The Soothing Hypnosis Trick to Help Calm Your Skin

Today I’d like to talk about the irritating topic of eczema. Because if you’re one of the many people who suffer from this uncomfortable skin condition, you’ll know all too well just how distressing and disruptive it can be to both your physical and mental health.

Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) affects up to 20% of children and 3% of adults and is characterised by ongoing itching, redness and inflammation of the skin. Yet this nasty itch-inducing condition can affect far more than just the skin surface.

When flare-ups occur, they can cause significant psychological distress, impacting everything from your sleep to your ability to perform daily tasks such as work, sports, studying and even the way you interact in your relationships.

In short, eczema is more than just irritating - and anyone who experiences it will agree that when eczema strikes, you’d love nothing more than be able to click your fingers and make it disappear.

Well, unfortunately, I can’t give you any magical medical superpowers to clear your eczema in an instant…but, I can offer a fabulous skin-soothing hypnosis trick that’s proven to be effective for many people.

Did you know you can influence your inflammatory response?

This isn’t some weird and wonderful ‘woo woo’ suggestion. Nor am I proposing that you can magically heal yourself of all your ailments. However, there are many scientifically proven studies showing that humans have the ability to influence the way their body’s natural inflammatory responses work when stimulated (e.g. by an eczema flare-up).

One fascinating example comes from Dr Dabney Ewin, who found that patients who had suffered second-degree burns appeared to generate two distinct responses - the first was inflammation and the second was the wound itself.

Interestingly, when Dr Ewin gave patients hypnotic suggestions for them to be cool and comfortable, their bodies actually slowed down or stopped the inflammation process. Rather than sending signals to the nervous system that something is wrong - leading to inflammation - the body instead moved straight to the healing stage.

Isn’t that incredible? The power of the mind can literally override the inflammation-causing action of our bodies! And the best part is, there was nothing out-of-the-ordinary about these patients - they were just like you and I…which means anyone is capable of pulling off this fantastic feat!

Think yourself calm…the hypnosis trick to soothe your skin inflammation

So, let’s discover what this awesome hypnosis technique involves…

I want you to begin by visualising your beautiful skin - the vast organ that protects your body and all your internal organs from the hazards of the outside world.

As your skin does its wonderful job of keeping you protected, its cells are constantly being replaced and regenerated as they are lost by wear and tear. Your skin is continually evolving to keep you safe.

Now, concentrate on a tiny section of your skin - it can be on any part of your body. As you focus on this little patch of skin, imagine inhaling and exhaling through the skin.

As you exhale through the skin, feel something going out. As you inhale, feel something coming in. Keep releasing and relaxing your skin, as you take in life-giving oxygen and let go of all the toxins you don’t need.

Continue this process across your body, focusing on breathing through your skin as it cooly and calmly brings your body everything it needs and releases everything it doesn’t.

I want you to reflect on the way your skin cells constantly renew themselves. Every day, thousands of your skin cells get replaced by new layers that are clean, healthy and wholesome. 

The old skin is shed and the radiant new skin rises to the surface. Think about what this means for you as a whole - a vibrant, revitalised self coming from within and showing itself to the world.

If you continue to practice this skin hypnosis technique daily, you’ll start to notice your skin becoming more radiant and lustrous. Look in the mirror and see how you glow!

You are flawless and luminous. And most importantly, you are capable of releasing what you no longer need so you can reveal your inner radiance. 


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