One persistent Eating Disorder Hypnosis trick

Disclaimer: This article is not designed as a substitute for professional support. In the event of a mental health crisis or emergency, please stop reading immediately and follow the advice : * If you require crisis support or suicide prevention services in Australia, please call Lifeline on 131114, or call 000 in the event of an emergency. * If you’re located outside of Australia, please dial the emergency services number in your country of residence.

You might be reading this article to prevent yourself from eating a jar of nutella or distract yourself from chips or two-minute-noodles, let's be honest you really can binge on three jars of nutella with no weight gain, in hypnosis. Eating disorders are weird, complicated, unique and different for everyone.

Before you knock yourself out with ‘Nutella-hypnosis’, I want to let you know about the ‘single content reframe’. Single content reframes don't ‘cure’ eating disorders, if you happen to read Richard Bandler’s book ‘Reframing', there is a man in California who only uses a single content reframe, he has an 80% success rate with anorexics. If you're thinking, what's a ‘single content reframe', you are allowed to.

Example of a single content, reframe;

A Family drags their daughter into family therapy because the teenage daughter is very stubborn. “She won't listen to anyone, she is stubborn” The father and mother are furious. 

Therapist: “Being stubborn is a great skill, when she matures and goes on a date with a man and he wants to take her home, she says ‘No’,  it's good to be stubborn?”

The parents no longer care if their daughter is stubborn.

So, the man in California who only uses a single content reframe with anorexics. He brings the whole family into a room with a one-way mirror. There's a table in the room with a big pot of hot dogs on it. He walks in and says "I'm Dr. So- and-So; you have fifteen minutes to get this young woman to eat. I'll be back." Then he walks out. And you can imagine the family does all kinds of things to try to get the anorexic to eat. Some of them physically pin the girl down and start stuffing food in her mouth. They do their usual inadequate best to try to get her to eat. At the end of fifteen minutes he walks back in and says to the family "You failed miserably. Get out!" He throws everyone out but the anorexic. 

Then he turns to the anorexic and says "Now, how long have you been using this as a way of getting your family's attention?" That's a gross imposition of content on the anorexic, but it works. Four out of five times the anorexia cycle is now broken and the anorexic can move into more healthy states. Richard Bandler doesn't argue with success like that.

The more resistant the client, the less effective direct suggestions are

We all know saying to a friend ' ‘your beautiful and so pretty’’ doesn't work, it's like talking to a brick wall. To overcome client resistance hypnotists use a combination of indirect and paradoxical strategies. It sounds fancy - because it is. Warning, ‘Woo-woo’ hypnotists are not capable of doing this kind of elite work - you need a qualified NLP hypnotist to work alongside your treatment plan. Here are the core-values of NLP.

  1. Have respect for the other person’s model of the world. 

  2. The map is not the territory.

  3. We have all the resources we need Mind and body form a linked system. 

  4. If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else. 

  5. Choice is better than no choice. 

  6. We are always communicating. 

  7. The meaning of your communication is the response you get. 

  8. There is no failure, only feedback. 

  9. Behind every behavior there is a positive intention. 

  10. Anything can be accomplished if the task is broken down into small enough steps.


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