Thinking With Your Heart: How Heart Coherence Can Transform Your Life

Did you know that the heart was once considered to be the ‘brain’ of the body? That’s right - rather than that wrinkled organ that sits in our heads, it was the vital instrument that pumps day and night to keep us alive that was also believed to play a part in what we think and how we act.

And the fact is, this theory isn’t such a myth at all. Your wonderful heart generates electromagnetic fields that are connected to a larger, unified field within our bodies. What’s more, out of all the organs, the heart is the only one that has intelligence.

When you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. After all, your heart has the power to connect you to love and unity rather than stress and anxiety. The problem for most of us, however, is the fact that these feelings of love and harmony tend to occur only by chance, rather than as a direct result of us taking ownership and cultivating these states ourselves.

But the good news is, you can learn to regulate your internal state and tap into these loving heart feelings ‘on demand’, rather than leaving them to opportunity and random luck. And once you’ve mastered this practice, you’ll have a truly phenomenal ability to transform the way you feel - and the way you think, act and behave as a result.

Globally renowned lecturer and educator Dr Joe Dispenza - a leader in the field of heart coherence - describes that when we are in this state of ‘heart coherence’, we are actually tapping into the heart’s intelligence. 

This can allow us to cultivate and sustain elevated positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, freedom and love. This, in turn, creates a new internal order, making us feel calm, safe and in harmony. And as if that’s not all, it can even send more energy and creativity to the brain - which is why you’re more creative and productive when you’re in a calm, non-anxious state of mind.

Measuring your heart coherence

While the above may sound like a bit of an intangible concept, it’s actually possible to measure this heart coherence activity to some degree.

You can think of the spaces in between your heartbeats as like morse code signals, sending the body and brain a bunch of messages. By measuring this transmission via heart rate and rhythm, we can identify whether a person is feeling stressed or calm, anxious or balanced.

(For all the number geeks out there, a rhythm of 1400 biological changes is the frequency at which growth and repair are promoted).

Love your heart and feel it love you right back!

While heart coherence takes dedication and practice, the rewards are truly incredible - even life-changing! Once you can tap into these positive emotions and elevate your feelings of joy, gratitude, happiness, love…all that fabulous stuff…you’ll feel incredible.

And finally, the best news of all is that studies show that people who consistently practice heart coherence are able to sustain feelings like gratitude and joy, as well as promoting growth and renewal throughout their body.

So why not give your heart a whole lot of love today? I promise you it will return the favour!


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