Push Away Your Paranoia Using Hypnosis

Do you ever find yourself feeling a little paranoid? Maybe you get the sneaking suspicion in the back of your mind that the person you’re speaking to has bad intentions...or perhaps you’re certain that the government is keeping tabs on your every move. Whether it’s mild or severe, paranoia can make us feel fearful and uncomfortable, and can also cause us to act in strange and irrational ways.

According to Wikipedia, paranoia “is an instinct or thought process that is believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality”.

We’ve all heard stories of conspiracy theorists who are absolutely convinced of their wild and whacky beliefs - and while we might feel tempted to laugh or suggest that the person in question is ‘crazy’, it’s important to remember that paranoia can pull us into a nasty trap of anxious and fearful thoughts.

So how do we escape the fear-inducing grip of paranoia and break free of its debilitating hold? It’s certainly not easy, especially if the paranoia is deep-rooted. But here’s some good news - as paranoia is something that comes from our own minds, we can also use the power of that same mind to beat it.

Paranoia is nothing more than a series of negative thoughts - and the thing with negative thoughts is that you have the ability to overcome them...and replace them with positive, rational and productive thoughts that will help you move forward rather than hold you back.

What to do if you suffer from paranoia

Before we go any further, I think it’s important to stress that anyone who feels as though their life is being negatively affected by paranoid thoughts should seek professional medical advice as soon as possible.

Paranoia can cause people to engage in behaviours and actions that are totally out of character and can even be harmful or dangerous. If you or someone you know is experiencing paranoia, speak to a health professional about the best course of action.

Remember, you are capable of far more than you give yourself credit for. Even if you feel stuck in a hopeless cycle of paranoia and fear right now, you have the incredible ability to overcome this and give yourself the freedom to pursue your goals and dreams. Seeking professional support and advice can simply help you get there more quickly!

The hypnosis trick to help show paranoia who’s boss!

If you suffer from mild paranoia that strikes from time to time, I have a little hypnosis-based technique that can be a game-changer for helping you take control of your paranoid thoughts and gain some perspective. By engaging in this simple practice, you can quickly achieve a sense of clarity and effortlessly move past intrusive and fearful thoughts.

Ready to push paranoia off a cliff? Here’s my number one paranoia-busting hypnosis trick to help you master your mind:

I want you to imagine you’re chewing bubble gum. The bubble gum is a lovely vivid pink. Now, blow a bubble with your gum, let it pop, then blow another one - notice the bright pink colour of your big bubble.

Release the bubble and let it flow in front of you. As you look into your rose-tinted bubble, start to feel yourself slowing down...your body...your mind...your thoughts...all slowing and softening as you focus on the pretty pink bubble bobbing up and down in front of your eyes.

Now, you look into the bubble and can see a tiny version of yourself inside it. You notice that this mini version of you is a little restless, their breathing slow and shallow...simply observe the discomfort without judgement.

Ask the tiny version of you to take a deep breath and hold it...hold it...a little longer...and then let it go. Perfect. What can you feel? Maybe it’s a sense of calm, of wellbeing, of power perhaps? Whatever it is, feel it, embrace it, and let it remind you that you can just be.

By giving focus to your breath and clearing your thoughts, you can gain back control of your mind and let go of all the things that aren’t serving you - like anxiety, fear and paranoid thoughts. You are amazingly capable of all of this, so always remember that you have the capacity to come back to this moment of calmness, clarity and presence.

And if you need a little reminder, just turn to the Beatles - while they may not have been referring to my bubble gum trick, they were certainly right when they said “let it be”.


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