Slay Shell Shock Hypnosis trick 

If you have experienced shock, you might describe it as having a dreamlike quality to it. Hypnotists can use ‘shock’ as a tool to put someone into ‘hypnosis’. When you are in a state of ‘shock' it makes you very vulnerable to suggestions. We call it a ‘surprise induction’. Trust me, it's not my first choice to use a ‘suprise induction’, imagine if my client has heart problems, and I don't want to get the shock induction wrong. Shock sends blood to the internal organs away from the limbs, but anger sends blood to their hands which means they are better at punching, throwing, and choking, that’s not the outcome any of us are looking for.

The best way to describe a ‘surprise induction’: Imagine jumping in front of someone and clapping your hands one inch away from their ‘lustrous eyelashes’  clap really loudly in their face. Pause - notice their eyes glaze over. Then say “Now you're feeling sleepy, that's right, eyes-closed, deeper, deeper, sleep”. 

Treating Combat fatigue

Hypnosis was able to reduce the effects of shell shock during ww1 for traumatized combat soldiers. All was going well, until a terrible theory became popular - the Freudian concept that ‘emotion was a quantum of energy’, like a charge of electricity. So, it was assumed that was the reason why combat soldiers had the symptoms of shellshock. The traumatized soldiers were asked to relive out their memories - it was believed a disturbed pocket of energy would be eliminated from their system.

Thank goodness they realized the patients got worse and not better.

All great hypnotists still to this day -  Refuse to practice an energetic model that emphasizes the emotion-releasing or memory-uncovering aspects of hypnosis.

Your wonderful body can recover from shock, you don't need to relive the memory - but it helps a bunch if you take the time to go on and create new experiences.

First, Creating new memories helps

When you create a new memory, chemicals are created to store the memory, when you relive that memory for example; If you think about the movie the Lion King - ‘circle of life’ and little Simba on his way to becoming a King, but right at the start you see evil Scar throw his brother Mufasa into a stampede (you feel sad). That's because your body made a bunch of chemicals to store that memory.

Creating new experiences, making new memories, helps to override this process.

Heart-Coherence takes knowledge, practice and dedication

The heart was once considered the brain of the body (not the brain). Your heart connects you to love and unity - not stress, the feelings you experience of love and unity only occur as chance. You have the ability to take ownership of your body and cultivate these states, to the best of your ability but it does require knowledge, practice and dedication.

Dr Joe dispenser is the world's leader in heart coherence “when we are in heart coherence we tap into the heart's intelligence”.

Can healthier states of mind produce a healthier expression of genes?

In Japan, a study wanted to find out if, one's mental state could influence disease? Two groups of patients were all insulin dependent, all had type 2 diabetes. One set of subjects watched a comedy show for an hour, while the control group watched a boring lecture. They all ate a meal and their sugar levels were measured. 

  • Those who enjoyed the comedy had their blood-sugar levels rise to a ‘normal’ amount.

  • Those that watched the lecture their blood sugar levels, sat just below the ‘danger zone’.

They examined the gene sequences of the individuals that watch the comedy and discovered that they had altered 23 different gene expressions. Just by laughing at the comedy show they'd seen, their elevated state of mind triggered their brains to send new signals to their cells, which turned on those genetic variations that allowed

their bodies naturally begin to regulate the genes responsible for processing blood sugar.

Practice positive thoughts, feelings, emotions

When you are in heart coherence a healthy gene expression occurs, cultivating sustaining elevated emotions like joy, gratitude, freedom and loving states and in return it gives the brain energy and creativity from the nervous system and the best bit is that we feel calm, safe and in harmony. Right near your heart, just behind your breastbone you have the thymus which is connected to your heart rhythm but your fabulous thymus produces T cells which defend the body from viruses. People who consistently practice heart coherence in the body, mind and heart are able to sustain feelings like gratitude and joy regularly. When you utilize these positive emotions you feel fabulous and the Neocortex of the brain can't help but begin to wire those positive emotions to your future. I just know, you have the ability to transform your energy into an abundance of …loving life.

