Trash your Junk-food addiction with a Deep Cellular Hypnosis Transformation

Fit, but addicted to junk food ?

There are many parts to you:

  • A part that just loves life

  • Likes having great friends 

  • Some romance

  • Fun

  • Hobbies

  • Career


  • If you're a candy person, there is a part of you that just loves candy.

  • If you’re an ice cream person, there is a part of you that just loves ice cream. 

  • If you’re a salty snack person, there is a part of you that just loves salty snacks. 

  • If you’re a chocolate person, there is a part of you that just loves chocolate.


  • If you eat ‘junk food’ late at night, there is a part of you that just loves eating junk food late at night.

In order to treat snack addiction correctly, you need all parts of you onboard.

Ideally you need a custom hypnotherapy session created just for you (address all parts of you - you are unique and have different parts to everyone else in the whole word)

Let's be honest, if I try and hypnotize only that part of you that just loves ‘junk food’, what do you think will happen?

That's right, it will look like a scene out of the movie ‘The Exorcist’,  it might pull out a samurai sword of swear words? Go whacko

How can we get so ‘worked-up’ over something so small? 

The thing is, you just can't think your way out of this one, it's complicated.

Every time we have a thought, we make chemicals, which produce feelings and reactions throughout the body. Your body reacts to a ‘Special cocktail of chemicals’

  1. For each thought 

  2. The body gets used to the chemicals traveling through the bloodstream, surrounding our cells, and bathing your brain. 

For example; 

Let's say, when you think of chocolate it makes you feel like the movie with Meg Ryan “When Harry Met Sally’. The chocolate is more like Choc-OH-late

Let's say, when your friend eats chocolate it makes them feel like the movie Yoga Woman. Their chocolate experience is more like Choc-OM-late

Both of your bodies are hard wired to feel that way.

My guess is you don't feel OH or Um about lettuce…and somehow you are meant to be able to outthink a chemical reaction? You need a deep cellular transformation

Here is the, Trash your junk food addiction with a deep cellular hypnosis transformation

Close your eyes.  Breathe in deeply and relax.  We are going to take a journey, but all you need to do is breathe easily and listen. First, we will breathe down to a quiet place, counting down from ten to one.  When we reach one, you will feel very, very relaxed. And now, breathe.  Breathe in, ten, ten, ten and out, ten, ten, ten.  In, nine, nine, nine and out, nine, nine, nine.  (Count down to one)  And now, take one more deep breath and let yourself relax completely.  And now, see the two healing angels who hover over you. They each have a gleaming silver pitcher full of the unending light and love of the universe, and they pour it now into your heart.  See how it sparkles as they pour.  It is light and it is love, pure love, unending love.  See how your heart is glowing brighter and brighter, full of the light of love.  Feel how your heart is purified and made stronger, glowing brighter and brighter, made of nothing but pure love. And now, let that glowing light in your heart begin to spread to every cell in your body.  Let it just spread outward and touch each cell as it goes. See the waves of light reaching out from your heart to every cell within your body.  And as the light reaches each cell, that cell awakens and pays attention.  Each cell is being activated and put on the ready, ready to receive this information and transformation which we are going to send to it during this meditation.

So just let the waves of light radiate out from your heart to every cell, out and out and out, radiating out, waking up every cell in your body. And now we have this to say to every cell in your entire body. You are enough.  You are enough exactly as you are. You are deeply loved and want nothing.  You are full.  You are nourished.  You are nourished by love and bask in the approval which flows out toward you.  You are loved.  You are safe.  You are within the arms of the loving universe and are completely safe.  Nothing more is needed. And as we talk to your cells, keep the light radiating out from your heart.  Keep wave after wave of light radiating out from the glow in your heart, out to each of your cells. And now, let us continue to talk to the cells. 

There is nothing to fear.  All fear is removed. All fear is released from each cell and put gently into your bloodstream. And from there it circulates up to your heart, where it is cleansed in the light of love.  All fear is pulled out of each and every cell and sent gently away, to be washed clean in your heart, washed clean by the light of love which is there.

