Three tremendous Organize Nausea Hypnosis tricks

Haven't we all experienced drinking too much rum, whiskey, brandy with too much orange juice and can no longer drink it anymore? Ah Nausea.

How many natural home remedies do we need to try? ginger, peppermint, aromatherapy, acupuncture? 

How many techniques do we need to try? ‘control your breathing’, ‘ try relaxing your muscles’ Honestly - I don't know if any of that stuff works.

What I do know is Hypnotherapy can help you control your nausea.

While I would love to say, all three of these techniques work all the time, you need to be the judge of that. Imagine feeling calm, relaxed and knowing  you have the right strategy for any situation.

Here are the Three Tremendous organize Nausea Hypnosis tricks

  1. Your body as a control room by Del Hunter Morrill

See your body as if it were a large area with a series of passages extending from it.  

Your brain is the "control room" of this complex.   

In a moment, you’re going to imagine what’s going on in your body.

Picture a control room with a wall of dials. Now, journey down your body from the control room - perhaps you’re using an imaginary elevator to get there to the area where you think things have been going on.

You want to see what’s going on there. 

Try to picture what’s causing the discomfort. What is the nausea part of you trying to say, through the discomfort it's transmitting? What can you do in the control room to stop listening to these signals? Now, rate your discomfort level on a scale of one to ten. Notice what "switches" in the control room, control nausea. Find the particular "volume control" with which you can "turn down" the nausea. Ask the subconscious mind to "negotiate" with the nausea part. Ask why in the past it wasnt operating properly.

Reach an "agreement" that will result in a new, non-nauseating, pattern of sensation.


2. Take yourself to a special place

​​I want you to imagine you are on holiday and you are walking through the grounds of the magnificent hotel where you are staying.

As you walk through the grounds, you see a beautiful garden covered with brightly colored flowers.You can smell the scent of the flowers, the newly mown grass, carry on walking through the grass and flowers until you reach a small white footbridge, which passes over a stream.  You can hear the water as it splashes over the stones making a rippling sound. The bridge leads from the garden down to the beach beyond. Walk slowly over the bridge and as you approach the top, pause awhile and take in the beauty which meets your eye. The white coral sand stretches as far as the eye can see. Meeting up with the warm clear crystal blue sea. Reflecting the skies above with the fluffy white clouds dotted around. Once you reach the beach below with its soft warm, white sand stop a while you can remove your shoes.

Listen to the sound of the breeze as it blows through the branches of the palm trees, pause and sit down in the shade under a tree.

Lean your back against the bark of the tree as you shield yourself from the rays of the sun….feel the warmth through your body. Take a deep breath in hold i,t and let it go.

3. Magic glove make your tummy numb

Take one of your index fingers and touch the top of the opposite hand, you might notice an imprint has been left behind on the top of that hand about the size of a small coin. 

Remember a time when you were really cold - freezing cold.  

Take that cold feeling and put it into the imprint of that hand.

Bring the level of cold numbness to the level of 10/ 10. 

Make it really cold and numb. 

Spread the cold feeling to the rest of that hand, down all your fingers until it's a small glove of numbness. 

Test it by pinching it with your other hand. Perfect. Now

Touch your tummy and allow the numbness to absorb into your tummy.

Take a deep relaxing breath in.

Allow your numbness to travel from the top of your stomach to the bottom of your pelvis. 

Give yourself permission to indulge in this numbness now. 

Send a tiny bit of warmth back into your tummy -  so it functions properly without nausea (you can keep it a tiny bit numb).

Take off your magic glove and keep it in your pocket.


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