The one cosmic Relationship Hypnosis tip

Sick of being single? In a crappy relationship? I can only imagine someone like you has a fabulous personality, knows how to laugh, listen, and care for someone. 

  • You deserve to love someone

  • You deserve to have someone love you

Because you're fabulous!

While the voice in your head might be saying ‘you're too poor, fat and ugly’ to have, The Relationship of your Dreams, failing to achieve goals is normally the result of poor goal setting. After All, Romance is a ‘State of mind’ and you know how to do that.

My ‘Ideal Partner’

If you're single, the best coaching technique for setting relationship goals is called ‘My Ideal’ Partner. 

  1. Take a moment to think about your ideal partner and be as specific as possible

‘Be careful what you wish for because it might come true.’

For example,

Looks: I want a tall man, average build, a dark complexion, pleasant face, manicured.

Emotionally: He must be outgoing, confident, friendly, thoughtful and be calm in a crisis.

Interests: Be an ‘art’ film buff, nothing mainstream.

Mentally: He must have integrity, honesty, value family and he must love children.

Spiritually: He must be ready for commitment about 30-39 yrs old, single.

Financially: Stable with no children.

2. What qualities do you think this ‘ideal partner’ wants in his ‘ideal partner’?

For example;

“He probably wants a playmate - supermodel, an educated woman, quiet, fun, no children.”

3. What qualities do you have that your ‘ideal partner’ wants?

For example,

“I have an education and I'm fun”

Great, you have some of the things he is looking for. 

4. Are you prepared to add a few extra qualities to your life, so you can be his ‘Ideal partner’?

  • Are you prepared to become a supermodel? 

  • Are you prepared to be a playmate? 

  • Become quieter for the rest of your life? 


Change the qualities you want in your ‘Ideal partner’ (rethink the exercise).

You deserve to have the partner of your dreams

Someone to share your abundant life with 

someone who is rich on the inside

and all those things on the outside 

and more…

Plan B - The partner from hell

1b. Create your ‘Partner from Hell’ - the person you would never date

For example,

Physically: They refuse to shower, shave, nails and toenails are dirty all the time. 

Emotionally: They stuck the life out of you.

Mentally: They have zero compassion, they lie all the time because they find it fun.

Financially: They are five times bankrupt and owe money in another country as well. 

(If you could just pay for dinner tonight, they promise they will pay you back tomorrow).

2b. What is your ‘Partner from Hell’ looking for?’ 

Think about it

3b. Make sure you, yes, I’m talking to you, that you are not what your ‘Partner from Hell’ is looking for! 

This might mean you need to change;

  • What you normally wear

  • Hang out at different locations

  • Think about a different career

  • Consider going on holiday somewhere different

  • Buy your groceries somewhere else

  • Change the gym you go to

  • Buy different seats at the cricket, baseball, basketball or ballet.

Wedding Vows

You might have said your wedding vows 20 years ago, but can you define what a relationship is? Have you ever thought about creating a vision of what your life would be like if your relationship was perfect.

  • How would you spend your time?

  • How would you communicate?

  • Date night once per month? 

  • Exercise together in the morning?

How could you make that work?

* Life isn't always perfect, take the time to factor in what might get in the way of your committed relationship.


Anchoring is key to a perfect relationship.

Take the time to imagine your ‘emotional-work-baggage’ was a business - “Leave the parcel at the front door”. When you get home, each day - pause at the front door, take the time to dust off your clothes and choose to ‘Be the best version of yourself’ when you walk inside.

Let's be honest, when you feel great your partner feels great.

It turns out all men and women just love to see their partners smile.

*The only time an anchor will fail is if your partner is a zombie then you need to wait for the zombie apocalypse to pass (hang in there).

If you have worked out who your ideal partner is - What now?

  • Write down 20 places you think people with those ideal qualities might hang out. 

  • Let five friends know the qualities you're looking for in a relationship. 

  • Talk with three people everyday about the qualities that are important to you in a relationship. 

Found someone - What now?

In the first week try and do two fun activities together like 

  • Try your hand at darts

  • Go for a gentle hike.

Here is the, One Cosmic Relationship Hypnosis tip for 2022

Romance is a state of mind

This is your time to relax

Think back to special romantic moments you've had in your life 

Make them up if you have none

Just allow this feeling to flow through your thoughts.

The smells, sights, feelings.

That warm familiar glowy feeling can flow into your mind. 

Allow the mood to express it self

Feel that deep level of care. 

Today, check your actions will be observed as caring, kind or how you want the world to view you.

Imagine the happiness in people's eyes

How delighted they are to enjoy your happiness. 

Give yourself permission to enjoy that ‘state of mind’ now

Romance thrives on communication, think about the words you might use.

This tiny seed of sensation just might produce something

Building intimacy and romance takes time

Whereas rekindling a relationship on one level, is much easier, because you know what the other person enjoys. 

Building intimacy is an attitude

Demonstrating acceptance


A method of consistent gestures of kindness

You can fall in love with your life.

Thank you for being the best version of yourself today


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