And see that the angels are still hovering over you, still pouring out the sparkling, unending love of the universe.  They are pouring this love into your heart, strengthening it and filling it with more and more love, cleansing love, strong love, purifying love.   

Feel the fear leaving every cell of your body.  Feel it leaving you.  Feel it flowing out of the cells, into the bloodstream and then to your heart.  Feel how your heart is able to cleanse it as it washes through.  Feel how, with each beat of your heart, you are pumping cleansing and purifying light into your blood, light which is washing clean and transmuting the fear, taking the fear and washing it clean so that it becomes love. And this cycle continues.  Each cell purges itself clean of fear and sends that fear into the blood. The blood circulates to the heart where the fear is cleansed and transformed into love.  Then the love flows back into the cells. This continues circulating and circulating and as it does so, the composition of every cell is changing.  Where there was fear and doubt, where you had old habits and addictions built up on fear, built up on doubt, now there is love instead. And this love is a deep love, a love of the self.  For each cell is now endowed with the ability to love itself.  Yes, every cell is filled with self love. And now, go deeper into each cell.  Dig down deep and find the fear, make sure there is no fear hiding within the cell.  Deep, deep, all the way through each cell, finding the fear and flushing it out.  Finding the doubt and flushing it out.  Sending the fear and the doubt through the heart where they are cleansed by light and turned into love.  Then the love travels back, back, and enters the cell.  Love, deep love, transforming love.  A deep love of yourself, within each cell of your entire body. And now, for a moment, just let this be.  Feel your heart beating.  Feel your blood circulating.  If there is any more fear or doubt left, gently put it into the bloodstream and let it transform in your heart.  Let it circulate and circulate until your entire blood stream is made of love, until every cell pulsates with a deep love of life and self.  Let it circulate and circulate, cleansing you and turning you into love, transforming you into love.  Ah, yes, feel how wonderful this is, to love yourself, exactly as you are, with every cell of your body.

And now, we will travel back, down, down and back.  All you need to do is relax.  Do not try to consciously picture anything or think about anything.  Keep your focus on your circulating blood.  For as we go back, back and down, down, you may uncover old cells of memory, the shadows of old cells which still need to be cleansed.  The cells are gone now, but their memory is lingering in your body.  We will reach them in your energy body, your memory body, and will also take the fear and neediness, the loneliness and pain which was in these cells and let it transform into love. And all you need to do is relax, just relax and feel your heart pumping it all through, transforming it all, turning all of the old into new, turning all of the dark into light, transforming fear and doubt, pain and hurt into love, love and more love. The light in your heart is so strong that nothing can withstand it. Everything that passes through your heart is transformed into love.  And the angels are still hovering above you, pouring the unending light and love of the universe into your ever-strengthening heart. And now, we go deeper, deeper, and further down.  You are growing younger and younger and as you do so, you pass through the years, and your cells which were alive at that time are all purged clean and clear.  They offer up their fear and doubt, gently put it into the bloodstream where it is circulated and cleansed, and transformed into love. And still we continue, back and back and back, all the way back through your life, going further and further back, all the way back, and gently

cleansing the entire history of cells, the energy body, the cell memory, all transforming as the blood cleanses the cells, as the blood flows through your heart and everything is transformed, cleansed, purified and turned into love. And now we go further back yet, to before you were born, back into other life streams, other places of being, other dimensions of creation and being.  And it is all cleansed.  The memory of other lives is washed and cleansed, the memory of those cells and what they held is washed and cleansed, purified and turned into love. All trauma, all hurt and pain, all fear and all doubt are washed clean, pulled out of those memory cells and washed clean and clear. Washed clean and returned to you purified, purified by the light which glows in your heart, the light of love. And we continue, continue deeper and deeper, into layer after layer of energy, layer after layer of cell memory, all washed clean, all purified, all gently circulating through your body, circulating and cleansing, passing through the light, passing through and transforming into love.

