Three Incredible IBS Hypnosis Tricks to Kick Your Symptoms in the Guts

Let’s be honest...IBS is a load of crap! From painful spasms to embarrassing symptoms like diaroohea and wind, IBS - or irritable bowel syndrome, to give it its full name - can seriously get in the way of living the fabulous life you deserve.

But did you know that hypnosis can be extremely effective for managing IBS? While it may surprise you, hypnotherapy for IBS is big business across the world, with successful treatments everywhere from the UK and the US to Australia.

If you suffer from IBS, I want to share three simple tips on how hypnosis can help to free you from the IBS nightmare, so you can go after your dreams!

IBS Hypnosis Tip 1: Allow enough time for your IBS hypnotherapy sessions to take effect

While I’d love to tell you that hypnosis for IBS can work in as little time as it takes for that piece of cheese to cause your bowels to go into a spasm (i.e. no time at all!), the truth is that IBS hypnotherapy will require a number of sessions in order to work its magic.

As hypnotherapy works by gradually shifting your behavioural patterns and subconscious thoughts, you’ll need to undergo multiple sessions in order for this treatment to have an effect on your physical body and the symptoms associated with your IBS.

In general, I’d recommend a course of six 1-hour IBS hypnotherapy sessions in order to experience the benefits of this type of hypnosis.

IBS Hypnosis Tip 2: IBS hypnotherapy can reduce sensitivity while increasing your confidence

In the words of the fabulous Oprah, “it’s confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures”.

And that’s one of the awesome aspects of hypnotherapy for IBS. For starters, IBS hypnosis can help with a wide range of those nasty unwanted symptoms of IBS that we’d all much rather live without!

The symptoms that IBS hypnotherapy can help with include things like: ● Abdominal pain and discomfort

  • ●  Contractions, spasms and cramps

  • ●  Bloating

  • ●  Constipation

  • ●  Diarrhoea

  • ●  Wind

  • ●  Indigestion

  • ●  Nausea

    (Hopefully you’re not eating while reading this!!)

    What’s more, hypnotherapy is proven to help reduce mental ailments such as anxiety and stress, while encouraging well-being and increasing confidence.

    So it’s kind of a double whammy - as your physical symptoms and sensitivity decrease, your confidence will naturally, you’ll get an extra confidence boost from the improved state of mind offered by hypnosis. Talk about a win-win for your gut and your life!


IBS Hypnosis Tip 3: Understand how your body’s ‘assembly line’ works

When addressing and managing your IBS symptoms, it can be handy to picture your gastrointestinal system as a sort of production line, with various ‘departments’ along its muscular tube.

For example, the mouth is a receiving department where goods are accepted and packed, the thoat and the oesophagus are the conveyor system, and the stomach is the processing room in which the materials are prepared for use.

While some of the products taken into the system will be used within the body, others will be eliminated as waste products. This waste is gradually moved through the system by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles, transporting the waste like an assembly line.

And here’s the nice part about this analogy. You don’t have to actually do anything to ‘force’ this movement - your body’s production line does all the work for you! Using automatic signals that trigger the contraction and relaxation, your body knows exactly how to get your waste products down to your rectum and out of your system.

The takeway? You are a perfect specimen (no pun intended!) and can simply trust your body to take care of this process. So you can focus on living your best life.


The Secret to Self-Hypnosis: The Incredible Technique to Calm Your Mind and Body


Mind Control in Movies: The Freaky Film About the Power of Hypnosis