The incredible Creativity Hypnosis trick - Creativity developing a higher level

Creative burnout sucks, you can feel physically fatigued, increased irritability, feelings of dread, or procrastination and worse (it’s just a load of BS)

I'm not here to tell you, keep doing what you're doing - rely on those trusted formulas - that help you get the job done as a Biomedical Animator, Robotics Engineer, choreographer or advertising manager - They just make you feel like a robot - It is a load of BS

Drinking more water will help increase your creative mojo

In the center of your brain is the pineal gland, it is thought to have a connection with a higher source and light.  It is the only structure in the brain that contains a crystal (like in radio sets) The pituitary gland orchestrates the physical world of the body. 

The pineal and pituitary connect the physical, emotional, and mental levels. 

The pineal gland sits slightly behind and above the ears in the center of the brain.

The pituitary gland lies slightly forward of and below the ears in the center of the brain. Between the pineal and pituitary glands is a sea of special spinal fluid surrounded by the thalamus and hypothalamus glands. The thalamus and hypothalamus glands deal with memory, identity, and relationship. This ‘sea’ of special fluid - is your ‘unique magic’

Imagine drawing a line across the top of your head from one ear to the other ear - that crosses the left and right side of the brain, it fires neurons towards the center of the brain Giving all of its attention to your magical ‘inner sea’.

The most powerful and creative systems in the brain work together with intention. 

It's the magic combination.

The brain itself is at least 70% percent water and is fed by the cerebro-spinal fluid that washes through and around it. Because of this, you may be more motivated to keep your fluids clear. The water literally washes the brain using cerebro-spinal fluids activating the master glands opening up the consciousness by stimulating the pineal gland.

Art that contains Visual Diffusion & Convergence - Does something

Looking at art that contains visual diffusion and convergence from a distance builds blood supply to the front right quadrant of the brain. This is the area of creativity and imaginative thought. Diffusion is a physical process that refers to the net movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to one of lower

For example, if you go to Starbucks and smell the coffee smell the smell of the coffee has diffused throughout the coffee shop..

Denoising diffusion is an emerging topic in computer vision. A diffusion model is a deep generative model that is based on two stages.

  • In the forward diffusion stage, the input data is gradually perturbed over several steps by adding Gaussian noise. 

  • In the reverse stage, a model is tasked at recovering the original input data by learning to gradually reverse the diffusion process, step by step and it gets better.

Stare at weird Art - more specifically Black and White Lines

Staring at black and white lines develops enhanced visual color processing in the brain.

When was the last time you stared at a rainbow? Some people see 3 to 5 colors in a rainbow, others see 7. In sunlight, you should be able to see up to 14 colors.  There are 14 to see in a picture of black and white lines not counting the black lines that separate each color. This is called reverse imaging. White light inside the mind can refract into the rainbow colors.

Sleep More  

Some of the great literary works were conceived by sleeping. This is because your conscious mind does not necessarily recognize a great idea, but your subconscious could be working on it full-time during sleep. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the result of Robert Louis Stevenson being desperate for money with nothing to write about until his inspiration came to him in a dream.

Metal Stimulation - incase you haven’t tried these activities

Evening courses, World languages, Writing poetry Writing fiction, Writing in a journal, Painting, Sculpture, Gardening, Music composition, Build a deck or pathway, play Chess, Card games, Scrabble, listen to music, take Lessons Singing ,Dancing, attend Concerts, Drama, Movies, Go Hiking and identify plants and animals, Home craftsmanship, Photography, Vibrational Medicine or learning new words.

Don Tolman “Each plant speaks to those with eyes and ears to see and hear, in other words those who are open to their talk, their abundant but gentle mes- sages spoken in sign language – the same as the tongue or sign language of the cards – this card language of signs is, in this spin, applied to the intelligence of plants. Yes, intelligence. Plants are intelligent beings, ready to offer up their living records to a house (body) able to receive the “upload of information” encoded in the water-soluble, photosynthesized, liquid crystal transducers of what we call the plants’ cells. Cells of knowledge – records of living, liq- uid crystal – streams that create the river of consciousness that flows over the earth and bubbles up into a fountain of intuition, imagination and creativity, water of knowledge from pools of reflection called plants. Plants that flow with life and knowledge – flow-ers. Flowers and their fruit. Hanging offerings, little living books, from trees of knowledge. Heard through the grapevine of Nature’s table, life’s ever-new, ever-ripe, ever-abundant bowl of cherries. Plants and the worlds that they reveal are worlds from which we imagine ourselves having come long ago, worlds of light and power and beauty that in one form or another laid the groundwork for the founder’s vision behind all of the world’s truly great religions, reli- gions that, for the most part, have lost their spin. The Age of Imagination is dawning into an age called, by some, the Age of Aquarius: an age of the Vessels of Water, the waters that bring the streams of intelligent reflection and projection across the visionary land- scape of ever-deeper understand- ings, a landscape whose path requires allies. These allies have been, are and always will be, plants. Plants are the mysterious teaching beings, luminous and transcenden- tal; they are fundamental as well as complemental, and are rooted on the path as signs to show the way. Plants teach word of mouth. We have to eat them to understand them.

The Incredible Creativity Hypnosis trick - Creativity developing a higher level


Give yourself permission, now, to allow the most creative part of you to move forward.

Recognize that there is much more to you, that is creative than there is anything else.  

It's easy for you now to notice your senses.

How focused and clear they are.  

Notice your experiences of memory and how colorful and vivid they are. 

In fact, there is nothing about your life that is not clear, detailed and creative in your mind.  You've decided now to access this wonderful experience.

It lives within you. 

Allow it to be expressed in many, many ways.

Notice through the day, through the evening, through each day that passes, that there is awareness how the world functions, how the world is, how you are in the world - that amazes you. Much like a child who is curious with each and everything that occurs.

Become more curious. 

How life is unfolding. 

You will feel inclined to want to be more expressive in all creative forms.  

Be creative and express yourself. 

Whatever might have once hindered you like other people's opinions, other people's concerns, doubts, and worries and fears, no longer plagues you. 

There's a real strong desire now, just to jump in and begin to express who it is you really are in a creative form.  

Look forward to today - you can be more creative and more expressive. 

Begin to prepare yourself, in your thoughts, for opportunities to share yourself creatively and expressively.

You will notice, as the days unfolds and you allow yourself to develop patterns that give you opportunity for expressing creativity - you will want to do more.

More will come easily.

Notice that you will just see yourself as a creative person. 

See yourself as you truly are 

It’s a normal state for you to be creative.

It is a normal thing for you to be creatively expressing yourself.

You're going to now begin to awaken.

Move toward this awakening process.

Look forward to today.

“Logic will take you from A to B, Imagination will take you everywhere” - Einstein


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