One Secret Subconscious Trick For Your Fabulous Self

When you think about the subconscious mind you might think of ‘woo woo’ crystals, dream catchers and fate. The thing is, we pay no attention to our Subconscious Mind but something reminds us to blink, breathe - yet, we don't think about it? or do we.

No matter how fabulous your life is ‘Goal Malfunctions’ are nasty. That little voice in the back of your head that says ‘Eat the cake in the freezer’. 

Courage? Have you ever tried to talk to the little voice inside your head - it feels like an exorcism of demonic possession. What if your subconscious mind doesn't want to be hypnotized? That's complicated because..

If you could put your finger on your ‘subconscious mind’ and define what it is, you would have a lot of people argue with you. Tell me, would you argue with me?

If you want to get all sciency about 3 million years ago, the new brain, the neocortex (neo means new), molded itself around your first two brains. If you think you don't have three brains then think again, according to research pioneered by Paul Maclean, the human brain has three formations. Archipallium (reptilian brain), Paleopallium (midbrain), Neopallium (your new brain). Your conscious mind is based in the neocortex (your new brain) that makes up the outer shell. The subconscious mind is the midbrain, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. 

The wizard of hypnosis Milton Erickson, who specialized in medical hypnosis referred to the subconscious as the ‘non-dominant’ hemisphere of the brain.

Imagine you are in the circus and your job as a ‘plate spinner’ is to spin plates on long sticks - a bewildering balancing act - the plates need to spin - sticks need to be vertically straight.

It's your turn to pick up a stick with a spinning plate high in the air. Your skill increases when you talk to the audience, but that's only true if the stick is in your left hand (right-hand-weakens). Talking improves your right visual field because speaking and balancing compete with the same part of the brain, they have to get along. But if you sing a song while you're balancing your spinning plates (a right-hemisphere function) your left-visual-field has an advantage (left-hand-weakens). A qualified hypnotist can assist the transfer of control from the dominant hemisphere to the non-dominant hemisphere, from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind.

True story, one of Milton Erickson’s clients possessed - trippy visualizations - she forgot who she was - confused! She was asked to visualize lots of crystal balls, hallucinate life events into each crystal ball, compare each crystal and put each hallucinated experience in order - Guess what- easy, fix and problem solved.

Call it what you want, Occult mind, holistic healing, mystic mind or the subconscious mind - If your subconscious mind doesn't want to be hypnotized but you want to be. Today, I’m going to teach you the one sensational mis-direction trick that will allow you to do just that. The best part? It's not fancy, call it an imagination test.

The Secret Subconscious trick - Misdirection 

Let's do an imagination test

Misdirection Test One 

Can you close your eyes and imagine you are on a beach? perfect.

Misdirection Test Two

Imagine you're standing in front of your car, you can see it clearly, notice what color it is. Fine, open the door of the car and get in behind the wheel. Now look straight ahead, notice if the speedometer is in the center. Alright, notice the color of the needle that indicates the speed on the speedometer. Great, that showed that you have a good imagination.

Misdirection Test Three

This time when you close your eyelids down, imagine that you're looking at a full moon. Close your eyelids down. To help you to see the full moon, roll your eyeballs back up in your head as if you could see the full moon right up there, look way up into your head and as you do, your eyelids lock tightly closed. The more you try to open them the tighter they are locked closed, they're locking tighter and tighter.

 just relax and sleep…(sneaky hypnosis) let it be a good and pleasant feeling now all over your body. let every muscle and nerve in your body go limp and loose, breathe easily and deeply and send a wave of deep relaxation from the top of your head to the top of your toes. 

Ready to level up your life and kick-start your transformation journey? Book your free consultation now.


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