One Colossal increase cleaning Hypnosis Rule

Let's be honest cleaning - Ah, um, yuck

But cleaning should feel like you're going on a date with Harry Styles, Chris Hemsworth or George Clooney. Well, there are a few ways you can ‘fall in love with cleaning’, but will that make you happy?

Rituals - Create healthy cleaning habits

Take a moment to imagine you had a magic wand and you gave yourself OCD with a cleaning-ritual instead of a ‘check-the-keylock’ ritual the voice inside your head might sound like;

“Be careful or you might cause a horrible problem if you don't stop cleaning”

“Be worried that you’ve already caused a problem, because you forgot to clean.”

“If a fearful thought pops up, take it seriously, because you did not clean properly”

“Feel absolutely certain that you haven’t caused or won’t cause a problem; that you haven’t made a mistake; that everyone will be safe as long as you have cleaned”

“If you feel uncomfortable it's because you didn't clean”

“Make sure you worry and do your ritual of cleaning”

People suffering from OCD have extremely strong rituals that are used to soothe their anxiety.

My guess is, how you feel about cleaning is nothing like that.

Cleaning might feel the same as stepping in a puddle with socks on, eating a lettuce salad for dinner on a winters day, or eating toast with no butter.

You need cleaning to feel “yum”, have it sound like the “best song ever'' and to smell as “good as dinner on christmas day”.

You can make that happen, but it's complicated.

“To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.” ~ Confucius

Check misunderstandings in your representational systems…because

If you take a couple, the husband is very kinesthetic and the wife is highly visual.

The wife is visual; she spent all day making the house look fabulous.

  • House looks perfect

  • The cushions are in a straight line.

  • Remote controls are evenly spaced on the TV table

The husband is kinesthetic, he gets home and can't wait to (feel) relaxed

  • He spreads out on the massive chair - throws the cushions onto the floor

  • He gets comfortable and moves the chair closer to the TV (relaxed)

  • Grabs a beer - takes his shoes off (one next to him, the other in the distance)

  • He moves the remote controls next to him (loving life)

The wife is horrified!

She takes herself to bed and in bed she eats some crackers, and chips in bed.

There are a few bread-crumbs under the bed sheets.

(The wife cant feel the breadcrumbs because she is visual)

The husband gets in the bed and feels crunch all over his skin

The husband is horrified! 

This couple are in love.

They have better things to do with their time, rather than argue over the small stuff….

but in this situation, they both feel disrespected. 

One values visual aspects of life and the other values ‘feelings’.

I'm just saying, it's worth checking if you really want to become more clean and tidy and its not  some dumb misunderstanding with representational systems?

You deserve to live out your life on your terms

Tiny Habits

You can't just ditch old habits, there is a formula to success.

1. Focus on creating new habits. 

Keep your old habit for now, but make the new habit easier to do.

For example, everytime you walk through the front door you will wipe down the table.

Keep it small and simple for one week.

2. Focus on stopping the old habit. 

For example, This week you will focus on never leaving dirty dishes in the sink.

You will only focus on ending this habit.

3. Focus on swapping a new habit for the old one. 

You might find yourself wiping things down as you put them away.

For more information read the book Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything

Now that you have put everything in the right order, What now?

For some, house cleaning means, to clean their body, to detox - to get all of the crap out. Literally - throw all of the crap out of their lives.

For others it's an opportunity to get their financial affairs in order.

What order do you need in your life - For you to be the best that you can be?

If cleanliness has become the only thing you’re aiming for, the chances of you actually achieving satisfaction are slim. 

Instead, the Wheel of Life teaches us that we need to find fulfillment in all areas of our life in order to feel truly satisfied. This enables us to achieve a harmonious balance that unlocks a level of happiness we could never have imagined previously.

And where does hypnosis fit into all this? In my coaching hypnosis practice, I use the Wheel of Life as a key element in your transformation journey. By shifting your focus from cleanliness to a fulfilled, healthy and happy life across the board, I promise you’ll find the satisfaction you’re seeking. What I find is most people, don't have a perfect  ‘wheel of life’. If their wheel was a tyre - it would be a very bumpy ride.

Spinning wheels are what move us forward. Whether you need to move away from an old version of yourself or make progress towards something new. You deserve a wheel that can spin. Wanna take yours for a test drive? You can check out the free pdf here

Here is the, One Colossal Increase Cleaning Hypnosis Rule

1000 1. If you could take a moment to stare at a point on the ceiling, take a deep breath in, hold it and let it go. You will find yourself becoming motivated to prepare for tomorrow's cleaning. Convinced that you can do it straight away as you think of the number..

1000 2. Breathe slower and deeper. Think back to a time when you were deeply relaxed. Feel that sensation in your body now, allow it to move from the top of your head to the tips of your toes as you think of the number..

1000 3. Breathe, slow, deep, allow your shoulders, arms and hands just to be, being you, breathing, slowly and deeply. 

1000 4. Imagine the sun on a warm summer's day resting on your skin, the trees blowing in the wind, breathing, slowly and deeply. Imagine the next number to be written in the clouds. 

1000 4. As the clouds turn red, gold and orange with the setting sun, you can just let the number 10004  dissolve.. perfect.

1000 5. The sky grows dark, you float across a gentle lake, drifting somewhere. This is the threshold, something new, something different, motivated to prepare for tomorrow's cleaning. Convinced that you can accomplish this new habit. Sense the right attitude is here. 

Breathing, slowly and deeply. 

This new Internal Voice begins to sound more encouraging, reminding you of the future rewards. When you are satisfied that you want to be that person that you have created - Draw those feelings into yourself. Perfect 

Breathing with more energy now

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