You are now layer after layer of love, layers of lives, all transformed into love. Layers of energy and cell memory, all transformed into love.  It is all you; you can see now your entire body glowing.  You can see the layers of light and love glowing all around your body, layer after layer of energy, cell memory and energy all glowing brightly, all transformed to light and love.  It is your perfection which is glowing, the perfection of your body in this energy form. It is glowing brightly, all polished and cleansed, all full of the joy of life, the love of life.  You are glowing with love, glowing with life, fully cleansed of any fear or doubt, fully cleansed of the old energy patterns, fully cleansed and ready to form new habits and ways of being. Your cells are now full.  Full and complete, abundantly full.  They are no longer needy; they are no longer full of cravings; they are no longer hungry for love.  They are full to the brim with love, so full they are overflowing as you glow and glow and glow, glow of vibrant life, glow of vibrant love.  Glowing and glowing and glowing, alight with love.  This is you.  This is your body. And now, we will come back, gently back, releasing the old layers, releasing the old energy bodies, just letting them gently dissipate into the air around you.  Relax as you are released from these old layers of being and returned to being you, in this physical body, with these clean and lovely cells, all brimming with love.  

You are now the age you were when we began, but your cells are purged and purified, clean and full of love. For just a moment, let the love in your heart just continue to shine out, shine out and fill your body.  Feel how each cell is welcoming it now.  Feel how there is no hidden fear, no hidden doubt.  Everything is cleansed and perfect, full of love, full of life, ready to live. You are safe.  You are loved.  You are deeply treasured and precious, surrounded by help at every turn.  You are protected.  You 

are safe.  You can relax and know that you are enough; you are fully capable of doing and being what this life has asked of you. You treasure yourself so deeply, that you are now going to honor each cell in your body by doing only what is good for it.  Eating healthy food, drinking pure water and exercising gently, letting the good health of 

each cell expand and stay pure and full of love.

You honor yourself so deeply that you will make this your highest priority today, to keep your cells purified and full of love, to give them only what they need, to pamper them and treasure them as much as you are treasured by a deeply loving universe. And if you begin to get stressed, if you begin to have old feelings or cravings, focus on the light glowing in your heart.  Focus on the light and feel it glowing outward.  Feel it glowing out and filling you with love. You can do this.  You can learn to love each cell in your body so much that you will treat it like the treasure it is.  Each cell loves exercise.  Each cell loves to move around and feel the blood flowing, for the blood is cleansing and purifying.  Keep the blood flowing.  Keep yourself moving and being vibrant and alive.  Each cell loves water, for it is water which keeps the blood flowing and pure and cleansing.  Give your body all the water it craves.  Keep your entire system flowing and moving, with exercise and water, flowing and moving. Your body loves healthy food, whole foods, fresh foods, for these nourish the blood, the cleansing blood.  The fresh and healthy food nourishes the cells and makes them able to stay healthy and vibrant and full of love.  Water and exercise and healthy foods help keep every cell productive and joyous, working away to keep you cleansed of fear and doubt, working away to make you know that you are safe, that you are enough, that all is well.  Every cell needs to sing out with your praises, and they will, if you will but help give them what they need to keep them vibrant and alive, glowing with light and love.

 Do this today.  Keep yourself glowing and vibrant.  Make this your highest priority.  Nothing in the world is more important than this.  Take care of yourself and let the universe take care of the rest.  Hand it over.  Surrender your need to control things outside yourself.  Surrender to being you, focusing inward on the bright and steady light that is you. Glow and be.  Shine out with your beauty and love.  Let the love within your heart glow and shine and fill your entire body, every cell. You can do this.  You are doing this.  You are doing it right now.  You are made of love and it is glowing throughout you.  You are loved.  You are safe.  You are enough, more than enough, for whatever life will bring you today.  Just glow and be and you will do well. And now, it is time for us to return.  So breathe in deeply several times.  Move your toes around, then your legs.

Move your hands and then your arms.  Lift your arms up over your head and stretch. 

Take one last deep breath and when you are ready,

open your eyes.

And as you go out into the world today, remember to glow with the light of love which is you, glowing brightly in each and every cell of your entire body.


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