Sooth your child with Hypnosis - Worry is a waste of Imagination

‘Worry is a waste of imagination’ - Creating a healthy imagination is key to designing your dream life. Maybe you can recall a time when you would play mummies and daddies or hide and seek? From the age of two, children are at the prime stage for fantasy play. Children that have a rich fantasy life are usually happier children. So you don't need to become a dictating parent, if your child has an imaginary friend or talks to themselves in their room at night - unless it interferes with progress or their social skills. Fantasies are an important part of growing up. 

Children learn by observation. Every parent has experienced pointing to pictures in a book and saying `this is a dog, this is a cat and this is a tree after the child has seen the pictures several times the child can easily recognize the pictures later.

There are three kinds of sight:

  1. Sight - meaning to see

  2. Cite - to say it out loud

  3. Site - the location

To ‘recall’ information, you reverse it. Congratulations you have ‘re-sighted’ the information.

Children dream every night 

They are more likely to remember the bad dreams over the good dreams and it’s harder for them to distinguish bad dreams from reality.

You can do a lot to turn your child's nightmares around

Get out the crayons, coloured pencils and paint and ask your child to ‘draw’ the bad dream. When it's finished, ask the child to add flowers or balloons to the dream. You can explain to the child that dreams can change - they are like television, you can switch the channel.

Hypnosis in the age of imagination

“Imagine your on a beach” or “Imagine your on top of a mountain” Guided visualizations are frequently used in hypnosis - they are the easy short-cut to hypnosis. The client's brain shifts from the dominant hemisphere to the non-dominant hemisphere. 

In ancient times ‘sheer will’ was your ability to use your imagination and create a holographic presentation of a new environment was called “oneironautics” - “to dream journey” becoming an ‘oneironaut' meant to move toward your cosmic-creative-power and inturn would be in your words and thoughts.  Between the ages of seven and ten, the imaginative play of early childhood becomes internalized, it's just not as public. Don't you remember falling in love with actors, rock stars? Jon Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, Joey McIntyre the youngest guy from NKOTB (new kids on the block?)

Fantasizing can boost your mental health, give you a positive outlook on life and provide you with clear-cut goals for the future. Fantasies help us crystallize what it is we really want in life. 

But here is the, One Sooth your child with Hypnosis tip for 2022

The Rainbow ritual which was developed by fabulous hypnotists helping children deal with challenging, sad or distressing news. It is a wonderful blessing for children and a comfort for their parents. This ritual is wonderful for children from the age of about three. 

When The child is ready for sleep, ask them to snuggle down into a comfortable position so that you can wrap them up in a rainbow.  ask the child to close their eyes so that they can imagine better. 

Running your hand lightly over the whole of their body, from the top of their head to the tips of their toes, ask the child to imagine that you're wrapping them up in a cloud of red - the colour of tomatoes and fire-engines. You can ask the child if they can 'see' the colour - children can always visualise colours. 

Next, still running your hand lightly over their body, you ask the child to imagine that you're wrapping them up in a cloud of orange - the colour of oranges, pumpkins and apricots.

Next, you wrap them in a cloud of yellow - the colour of wattle, daffodils and golden warm sunshine on a bright sunny day. 

Then the colour green - the colour of spring leaves and new-mown grass. All the while running your hand lightly over the body of the child. 

Next you wrap the child in the colour of blue - the colour of the clear blue sky on a sun-filled day or the colour of the ocean. You can ask the child again if the/re able to 'see' the colours. 

Then the colour of indigo - the colour of the night sky behind the stars. 

Then you wrap the child in the colour violet - the colour of little sweet-smelling violets peeping out amongst the flowers in the garden. 

Finally, place your hand over the child's heart and get them to visualise as strongly as they can a 'rainbow1 that starts in their heart and that comes out through the air and connects with your heart (placing your hand over your heart). Tell the child that this rainbow keeps the two of you connected all through the night.

Transforming your child's future has never been easier!


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