Hypnotherapy for to increase a sense of Dignity - a beginners guide to greatness, nobility and honor

I believe someone like you has a deep-rooted sense of integrity and respect, making it only right that you should be liberated from feeling immobilized by life. After all, your greatness appears in every fiber of who you are; never lose sight of this perfection!

Have you ever heard of ATP? These molecules essentially act like little battery packs, powering all the cells in your body. On average, each cell contains roughly one billion ATP molecules – and within two minutes’ time, those billion are drained before being replaced by a new set! This astounding process never ceases to amaze me; how truly remarkable that our bodies can create such energy-filled powerhouses with ease.

Every day your body produces and consumes roughly half of its own weight in ATP. You can actually feel the warmth of this energy emanating from you - that's your ATP powering up!

“They die with what can only be called great dignity” - Bill Bryson

On a daily basis, countless of your cells commit programmed cell death by dismantling all the struts and buttresses that hold them together. Then they are devoured - quite silently - leaving behind their individual components. But fear not! Billions more spring up to take over while others work hard on clearing away any mess left in this intricate process. All of this occurs for one reason: your benefit! In the end, it all boils down to attaining greatness, nobility, honor and dignity.

As even the youngest of learners understand, dignity is something that matters to all. This brings Dennis' story to mind: as a newcomer in America during his first year of school, lunchtime was an isolating experience for him because he did not feel connected with his classmates. Have you ever encountered lunchtime on your own unable to spot your friends among the crowd?For those who worry about having no friends or face struggles as a new student, it can be one of the most intimidating and uncomfortable experiences. While others around them laugh and share stories in the schoolyard or cafeteria, Dennis felt like an outsider during these moments.With the intention of combating this sense of alienation, Dennis rallied his classmates to launch We Dine Together. This program ensures no one eats alone during lunch by having students patrol the school - a remarkable show of kindness and fellowship! As he told CBS News," If we don't do something about it, then who will?" This goes to prove that when you strive for change, almost anything is possible.

Aristotle “Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.” -  Aristotle

To generate an authentic, purposeful existence, it is paramount to possess a powerful sense of dignity and direction. This helps us remain steadfast in our principles and aspirations while also bestowing the enthusiasm necessary to chase after our dreams. By having pride within ourselves, we are empowered with the capability to be productive in life and bask in its rewards.

Today's fast-paced world has the unfortunate potential to cause us to lose touch with our dignity and what truly matters. We can easily feel trapped in a mundane cycle, without direction or purpose.

You are worthy of feeling remarkable and energized with a sense of self-worth and understanding that you are on the journey towards greatness. Daydreaming is not just an activity to fill time, but rather it's a natural way to imagine scenarios without necessarily having to live them out in real life - helping prepare yourself for the hurdles that life throws your way. Embrace daydreaming, for it is essential to reinforcing your commitment towards achieving objectives and gaining new creative insights. Guilt-free daydreaming should be seen as both beneficial and productive!

Lazer beam experiment

We all know that light can travel in either a wave or particle form, and Australian National University scientists have provided us with clear evidence to prove it by sending an atom along its path through a grate. Imagine replacing the flap of your mail slot on your front door with a transparent window, so you can always peek through. Then visualize aiming a laser beam in its general direction…

Initially, the beam was sent in a single direction down its path just like particles do. After adding an extra slot to their experiment (like two mail slots on a front door), the scientists shot another laser at it and realized that this time light traveled as a wave instead of a line! To confirm their findings, they repeated the original one-slot process but found out that even then light behaved as if it were traveling in waves.

"A future event causes the photon to decide its past." - Andrew Truscott

Let your imagination run wild and envision a one-of-a-kind dream scenario in which all of your worries are suddenly gone! You have no idea why it happened, but you can use this thought to identify what tangible changes will appear once the problem is eliminated. What would signify to you over the next few months that this problem has been fully resolved and your life is back on track? Who else would notice the extreme transformation? just like a photon - you went into the future but now you are here in the present moment… have you changed? 

So here is a beginner's guide to increasing your sense of dignity and purpose 

Connect with the current of your inner being and bask in its actualization. Your heart knows what it wants and that is precisely why you desire it—for when we tap into our higher self, only genuine choices come forth. You have already made this decision from within; now embrace the abundant blessings that follow. You can manifest what you desire by believing and expecting the gift. By allowing yourself to see it in your mind's eye, feel its presence through creative visualization, and radiating love for it, you are inviting divine energy into your consciousness. This will help clear away any doubts or fears about receiving this abundance that may have been blocking its flow previouslyWhen you speak the Word "It is done," your faith in Spirit's power and action comes to life. The energies of God start coursing through you, aligning perfectly with your vibration as a result. Embrace this newfound poise and confidence within yourself as an expression of gratitude for what has been created; then take whatever actions necessary for these changes to manifest into reality.

When you use this spiritual approach, you are replicating the natural activity of a higher being’s consciousness in an orderly manner. As your proficiency with the practice grows and you learn to create what it is that you desire, your awareness will expand until eventually no further thought is necessary for completion - which is essentially "not thinking".

