The one way to get that warm fuzzy feeling of Compassion in 2023 

Cultivating compassion is an invaluable ability, but when the world is such a chaotic place, how can you possibly foster more of it? Fortunately, your frontal lobe actually benefits from having more empathy - a greater sense of kindness and understanding quiets down other noises in your brain that would otherwise be present like self-doubt and anxiety. When building up your reserves of compassion, you'll even find yourself saying goodbye to negative thoughts.You may not be aware, but there is a particular type of hypnotherapy called Compassionate Hypnotherapy.

As a good citizen of Australia, it's essential to have empathy and compassion toward those who are in need. With the assistance of this special form of hypnosis therapy, you'll learn how to become more mindful with your fellow citizens and understand their suffering better!

Compassion and hypnosis are a dynamic duo when combined; they can be used to create incredible, vibrant neighborhoods. Compassion is more than just following laws or regulations—it's an entire way of living that can cause real shifts in our world. With the assistance of hypnotic techniques, we use compassion as a tool for bettering communities around us. Compassion has become fundamental for transforming neighborhoods into places where everyone feels welcomed and accepted. 

Compassion entails understanding that the hardship of others is not brought upon by themselves, but rather due to unfortunate conditions. It necessitates taking notice of their distress and striving to make them feel safe and at ease through attentive listening without any kind of criticism. Moreover, it also demands being able to accept critiques from those we are trying to console with compassion.

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” - Dalai Lama

In a groundbreaking research, Buddhist monks with up to 50,000 hours of meditation practice were asked to concentrate on states like compassion and unconditional love while hooked up to 256 electrical sensors. This scan was conducted in order to measure the brain wave activity of the participants. During their intensive training, the monks' brains became significantly more organized and coordinated than those of a control group. Their mental activity was so synchronized that it could not even be matched by the brain waves of anyone else in comparison. The expert monks had become experts at this point because they knew how to use their minds most effectively!

The monks showed such a dramatic ability to alter their brains that the scientists were stunned. When examining one monk, Richard Davidson from the University of Wisconsin commented, "What we uncovered is that the trained mind or brain is physiologically dissimilar than an untrained one." The activity in his frontal lobe was so high they surmised he must be among the most contented people alive. These facts illustrate just how much can be achieved by training our minds and demonstrate why it's essential for us all to foster this practice.

what people love about mediation is when the frontal lobe of their brain lights up the rest of their brain quietens down, and when it was compared with the brains of nuns in prayer, they found increased activity in the frontal lobes, but also increased activity in the inferior parietal lobe (the language area). This latter finding makes sense in relation to the nuns doing a verbally based practice (prayer) rather than visualization. and as Dr. Newberg puts it, we begin to "perceive the self as endless and intimately inter- woven with everyone and everything." when we pray or meditate.

Through hypnosis, we can transform the concept of compassion into an incredibly useful tool to make our planet a better place. By understanding and utilizing this fundamental emotion, it helps us build deeper relationships with everyone around us as wel as cultivate more inclusive settings. Through hypnosis, let's dive further into civics so that we may understand how vital it is in forming a prosperous society for all.

Here is the one compassionate self regulating technique ‘chakra balancing’

*I want to make it clear that I'm not here to provide you with any spiritual or mystical advice. If that's something you're seeking, a simple Google search for "chakra balancing on YouTube" will bring up plenty of options. However, if what you need is compassion and understanding, feel free to listen now; I've got plenty of both.
Now that you are feeling wonderfully at ease, I invite your focus on the eight Chakras. We have the root Chakra, then the sexual and solar plexus chakras followed by our heart, thymus, throat and third eye Chakras with lastly but not least-the crown Chakra! Now, let's direct our attention to the root chakra. Located near the tailbone area of your spine, this chakra influences how we feel secure and survive in this world. Its color is red so take a moment to visualize that hue filling up that particular energy center while opening it. To feel secure and safe in this world, what can you do to open up your chakra fully? Let go of any inhibiting thoughts and let the chakra be free. Allow yourself to experience true freedom with an open chakra.

Located two inches below your navel, the next chakra is known as the Sexual Chakra or Relationship Chakra. This energy center not only influences your sexuality and relationships but also helps to harness creativity. The color for this chakra is a vibrant orange and the element related to it is water. As you bless your chakra, allowing its bright hue to fill it up, ask yourself: what would I need to do or say in order for me to release and open my chakra? Take some time now and take action on that thought. Then envision your glowing orange chakra completely unlocked before we proceed...