Here is the, Slay Shell Shock Hypnosis trick

Emergency Suggestions for Critically Injured Parties

[Note: Some time ago, one of the hypnosis graduates wrote and script and shared a story that he had been attacked by three men and left broken and bleeding in the street, with shredded skin, tom tendons, broken bones, and blood loss.  He arrived at the hospital, but was "put on hold" when firemen and bum victims flooded the emergency room. He was an accomplished practitioner of self-hypnosis and slid easily into a state where the bleeding ceased and the pain melted, but instead of looking favorably on his demonstration, the nurses panicked and insisted to the resident on duty that they were "losing the patient." There are numerous emergency personnel who should certainly assist 'an injured man or woman with only a bare minimum of training in hypnosis ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, nurses, even police officers could increase their value to critical injury victims (gunshot wounds, car accidents, falling injuries etc.) with only a few language skills. Occasionally, even professionals forget that the client can hear at various stages of consciousness or unconsciousness and the shock or horror that the professional verbalize, "Jeez, this guy's a real mess," "Cripes, I don't see how this guy is even alive," "Man, look at all the blood!", can profoundly effect the client. A brief hypnotic induction can not only help the client, but make the emergency team’s job even easier.]

Okay sir, I am with you now.

I've got you and everything is going to be fine.  

The doctor is on his way and he will fix you right up. 

In the meantime these are a few things we can do to get ready.  

Now just relax.  

Just let all the muscles in your body relax.  

Take a nice deep breath . . . then release, relax and let everything just melt …good. 

And as your body releases and relaxes your thoughts can relax as well.

Part of you stays awake and aware - and part of you just lets go.

Have you ever been driving down the highway, sort of lost in thought, and suddenly realized that you had missed your turn-off?  And now you had to drive a long way to get home?

Well, that's probably how you feel now. Part of you is distracted, but remember that although you missed your turnoff, part of you drove the car just fine. And that's the part I'm talking to. The part that takes care of things even if you were to start daydreaming about a place far away from here.

There is a part of you that keeps on breathing and keeps your heart beating, even if you were to fall asleep.  That part is working right now.  It can carry rich, clean blood to areas that need healing.  It can turn off the flow of blood if too much is flowing to another area. That's what happens when you blush, extra blood flows to your cheeks. Or when you are frightened, the blood flows to places it thinks need protection. It's almost as if you had a built-in hospital fixing, repairing, and healing.

Now, let your muscles relax, your thoughts relax. And if you want to make things even better, just keep taking nice, slow, even breaths. That's how you keep fresh, clean oxygen flowing to all parts of your body that needs healing. Actually, you have been helping your body to heal already.  I've noticed that you have loosened up on some of your muscles.  That lets the blood carry the healing platelets more easily. You may have noticed that you actually feel better as you allow the breath to flow in and out of your body.  

You're doing fine.  I'm helping from the outside, while you do the work on the inside - and by the looks of things we make a good team.

In fact, one of the best things you can do is to release and relax, allowing your body to do all that it needs to do. Healing, flowing, rebuilding, and re-energizing.  Everything you have inside you, the natural painkillers, the chemicals, the minerals, the cleaners and repairers, are focusing their full attention on bringing about a total healing. Your heart is beating fine, you are breathing and yes, you have lost a little blood, but your body knows how to make new blood.  You know that people donate blood at hospitals all the time, and of course, it takes a few hours for their bodies to replace it, but it surely does.

I would like for you now to imagine what it would look like if you could be as small as a microscopic dot and could look inside to see all the activity inside - all the fixers, healers and repairers. If you can imagine it, I'll bet things look pretty busy in there, and that is good. 

It means we can leave the body to do its repair job, and I'll take you on a mental journey to a beautiful place far from here.  We can relax, now that we know your body can take care of itself. The doctor is on his way (or, "we are on our way to the hospital"), it won't be long now.  While we are waiting, I would like for you to imagine that . . . ).

[Note: Continue with a "beautiful place" induction.  It can be relaxing (excellent for heart rate and diminishing blood loss), and it can be a capable distraction from pain and anxiety.  It may not be appropriate for some injured patients to sleep (especially those with head injuries).  If you are medically trained, you will know if it is appropriate or not.  Otherwise, be certain to have the person at least give finger signals to show that he (she) "sees the trees", or is "touching the sand", etc.]


Sooth your child with Hypnosis - Worry is a waste of Imagination


One mammoth Time-Manipulation hypnosis tip and Merry Christmas