Five Elite Covert Hypnosis Moves

‘I spy with my little eye’  

Let's be honest, watching too many spy movies can send you a bit loopy. If your level of spying is wondering why the neighbors took the trash out before ‘trash night’ or trying to work out ‘who-did-it’ in a Steven Spielberg movie, If you wanna take things to the next level, you need to know what covert hypnosis is.

And boy, Covert Hypnosis can get confused with Covert Operations like coups d'etats, or subversion campaigns, but Hypnosis is just hypnosis! Covert operations have been around long before the CIA and you’ve probably heard those crazy-sounding stories about the Spanish guerrillas who fought the French Empire that triggered the downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte. Amazing military power- done covertly, are military operations, only - end of story (full-stop). So, let's leave it at that. 

Covert situations are ' skeleton in the closet' secret, for example ‘they have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels’ and Hush-Hush.

Secrets - As you know, have the power to make you blush bright red, your palms sweat, have your heart race and the voice inside your head starts ‘Did I just hear that?’ .. No matter how zen you try to be, our human behavior responds to the external stimuli, just like when we watch too many FBI documentaries, James Bond or the movie ‘the Spy Who Dumped Me’.

While I'm not an expert in covert hypnosis, Covert hypnosis is the hardest skill to master because covert, if it's done right? tries to ensure the subject is unaware. Today, I want to share with you the five covert hypnosis moves that might help you get the information you were looking for.

Covert Hypnosis Move 1: Analogue Marking Can Help You Trip Over Words With Intent

Speak like a cyborg-android-robot and analogue marking makes sense. If you love getting all technical, Analogical Marking is a form of ‘hypnotic commands’ hidden inside normal speech. 

What you might not know is, these hypnotic commands can be covertly used when you use a deeper tone of voice on ‘code words’, pausing or touching the subject on a ‘code word’. 

Your reaction might be, that wouldn't work on me. Well, I’ve got news for you! The subject's conscious mind listens to the conversation, but at the exact same time, the Analogue Marking imprints itself into the subconscious mind. It's a double whammy.

Try this one at home, ‘It's awfully (pause) nice the in-laws came to visit us during our vacation’

Covert Hypnosis Move 2: Remember You Have Answered Questions In Silence Plenty Of Times

A Covert response means you get silence. ‘Silence is sometimes the best answer’ The second step is getting the subject to answer in silence, that proves you have obtained a covert response. There are alot of situations in life when - as much as we hate to admit it - we simply go silent in agreement.

Covert examples: I imagine someone in your position might store information in a file? I wonder if you know what airline you're flying with? I'm curious, if you're allowed to tell me you have traveled through Asia?

Chances are, with no training, you can easily identify a covert response.

Covert Hypnosis Move 3: Yes, Embedded Questions Have No Question Marks? 

‘The important thing is to not stop questioning’. The third step requires you to ask Embedded Questions. It's true that Embedded Questions have no question marks. If you want to get all sciency ‘Embedded Questions’ elicit a transderivational response just like if you typed a question into Google, the subject begins to give away clues with eye patterns and body language as they ‘search’ for an answer. 

Embedded Question examples: I’d like to know what work he did best, I’m not sure how I will find my way home, I wonder what covert hypnotherapy is all about, Let’s ask someone if you're allowed to learn covert hypnotherapy.

Covert Hypnosis Move 4: It's A ‘Mind Read’ Without The Nonsense of Cold Reading

Colding reading is simply taking mental photos of people's facial expressions. Let's say you ask someone ‘Hey do you want ten spoons of sugar in your coffee?’. Take a mental picture of their grumpy ‘No, yuck’ face. Congratulations, you know now when that person is about to say ‘No’ by their ‘No, Yuck’ face. The fourth step is the Mind Read. Mind Reading is when you assume you know what another person thinks in a given situation.

Mind reading examples: I can tell that you are happy reading this, I know you decided to read this article for a reason, I can tell that learning covert hypnosis is important to you’.

*Emergency plan - If The Subject Is A Dictator 

Covert Hypnosis Plan B: Embedded Commands Not Questions

Never ask a Tyrant too many questions! (annoying). How do you deal with these dictators? You need to know the best communication style to get results. Embedded Commands avoid any resistance -your Embedded Questions will just be, annoying.

Embedded Commands are a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique for "planting" a thought, state, process, or experience within the subconscious mind of a subject.

Embedded Question examples: Status can be earned, Clients find hypnotherapy adds value, When you read covert hypnosis you are gaining decades of experience, Most people who read this article go on to buy my coaching hypnosis products in bulk.

So, let’s leave the spy stuff to the military and focus on you becoming the most fabulous version of yourself!


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