis! Rather than nasty questions that make you feel uncomfortable, our focus is on the joyful abundance of a future where you can step into your true potential.

    By using the power of hypnosis to shift your subconscious behaviours, thoughts and beliefs, you can embark on an incredible journey towards your authentic self and find the happiness and contentment you truly deserve.

    So let’s leave the freaky mind control to the movies and focus on becoming the most fabulous version of yourself!


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