Annihilate ‘Life is crap’ Hypnosis tip

*Disclaimer: This article is not a substitute for professional support. In the event of a mental health crisis or emergency, please stop listening immediately and please dial the emergency services number in your country of residence.

Life shouldn’t be crap - should it?

You deserve to be ‘full of beans’ or at least ‘pumped’ about today because it’s your ‘right’ to live the life you want - on your terms. You deserve it - even if you don't think you do - you are fabulous, perfect in fact - you will manage, it will get better, help is available because people care, and I really care about you. Thank you for being here - you make the world a better place.

But how can you fall in love with life? if you’ve tried almost everything to make it fun and exciting like:

  • Attempted to read some wiz-kids motivational book

  • Helped Charity

  • Gone to some new age ‘woo-woo’ mediation class

  • Prayed ( a few extra times)

  • Tested out Positive affirmations

but nothing seems to change?  - life still seems crap!

but Guess what? By reading this article you have taken an active interest in psychoeducation which means, Congratulations you have increased the chance of a speedy recovery from ‘life is crap’. Thank you. Modern life is weird - more people die from suicide world wide than any of theses three causes combined ‘conflicts, wars & natural disasters’. It turns out, the military is really good at keeping people alive (a few hundred years ago, that would of seemed impossible) There are effective treatments for ‘life is crap’ ! As you know the road of life isn’t always smooth. In fact, it’s positively full of bumps, hazards, twists and turns. But you don’t have to let those pitfalls derail your life and send you off course.

You are a fantastic human being and you can be a little kinder to yourself - can’t you?

Take a rest from Social Media because ..

It has long been established that adolescence is associated with neurological changes. At this tender age, adolescence crave social attention, feedback, and status. It's unfortunate that digital media satisfies these cravings at a neural level, activating the same neural regions as drug addiction. Scientific findings revealed more frequent and offensive forms of harassment directed toward youths online (compared with offline), the brain scans of those adults and youths reveal;

  • Online ‘Harassment’ activates the same regions of the brain that respond to physical pain

  • It triggers a cascade of reactions that replicate physical assault 

  • It creates physical and mental health damage.

Hypnosis should not be considered as the primary therapy for treating depression.

The most effective treatment plan for depression is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In combination with prescribed medication from a doctor, weekly talk therapy sessions using CBT can lead to significant recovery within 12 weeks.

While Cognitive Hypnosis can be a complementary treatment option during the recovery journey from depression, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating depressive disorders. Depression encompasses a complex array of symptoms with multiple underlying causes. Cognitive Hypnosis (CH)

 combines hypnosis with cognitive behavior therapy, as the latter provides a solid foundation for incorporating evidence-based treatment techniques from various psychotherapies.

For early intervention in depression, it is crucial to take immediate action. Here are some organizations you can reach out to:

LifeLine (Australia)

LifeLine is a national charity in Australia that offers 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services to anyone experiencing emotional distress. They provide confidential online chat support through their website: LifeLine Crisis Chat.

Beyond Blue (Australia)

Beyond Blue offers 24/7 support services, including brief counseling, for individuals going through a difficult time. You can access their support through phone call or online chat. To speak with a counselor, call 1300 22 4636. For more information, visit their website: Beyond Blue Support Service.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (USA/America)

This lifeline provides free and confidential support for individuals in distress, along with prevention and crisis resources for people in the United States. For more information, visit their website: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.


13 YARN is a national helpline in Australia specifically for Indigenous people who are going through tough times and need someone to talk to. The helpline is staffed by Indigenous operators trained to provide support without judgment. They offer a confidential and culturally safe space to discuss needs, worries, or concerns.

If you are unsure whether you are experiencing depression, it is advisable to make an appointment with your doctor.

Additionally, you can take a free depression test online:

In addition to professional support, community groups can also provide valuable assistance:

  • DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance): DBSA offers support groups where you can participate and connect with people in your community who share similar experiences. These groups provide insights into mental health professionals, local services, and strategies for managing your condition. To find a support group, visit their website: DBSA Support Groups.

