Zombie Nation: The Truth About Zombification and the One Zombie Hypnosis Trick You’ll Love to Try

While I’m hoping you’re not the kind of person who eats brains for breakfast, zombification is a fascinating concept that can refer to our brains being ‘hacked’. Of course, zombies are also popular characters in horror movies, rising from the dead to scare the living daylights out of humans.

Now you might be wondering what the connection is between zombies and hypnosis, and why I’ve chosen the terror-inducing topic of zombification for this article. Well, while hypnotists can’t actually turn people into full-on zombies (and we certainly can’t revive the dead!), there are examples of hypnotists inducing zombified effects on their participants.

A famous example of this zombie hypnosis is by someone called Basil Bird, who managed to convince participants that they were actually zombies, complete with outstretched arms and blood-sucking noises!

And while we’re on the topic of zombification, it turns out there’s an entire podcast dedicated to this subject. ‘Zombified’ is a podcast by Arizona State University that explores how our brains are vulnerable to being hijacked (aka zombified) by everything from human interaction to social media.

What’s more, ‘zombie apocalypse preparedness’ is a real thing! The argument goes that if you can be prepared for a zombie pandemic, you can prepare for anything. So maybe we all need to start equipping ourselves for some kind of zombie takeover, just in case.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Zombified podcast, you can check it out online at this link: https://zombified.fireside.fm/page/1

Want to turn your friends into zombies? Try this zany zombie hypnosis trick!

Ok, with all this talk of zombies, I thought I’d share a challenging but fun hypnosis technique to ‘zombify’ your friends. Don’t worry, it won’t cause them to hunt down fresh brains, but with a bit of luck, it’ll have them looking like zonked-out zombies for a little while!

It’s known as the arm levitation technique and, as the name suggests, if done correctly it can cause participants to raise their arms into the air, simply by giving them a few commands while they’re in a trance-like state.

Here’s your zombie hypnosis script to zombify your nearest and dearest…

I’m going to count from one to twenty. As I do, you’ll start to experience a light and pleasant sensation moving through your right hand and into your right arm. It’s a warm and easy feeling that will grow stronger and stronger as I continue counting. Soon, you’ll feel a slight movement of your fingers…a twitching of the muscles.

At this point, take the subject’s arm and show them how it will move as you continue giving the following suggestions.

Slowly, your hand begins to lift. Then, your whole arm begins to lift. Your arm is light, practically weightless…lifting, rising and floating.

When you begin to feel the movement in your hand and arm, don’t try to resist it. You’re not here to resist this feeling, you’re here to relax into it. Just let your subconscious mind do its perfect work…it knows exactly what to do. 

Ok, now we’re ready to begin.

One…you start to feel a light sensation in the fingertips of your right hand.

Two…this lightness is spreading beneath your fingernails.

Three…it begins to move up to the first joint of your fingers.

Four…you can feel it spreading over your knuckles.

Five…you’re feeling the first slight movement in your fingers…can you feel your muscles starting to twitch?

Six…The light sensation has now spread all the way across the back of your hand.

Seven…The feeling has crept into your thumb.

Eight…Now it’s moving across the palm of your hand.

Nine…You can feel the light sensation spreading into your wrist. Now, focus on your left hand for a moment - how heavy it feels. Very, very heavy.

Ten…Your right hand is growing lighter and lighter with every count. Light as a feather floating in the breeze. Lighter even. As light as a helium balloon, rising towards the ceiling. Your hand is the balloon, floating, lifting, rising up and up and up.

Eleven…The light sensation has moved beyond your wrist now and is spreading into your forearm.

Twelve…Think of your left hand again. Isn’t it so heavy?

Thirteen…Stay focused on your left hand…it feels as though it’s made of heavy marble or stone.

Fourteen…Switch back to your right arm. The sensation of lightness has risen up into your elbow.

Fifteen…Feel the lightness all the way from your fingertips to your elbow. It’s beautifully light and free. It’s beginning to lift. To move, to rise, to float gently up into the air.
At this point, if the hand isn’t moving, gently lift it up to get it started.

Sixteen…Now your arm is beginning to rise. As your arm floats upwards, you’re going deeper and deeper into hypnosis.

Seventeen…Your arm continues to move up, lifting and rising until it finally comes to rest over your body.

Eighteen…Moving, rising, lifting, floating. Now when your hand comes to rest over your body, keep your eyelids tightly closed. The more you try to open them, the more locked they are. Locked tight shut.

Nineteen…Your hand is getting ready to come down now. Ready to float down and come to rest upon your body.

Twenty…Now your hand has come to rest upon your body. At the same time, your eyelids are locked tight shut…you try to open your eyes, but your eyelids are so heavy…you can’t lift them. It’s ok, it’s all perfect…you don’t need to try, just let yourself go deeper into trance.


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