Voodoo Vibes? The One Big Myth About Hypnosis and Mind Control

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If I say the word “voodoo”, what comes to mind? Freaky little dolls with pins sticking out of them? Incomprehensible chanting and scary spells? While most of us will think of voodoo as some kind of witchcraft, this practice actually has its roots in religion.

Across the world, from Haiti to Africa and in parts of South America, voodoo has been practiced for centuries to help and heal people. In fact, you can think of it as some kind of ancient healthcare system.

Funnily enough, in modern times, references to voodoo have landed some big companies in hot water.  In 2013, Pepsi was forced to apologise to football megastar Cristiano Ronaldo after running an advert in Sweden depicting a voodoo doll of the famous player tied to train tracks with a Pepsi can squashing his head. 

(As a satisfying twist to the above story, Ronaldo’s national team Portugal ended up beating Sweden in a subsequent football match, with Ronaldo scoring a winning hat trick…so perhaps the magic worked in his favour!).

Then in the Netherlands, an insurance advert was eventually banned after attempting to depict voodoo being performed on none other than former US president Bill Clinton. And a few years ago, the ultimate fashion mag Vogue ran a Valentine’s Day feature with the theme of voodoo priestesses…I’m not sure about you, but that doesn’t seem overly romantic to me!

The Mega Myth About Voodoo and Hypnosis

The reason I’m delving into the weird and whacky world of voodoo today is because I want to share with you one big myth involving hypnosis. You see, there’s a common misconception that hypnosis actually involves some form of mind control - a little like voodoo possession. 

Well, I’m here to tell you that I’m not a voodoo priestess, nor can I control your mind! In fact, hypnosis does not involve any form of brainwashing, possession or mind control whatsoever. I certainly won’t be using any voodoo dolls or conducting any chanting during your session!

So if hypnosis isn’t a form of mind control, how exactly does it work?

If you’re curious about how hypnosis can make a difference to your life and help you discover the most fabulous version of yourself - all without any form of mind control - let me give you a little insight into the way this practice works.

Firstly, it’s important to be aware that you’re not helpless during hypnosis, nor will you lose control of your normal behaviours or moral standards. The idea behind hypnotherapy is actually quite simple - by using mental cues, a trained hypnotherapist can help to make you more open to suggestions at a subconscious level. In doing so, hypnosis can help you shift towards more positive choices. No pins needed!

So if you’re concerned that hypnosis is nothing more than a new age ‘woo woo’ practice with no scientific backing, I’ve got great news - there’s a wealth of scientific evidence proving that hypnosis is effective at helping with a wide range of issues, including overcoming phobias, losing weight, quitting smoking and managing stress.

Now you know that there’s no voodoo involved in hypnosis, why not give it a try and discover how this science-backed practice can help put you on the path to your goals and dreams?

Voodoo, the misunderstood art of poking dolls and casting spells, has been mistakenly considered a clinically proven treatment for mental health conditions.

But let me tell you, voodoo has never been studied by psychologists or hypnotherapists, probably because they were too busy trying to untangle their own yarn messes. So, sorry to burst the voodoo bubble, but there's absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that voodoo is a legit form of mental health treatment.

Now, if you're suffering from delusional disorder, please don't rush to your nearest voodoo priest for a magic fix. Instead, the recommended treatment involves psychotherapy and antipsychotic medication. Trust me, that combo is way more effective than chicken blood smearing and having people curtsy to you as the King of La Gonave. Although, it does sound tempting, doesn't it? King for a day, voodoo style!

But hey, if you're concerned about your mental health or drug addiction, don't fret! There are some helpful online resources available.

Mental health check-in

You can take an anonymous mental health check at Beyond Blue, and no, they won't ask you to dance like a voodoo priestess while doing it. They just want to provide support and guide you towards the help you might need.

Addiction Test

And if you're worried about your drug use, Mental Health America offers a free addiction test. No voodoo potions required, I promise!

And if you're worried about your drug use, Mental Health America offers a free addiction test. No voodoo potions required, I promise!

Now, let's talk about that marine who accidentally became the king of a voodoo island. Faustin Wirkus must have had some serious Marine Corps swagger because attending a ceremony led to him being anointed as the King of La Gonave. Imagine going to a party and leaving with a crown! Note to self: in case you stumble upon an unexpected coronation.

As for voodoo itself, it's all about accepting spirits and integrating them into everyday life. Forget about those Hollywood clichés with creepy chants and mysterious rites. In reality, many religions incorporate the concept of being possessed by spirits, but voodoo takes it to the next level. It's like saying, "Hey spirits, come on in! Make yourselves at home. Can I offer you a cup of tea?"

But remember, voodoo is not a magical solution, especially not for COVID-19. Voodoo priests recommending voodoo to stop the virus? Yeah, that's as effective as expecting the god of wind to blow it away. I guess we'll stick with the good ol' masks, hand sanitizers, and vaccines for now. No voodoo dance moves required!

So, my friend, let's keep the voodoo dolls for funny pranks, the voodoo curses for the movies

and leave the mind control and possession at the door. Hypnosis, doesn't involve any voodoo dolls or chanting. It's a safe and scientifically backed practice that can help with various issues. No pins needed, but a sense of humor is always welcome. Remember, laughter is the best therapy, even better than poking someone with a voodoo pin!


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