  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America: This U.S. nonprofit organization provides a Free Anonymous Online Community with over 75,000 subscribers worldwide. The community aims to create a supportive space for individuals dealing with anxiety and depression to seek comfort, share experiences, and find connections. For more information, visit their website: ADAA Online Community.

  • The Australian Men's Shed Association (AMSA): AMSA is a national service provider that supports Men's, Women's, and Community Sheds in Australia. These sheds offer a safe and welcoming environment for men to engage, visit their website Find a Mens Shed.

 “Learn about depression - people who are educated about depression are much more likely to overcome it” Micheal Yapko - Keys to unlocking depression book.

Mental Health Apps - one of the best

If you don't know what app to use, you are not alone. It's estimated there are ten to twenty thousand Wellness Apps (mental health apps) out there in the known universe - Dazzled? You deserve to know what's-what so you can de-stress

Mindset - mental health app

Mindset was built to help you change your automatic-thoughts like the voice at the back of your brain that starts ‘why are you not a billionaire?’. Better health doesn't just belong in your hands - it starts in your mind. Prevent mental health issues, say goodbye to those weird flawed-automatic-thoughts. Play life on your terms by choosing a Digital hypnotherapy program so you can self-manage those unwanted diagnosed health conditions. Its courses are safe (evidence-based) short, relaxing and effective.

*If you are a health care practitioner, you can prescribe programs to your patients and monitor their progress. Health care professionals get free access.

Memories can become depressed if you are depressed - when depression is managed memories return to normal - get diagnosed

People with depressive symptoms, often their memories become depressed and when their depression is managed, their memories return to normal. It's challenging for a person under the ‘weight’ of depression to think of fun times, to access positive feelings, to feel the same way about recipes they used to love or places they used to go, everything is just different. There are effective treatments for depression - get diagnosed

Dissociation is a hypnotherapy technique that gets clients out of their heads

Imagine a crystal ball in your right hand… you can see the planet earth in the crystal ball, the moon, you can see your country, if you look closer you can see your town, you can see yourself watching tv. While your life is in that crystal ball, you can relax over here.

What people love about this feeling is their thoughts are clearer, life seems peaceful - Dislocation gets clients out of their head 

There are different types of dissociation;

  • Thoughts from feelings

  • Feelings from actions

  • The perspective of the past to the present

  • Present from the future 

  • From another person's perspective 

  • From the arm to the body

  • Left side from right side 

  • Distinguish your-self from circumstances. 

“Everything you need is within you, the strength, courage and confidence to change your life. You just need to look within yourself and find it.” ~ Amanda Ray

Annihilate ‘Life is crap’ Hypnosis

As you know the road of life isn’t always smooth. In fact, it’s positively full of bumps, hazards, twists and turns. But you don’t have to let those pitfalls derail your vessel and send you off course.

You have so many vehicles, vehicles of thought, vehicles of emotions, some believe the  vehicles of the sky will one day be made of water with a plastic membrane, others look to the vehicles of the earth like Tesla.. 

But you and I both know, you've chosen the vehicle that can move you to where you need to go.. Thank you for being here, you make the world a better place, there are so many roads, highways, thoroughfares, roads that make you feel like a road trip, roads that you prefer to avoid, signs that are useful, signs that are not so useful.

The many bends, ups, and downs the many detours you didn't mean to take.

Potholes, and I don't know if you've ever experienced a great road trip? 

When life becomes a journey only to discover a car injury.

You hire a car and you can't find the ‘high beam lights’

It takes a while to adjust the car temperature - to get everything just right.

Just perfect. 

The right distance of the car to the brake, the accelerator, the hum of the engine, the rhythm of the road. 

As Bill Bryson might say, welcome and congratulations, I'm delighted you could make it, getting here wasn't easy and maybe a little tougher than you realize. 

