5 Fascinating Facts About Magic...and the One Marvelous Magic Hypnosis Trick for Kids

The effects of hypnosis can certainly seem like magic. It has the power to transform the way you think, behave and act - opening you up to pursue everything you’ve ever dreamed about and reach all those goals you’ve always wanted to achieve.

However, while I can certainly help you with this amazing transformation, the truth is I don’t actually have a magic wand or a book of spells. Instead, hypnosis is a scientifically-proven practice that uses the power of your own subconscious to shift your thoughts and beliefs.

Even though hypnosis isn’t a magic trick, I wanted to share some interesting facts about the world of magic in ancient times. Plus, I’ve got a ‘magic’ hypnosis trick that’s fantastic to use on your kids - especially if they’re going through minor issues or setbacks.

Magic Fact 1: Spells were big business in ancient times

From the arenas of Ancient Greece to the forums of Ancient Rome, magic spells were a part and parcel of everyday life once upon a time.

Practitioners of magic in ancient times would often use spells to ‘bind’ people to particular outcomes in all sorts of situations - such as sporting events, business dealings and personal affairs - including matters of love and even revenge.

Magic Fact 2: Amulets were a must-have fashion accessory

While we may think of spells as a spoken phenomenon - perhaps uttered by a witch or wizard while stirring a bubbling cauldron - in the ancient world, they were often written down in a tangible form.

These written-down versions of spells were often carried around by the person using them, commonly in jewellery such as amulets, which would both transport and protect the paper on which the spell was transcribed upon.

Magic Fact 3: Curses were concerningly common

In the ancient world, the flip side of a romantic love potion was what’s known as a curse tablet - spells that were written on lead, wax or stone which laid out the ways in which people had been wronged.

For example, people would curse those who had hurt their families, as well as people who had committed crimes or entered into court cases against them, using curse tablets to lay out their grievances.

It seems that curse tablets were all the rage in Ancient Rome, with large caches of them found in Roman sites, including in modern-day England.

Magic Fact 4: You could always get your own back with a curse doll

Keen to get your sweet revenge on someone who dissed you? Well, if you lived in ancient Greece or Rome, you could simply reach for a curse doll - a tiny effigy of the person who did you wrong (like an olden-time voodoo doll).

While scholars aren’t 100% certain of what these revenge-ready figurines were used for, they do know that ‘binding magic’ was a big part of the curse doll effect. In fact, curse dolls have been found in their own tiny coffins with their hands and feet bound.

Magic Fact 5: Not everyone was mad about magic

While magic was a popular fad in ancient Greece and Rome, historians now believe that it was quite separate from ancient religion - and religious types weren’t overly keen on the supernatural beliefs of those magic-loving folk.

Anti-magic legislation existed in both ancient Greece and ancient Rome, even before the days of Christianity, although it should be noted that these laws only covered magic that actually killed - like that unfortunate time when a stepmother was sued for administering a fatal love charm to her stepson’s mistress.

A Magnificent Magic Hypnosis Trick for Children

This nifty little magic hypnosis trick uses the hypnosis technique known is anchoring and is ideal for children aged between 5 and 10 years old - particularly those who are experiencing small problems or setbacks.

Simply have the child get into a comfortable position, close their eyes and then listen to the suggestions you tell them.

Here’s what to say...
Ok, I’d like you to keep your eyes closed nice and tight until I tell you to open them.

Now, I want you to tell me about your favourite TV show - the one you like the absolute most. As you feel more and more relaxed, I want you to tell me all about that TV show that you love most of all. Tell me all the details, I want to know exactly what it’s all about.

Pause for the child to respond.

In just a moment, with your eyes still closed, you’re going to start seeing your favourite TV show. As you start to picture it, you’ll keep feeling more and more calm and relaxed. You feel so peaceful and so safe. Everything is just right and you’re lovely and calm right now.

Ok, I’m turning on the TV now. In your mind, you’ll see your favourite TV show right there on the screen. You’ll hear the sounds and see the pictures and feel all the happiness you feel when you’re watching. Keep on watching the show by keeping your eyes closed...you don’t need to pay attention to what I’m saying anymore...just focus on your favourite show and enjoy what you’re seeing.

You’re so relaxed right now. Relaxed and calm and enjoying your favourite show. You don’t need to do anything else...just watch the TV screen and keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.

After a short time, awaken the child from their hypnotic state simply by asking them to open their eyes.


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