Accelerate Your Study ‘Mojo’ - Get On With Being An Oracle Of Wisdom

Study Mojo, is a thing - The truth is high attention to detail & a thirst for knowledge wont help you study, you have to factor in; fuzzy brain, exam panic, the voice inside your head that starts ‘I want to go outside and play’. So, before you turn yourself into the ‘Oracle’ of Wisdom’ with the assistance of hypnosis, first check with your Doctor and make sure that your nutrition intake gets a pass. Stay hydrated - Don't flunk on hydration - ‘swamp brain’ is not ideal conditions for Total-Recall. What you might not know is “Mem’ is Hebrew for water and ‘ory’ is Hebrew for light. Memory means water and light, you know your body is about  60% water and your brain is approx 73% water..   So, hit the bottle

‘Just as the water reflects the stars and the moon, the body reflects the mind and the soul’

Dream of falling in love with exams? thoughts of tenderness towards study time? Yes, faking study - with colossal motivation will change your ‘study mojo’. What?

The easiest way to wire in ‘Study Mojo’ is known as Hebbian learning - ‘Cells that fire together wire together.’ If you can find the inner strength to 

  • Study with ‘mojo’ or..

  • Imagine Studying with ‘mojo’  (just kick off your shoes and put your feet up).

It's a win and your brain changes. In ‘sciencey’ words, new synaptic connections are made - you ‘learned’.

When neurons are in great numbers we have intelligence. You have about 100 billion neurons that can be pre-synapse or (the greek word meaning to connect) synapse-d. 

Doubts? Then get this, the piano experiment titled ‘Modulation of muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation during the acquisition of new fine motor skills’. Involved subjects playing the piano because would learning how to play change the brain? The experiment was measured by sophisticated gadgets like transcranial magnetic stimulation, four groups of people participated for five days.

  • Group one - Practiced the piano for 2 hours everyday with a specific tune.

  • Group two - Practiced ‘what-ever’ (piano) for 2 hours everyday with no instruction.

  • Group three - Imagined playing the specific tune for 2 hours per day (never touched a piano).

  • Group four- Did nothing (the control group) never showed up to practice.

What shocked the academic world, group one & three showed almost the same changes in the brain, involving expansion and development of neural networks. This concept in neuroscience is called Hebbian learning - you have learned.

If the very thought of studying has you ‘make another cup of tea’ and exams make you ‘physically sick in the tummy’. I suggest you seek out a therapist or NLP practitioner or hypnotist to fast track your success and you can say goodbye to annoying panic and irritation.

I want to share with you today how to ‘boom-the-brain’ into ‘study mojo’..

Accelerate Your Study Mojo - So You Can Maintain The Right Level Of Concentration

Take a deep breath in.. hold it- and let it go, close your eyes and relax.

I'm curious if you can imagine an object - in your mind.

Hold it, in your attention. 

Hold it, in your focus,

Complete concentration, perfect.

Just then,when you focused on that imaginary object, you demonstrated skills:

  • You know how to focus

  • You trained yourself to focus

  • You can ignore distractions

  • You can prepare to focus

  • You can dominate your environment

  • You can control your inner environment

  • You have controlled your body

  • You have demonstrated motivation

You have prepared your mind for fabulous study mojo.

Counting backwards from 10-1, getting more and more relaxed.

Imagine you are going down in an elevator, until you reach the right level (of relaxation).

Shhh this bit is secret - Welcome to the perfect study mindset, congratulations you made it,

Say to yourself: You can focus on the study material, easily understand test questions, easily retain information, deep into the mind, you perform well in interviews, exams and learn effortlessly. 

This level, ,of study-mindset is always here - you can return here, to this level of ‘mojo’ whenever you wish.Ready to study now? (perfect)

Open your eyes (your perfect)

Have a fabulous day, oracle of wisdom


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