One humongous Headache Hypnosis secret for 2022

When you think of headaches you might think of headache tablets, paying too much money for massages, cold packs, hot packs, acupuncture, breathing exercises, and drinking more water. But honestly, I think, you have tried more things than that? Let me guess: electrolyte drinks, ice blocks, or sat in the bathtub for ages, hydration, increased caffeine, decreased caffeine and triple checked - you only drank three beers last night and not thirty. 

It turns out migraine headaches occur when the blood vessels at the back of your head and neck become overfilled with blood and put pressure on sensitive nerves. It turns out, if patients visualize their hands growing warmer, the blood flows out of the sensitive areas at the back of your neck and to your hands and the migraine disappears in minutes.

And it gets better. Hypnotists have discovered a way to help make this technique even more powerful, for you to use on yourself at home, which I will share with you in a moment.

Let's be honest, I'm not a doctor but headaches can be more difficult than you may think because there isn't just one type of headache.

Headache types: rare headaches, ice pick headaches, spinal headache, thunderclap headaches, exercises headaches and there are different types of migraine headaches for example, it's possible for men to have migraines due to varying hormone levels.

So, Get a diagnosis, once you know what kind of headache you have, you can have the best possible solution.

Here is the, One Humongous head ache Hypnosis secret for 2022

Imagine that there are electronic thermometers attached to your fingertips on both hands. Directly in front of each hand are digital displays. 

The display reads 96.5F 

Why 96.5F? instead of the normal temperature of 98.6F?

If you were experiencing a migraine headache right now, the blood would be flowing into the blood vessels at the back of your head and the tension might cause muscles to contract, forcing blood out of the hands, causing them to be colder than normal. 

It is the blood flow that keeps them warm.  

Begin now, to visualize your hands growing just a little warmer.  

Mentally, watch, as the display changes from 96.5 to 96.6, then 96.7 then 96.8, slowly getting warmer.

Let us turn our attention to those sensitive nerves and engorged blood vessels at the back of your head. Imagine a cool mountain stream. 

You are lying on your back on a nice flat part of the river-bank. 

Soft, green grass beneath you.

You tilt your head back, the cool water tickles the back of your head and neck.

The cool, mountain stream flows - cooling. 

Imagine a heating pad on both hands, your hands are growing warm.

97F, 97.5F as If it were a sunny day at the beach.

Imagine the veins that lead from the back of your head to your hands. 

Let the blood drain from the back of your head and flow freely all the way down to your hands. The 'heat from the back of your head and neck is almost gone now, as the cold, crystal clear, clean water of the river pulls away all the heat and pressure with its icy fingers.

Feel the cool water at the back of your head.

Sit quietly now, until all the pain is gone. 

Until your work is completed and when you feel very good, very rested and relaxed, simply take a deep breath and open your eyes.


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