Congratulations, you're here existing in existence.

Maybe you already know for the last 3.8 billion years everyone one of your ancestors has been attractive enough to mate, healthy enough to reproduce, none of them have been starved, squashed or wounded or deflected from life's quest, to have the right partner at the right moment, to make you from being nothing at all, to being something.

That's how special you are. Anyone in your situation would completely understand why life has been crap.

The good news is

It's got nothing to do with you.

I really don't know if you've ever experienced being in love with life, no bumps in the road, life was beautiful (if you can't think of a time just make one up).

It reminds me of a story, 

A company fired half of its accountants, two became depressed over their firing

Both couldn't stand looking for another job, avoided income tax, or anything that reminded them of accounting, one was still loving, active, socializing, the other ignored his wife, gave up jogging.

It reminds me of Katie, who went on a strict diet for two weeks and one night after work a friend orders chicken wings and nachos, and the voice in her head starts, ‘way to go katie, your a total glutton, you sure blew your diet, I'm so unbelievably weak, I cant even go to a bar, they must think I'm such a fool, now I might as well eat the cake in the freezer.

Katie eats the entire cake and her diet begins to unravel.

Micheal Yapko the other day talking about young Johnny who tells his parents that Freddy didn't want to play with him in the playground today because he doesn't like him. 

And at that point it's critical for the parents

In order to prevent negative expectancy.

To ask  ‘What else could it mean?’

Is it possible Freddy thought you were already playing with someone else? 

Is it possible that Freddy was waiting for you to ask him to play with you? 

Is it possible Freddy was in trouble from the teachers and wasn't allowed to play in the playground today.

Just like Katie who decided to eat the chocolate cake in the freezer 

I wonder what else she could have said to herself? Like “Two weeks was a fabulous effort, at least I know how to mentally prepare if my friends buy chicken wings and nachos again “

Or “slow down Katie I didn't make a total glutton out of myself, I just had two light beers and some chicken wings and a tiny bit of nachos, no one thinks I'm a fool, I doubt anyone noticed what I ate. It makes no sense to give up on my diet.”

Once upon a time there were once three engineers that were on a road trip and their car broke down. 

The mechanical engineer said it's the carburetor, I can fix that. 

The second engineer said it's the battery cable, I can fix that.

The third guy was a software engineer for Microsoft and he said why don't you just get out and get back into the car?

Some wise once said ‘I would compartmentalize the industry, for the same reason you would compartmentalize in ships, you have a leak, the leak doesn't spread and sink the whole vessel’

Your car has a frame, an engine, transmission system, front and rear axle, wheels, tyres, brakes, but you are made of different parts..

The fun part of you, the physical environment, career, fiances, health, family and friends, romance, personal growth

The truth is I don't know…..What sort of person would you need to be, to engineer your life? 

I wonder if you were to take yourself to refuel your car now.

The maintenance, the finer details of care, if it would feel different?

I don't know if that old version of you feels more distant, more detached or something else?

A wiseman once said, if my ship sails from sight it doesn't mean the journey ends, it simply means the river bends.

I don't know if your life will become different, with different boundaries, different ways of thinking - intune with your vehicle

I can only imagine someone like you, has come across so many unusual circumstances, so many extra bumps, rocks, twists and turns.

The truth is ..

I bet there is a part of you that can make that part ‘cruzy and smooth sailing’.. 

And isn't it wonderful to know ten years into the future

looking back at your life now, how smooth you made your life.

It reminds me of the i-Roomba Vacuum AI cleaner, it does nothing special, it just changes direction every time it bumps into something ( it's not very clever), but it does something very significant.. Something rather impressive, it vacuums the floor!

All of your processes do something rather significant

How you brush your teeth

The way you walk

How you listen to people, enjoy music, 

they do something colossal  - they make you, you.

“Take the time to love yourself - you deserve it”


One filthy Finance Hypnosis trick


Trash your Junk-food addiction with a Deep Cellular Hypnosis Transformation