Join me on a journey of spiritual healing. Get settled in your preferred seat and sit up straight to make yourself comfortable. Take the time to deeply inhale multiple times, allowing your mind to clear and relax with each breath you take - counting 4 seconds as you hold it before releasing your exhale slowly with an opened mouth. Repeat this process four times until every tension is released from within, breathing in peace while letting go all negative energies along with any worrisome concerns or thoughts that may have crossed your path. Allow yourself to become conscious of the Divine Presence that resides all around and within you. Reflect on this radiant body, wise mind, and heart overflowing with Infinite Love that shares your space. Feel joy as this spirit begins to saturate your senses with its divine energy - let it reverberate through both your mental and emotional beings until they are vibrating in harmony with its power.You are now aware of your God-self, the spirit of God within you, and now the Presence speaks: "I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always for you are my expression; the light of my light. I have fulfilled myself as you and have given myself to you. All that I am you are. I am all that you can imagine me to be: your expression, source of income and health, work opportunities and relationships, protection. I ask only for you to stay close with me by looking towards my omnipotent sufficiency in every situation — knowing that I will provide everything needed along the way withhold nothing. Now choose that which you desire in my name, the name I am. ' 

Say to yourself silently, "I am God in expression. God is as me now. And the true self of me has assumed its rightful position on the throne of my heart, for the feeling of love tells me so. I now have the power of dominion. I am now a co-creator with God. I now have divine authority to manifest the fulfilment of my desires. I use this power rightly and wisely" 

And as you relax in the presence, in your mind see a white screen. On this screen see the words I choose with lines following after the word choose on a ruled tablet. Now fill in the blank spaces after the word choose. Do this mentally in your own handwriting. Simply imagine that you are writing on the inner tablet of mind, your choices, for this particular time in your life. After you have mentally written in your desire, go back and focus on each word with great clarity. See each word very clearly. Let the words become deeply impressed in your mind. Now say to yourself silently, I accept the fulfilment of this desire now. With your entire mind, heart and soul accept this fulfilment now. Feel the spiritual idea representing this fulfilment entering your consciousness. It is the idea of completion. It has moved into your feeling nature's vibration where it is warm and pleasant with the feeling of love. 

Embrace the gifts that God offers to you in this moment. When you accept it, your wishes become reality, and what was once a desire has now been fulfilled. There is nothing quite like achieving something that we have envisioned for ourselves; this feeling of accomplishment can only be described as divine love! With this understanding now firmly rooted within us, we recognize our own power - of abundance and radiance; an ideal relationship with oneself emerges from these realizations about our greatness. You are capable of fulfilling all aspirations without fail or hesitation because you already hold everything inside yourself.

Imagine a blank white screen before you, and begin to play the movie of your success. Visualize yourself living life joyfully, full of love and freedom. Enhance this mental image with color, sound and depth; make sure each detail is etched deeply into your consciousness so that it's as if it were happening right now! Envision only the best possible outcomes for yourself—lift up your vision even higher than before to create scenes in which you are overflowing with abundance.

Imagine the thrill of having your deepest desires already granted - it is truly an amazing experience. Visualize these beautiful images in your mind and fill up with all the love that you can feel within yourself and let it out into this dream-like state. Feel joyous as you treasure what's happening before you, from doing what brings delight to being who you've always wanted to be, and possessing whatever makes your heart contented. Love these scenes of total accomplishment which will linger in both your thoughts and feelings for eternity. Now, having visualized your desires multiple times, shut the curtain of your mind and open yourself up to feeling. This is recognizing the presence of God within you; identifying with your divine self and embracing that power as part of who you are. Nothing is too grand for you to attain or experience. Speak out loud in faith - through Divinity's strength - and allow all good fortune come into fruition now! Allow the power of God to act through you and manifest every need, solve all problems and bring forth the fulfillment of your wishes. Your faith in the loving generosity of God is unshakable. Allow your good deeds to become visible now with a word from you- trust that it will be done, for it already has been!

Completely yield to the efforts of God, as He is the only power in your life. Free yourself and let Him work His magic within you--allow Him to do what He knows best. Trust that despite whatever grand vision we may have for ourselves, even it will pale in comparison to our Creator's plans for us all along! Surrender now with full assurance that our Heavenly Father has already crafted something beautiful just for us. By surrendering your dreams and aspirations, you open up yourself to the magnificence of life. Open your heart-space to receive what is best for you and trust that it will manifest in divine timing. Know that by releasing all expectations, the entire creative process within this universe begins to take shape in every area of your being; only perfect abundance can be drawn into existence - love, joy, peace and beauty shall thrive from now on.

Thank your Father for this new life of love and light. Show appreciation to your Father for the greatness that you have achieved. Feel deep joy and gratefulness in your heart, as it has been well filled with blessings. Utter words of praise and love towards God with overflowing admiration; act on what is expected from you by following the guidance within yourself--the very best that you can do!

Now that you've forged a partnership with the divine energy present within yourself, take in and appreciate the radiant white light. Recognize its pulsating power as it envelops your being. Acknowledge too this personal auric field of yours and its elliptical energy radiating two feet above your head, four feet beneath you into Mother Earth; for in these 50 billion watts lies an expression of God uniquely yours.

Appreciate the unconditional love of the Christ energy enveloping your aura in stunning sapphire. Let this sense of peace and serenity fill your heart and soul with joy. Now imagine a sparkling ball of iridescent white light hovering above you, resting on your shoulders like a comforting blanket. This is God's pure essence that stays within us at all times- we must only be mindful to feel it, see it, and embrace its presence around us.

The version of you that is fully expressed arises with the acknowledgement and understanding of your personal affluence. Your Father has declared "all that I have is yours", thus, draw in a golden and silver cord through the topmost part of your head. Let it travel throughout every cell until it meets its grounding point at the base within the core of our planet Earth. As this connection to Source energy is recognized each day, let yourself become open to receive divine blessings from above.

Allow yourself to sit in a magnificent, multi-hued rainbow. The colors represent each form of energy and every portion of supply. Now feel the rainbow's hues swirling around your body, covering every cell, molecule and atom with its healing essence. Your system will then receive the specific color it needs for complete balance, restoration and divine expression as you ease into stillness filled with blissful peace and unconditional love - And so be it!


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