One Colossal increase appetite (tiny-bit-at-a-time) Hypnosis tip

Lost your appetite? When you think about food, you might imagine dry-donuts, cardboard sandwiches, bland tasteless BBQ's or the idea of going to a restaurant makes you want to stay at home. ‘Food fatigue’ can be exhausting. You are allowed to lose your appetite but not forever. So, maybe you are trapped in a negative feedback loop. Afterall memories trigger a chemical reaction.

While I can't let you blame the part of your brain known as the hypothalamus, I'm just pointing out that, that part of the brain has a lot to manage. It’s busy, with overwhelming tasks, like: appetite, thirst, sleep, wakefulness, blood sugar levels, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, chemical balance, hormonal balance, immune system reactions, metabolism and sex drive. 

So if the idea of ‘bonking sounds boring’ and sleep feels like a ‘world wrestling smack-down’, maybe your ‘loss of appetite’ is stuck in a bad-feedback-loop. 

For example: If you have a silly favorite joke, stored in your memory. That joke kinda makes you laugh in an average way - it's funny but not that funny- lets call it ‘silly-oke’ it's silly and it's a joke. Your midbrain starts producing the chemical recipe for silly-oke. This unique formula of chemicals in your brain, are sent to the pituitary gland and it passes the message on to the body to produce the chemicals associated with the feeling of silly-oke.

The reaction is instant! - as strong as a flight-or-fight response. 

Instead of fear or survival, the motivating emotion stored in your brain is silly-oke. The pituitary gland puts its spin on the message, and now the pituitary gland, along with the hypothalamus, cook up a batch of peptides corresponding to silly-oke. Those peptides are released in the bloodstream and make their way to various places in your body. The receptor sites in the body's cells and glandular systems are scanning for the emotion of ‘silly-oke’, and they attract other chemicals of silly-oke to them. 

Let's make it worse, you have known this silly-oke for ten years - so, your cells have developed an astounding number of receptor sites for silly-oke. Congratulations! you have just  created a ‘Silly-oke’ feedback loop. 

Thank goodness it wasn't a ‘negative feedback loop’ it was just a silly joke.

Even if the odds are against you - A Taste (thingy) To Try

Let’s be honest, while I’d like to tell you, loss of appetite has nothing to do with golf. Golf is windy, rainy and sometimes too sunny - But the game can be played on many levels, spiritually, strategy, relaxed? Some golfers like to incorporate the Japanese martial arts (Akito) technique known as ‘blending’ - to use all the energies of the situation to help. For example, utilize the pleasure of the sensations of wind and the sounds of the ocean, let the wind help you rather than complain about it. There is a passionate Italian man, Camillo Loriedo, who treats eating disorders, who also uses a similar ‘blending technique’. When addressing eating disorders, he discovered they had zero taste. What? It's outrageous - they do not taste. 

His Chef prepares these clients wonderful food, (teeny- tiny) portions - they learn how to taste

For example,

  • Taste cherries, its sweet 

  • Taste prawns, light and salty

  • Taste cherry with prawn, it's bitter.

The clients recover, Compliments to the chef,  they go on to enjoy food, (intimacy) and enjoy life - that's difficult when you have lost your taste for life.

For tremendous tastebud training,  try this at home - pinch your nose while you're eating, it tastes different when you… let it go 

Here is the one, Colossal increase appetite (tiny-bit-at-a-time) hypnosis tip for 2022

Once upon a time, there was a Princess in a magical kingdom (far-far-away).

There were problems in the province.  

The princess was unsure how to restore peace, balance, Love and harmony to the kingdom.

A meeting was arranged with 

Minister of interior and exterior

Minister of health education

Minister of natural resources

Minister of happiness, acceptance and love

Minister of higher mind, body image integration and action

All the cabinet officers were able to settle their business in such a way that each was happily satisfied. The Princess was joyous, she had learned how to find new ways to solve the problem. The Princess went out and applied her new abilities to managing her Kingdom. So good was this process that overtime, everyone came to respect the success  of the  Princess.

Her ability to manage her kingdom, so well.  

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”


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