The following chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the stomach area. This particular charka symbolizes power and guides you to accomplish your goals. The energy of this chakra is associated with yellow color and fire element. It's time to initiate the same practice with this chakra. Picture a luminous yellow chakra beginning to open, and if you detect any obstacles within it or illusory thoughts in regard of your influence or capability to achieve things... express what needs expressing... imagine whatever is needed for liberating the chakra and permitting it to unclasp.

Rejuvenate and invigorate your inner energy by focusing on the heart chakra. To locate it, simply go to the center of your chest- this is where love resides! The color associated with it is green while its element aligns with air-- visualize a radiant, shimmering green aura emanating from within as you allow yourself to be consumed by these pure energies that course through you endlessly. Stimulate each chakra, and let the energy pass through them. Unblock any blockages that are preventing your chakras from opening completely by stating affirmations of release. Relax as you envision a warm glow emanating throughout your body while allowing all of your chakras to open fully.

The thymus chakra is situated in the upper chest and its hue, aqua marina, indicates connectedness to one's soul world. This specific energy center fosters an abundance of compassion and peace within; when balanced it can enable a state of well-being like no other. In order to unlock the power within, bring together all of your chakra energies and direct them towards this aqua marina chakra. Feel the energy coursing through you as you focus on it- for each of your individual energies is deeply connected and they support one another up till the very top. As you concentrate on the chakra, let go of any doubts and verbalize what will bring tranquility. Imagine whatever is essential to unlock this energy point, permitting divine peace to enter your mind and flow into your chakra until it opens fully.

With the subsequent chakra, all of the energy will be drawn upwards and collected in your throat. The Throat Chakra is associated with communication—how you express yourself not just to others but also to Mother Earth and even animals! This is a strong bond that unites us all. It's an ethereal space where the color for the throat chakra is azure, gorgeous and pristine blue. Direct your concentration to sense the power in this special area of your body. Shift your awareness to the chakra and allow it to open up, remove any hindrances that have prevented you from communicating. Speak freely without hesitation; envision yourself having a complete flow of communication with others. Allow this energy to circulate into and throughout you now. As soon as it is totally opened, let us proceed to the third eye chakra. At the center of your forehead lies a chakra. Focus your meditation here and, as you do so, imagine drawing up energy from all other seven chakras in sequence before allowing it to be absorbed into this third eye area. By activating this chakra, you will reawaken and amplify your intuition. As a result, the mysteries of the spiritual realm can be explored with greater clarity and understanding. Visualize any blocks impeding its full activation being removed immediately. Now, allow yourself to fully open up to these insights that await you! Speak to yourself with confidence and allow your creativity to flow unhindered. Envisage a beautiful, indigo hue filling your mind's eye - it's calming energy providing you the mental space needed for complete openness. Let this wonderful colour saturate your innermost thoughts and enjoy its soothing presence uninterruptedly!

The next energy center that we activate is the crown chakra, located at the apex of our head and represented by a regal violet hue. This sacred opening allows access to cosmic consciousness - true communion with both your higher self and spiritual source. Envision this chakra blossoming open fully to receive its divine grace! Any barriers that could be obstructing you from connecting with your higher power, identify them now and let go of the hold they have over you. Unclench your thoughts, release all emotions stopping this flow between yourself and Source energy... right here.... right now. Allowing your spirit to be free, and feeling the vitality radiating outward toward the universe from your soul. As you have drawn in all these diverse energies, your chakras are now entirely open allowing for limitless pleasure. For this has always been, and will continue to exist here forevermore. Visualize the vibrant colors of each chakra – root, sexual, solar plexus, heart thymic, throat third-eye and crown - all combining into one gorgeous violet hue at the top of your head. Feel it blasting out like a radiant fountain come to life. Sprinkling down, through and around you. Circulating the energy in every cell, every fibre of your entire aura. You marvel at how wonderful the energy feels to you throughout your body.  As you have raised your vibration to a more fine level.  You're totally at peace, very comfortable, excited with this discovery of self... and balanced.  There is a sense of complete harmony and balance that you are experiencing, right now.  Your chakras are completely open.  You are one with the universe.


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