The tremendous hypnotic way Trust can reduce stress

Trust is a cornerstone of many aspects of life, from relationships to hypnosis to government and civics. It's so significant that it often feels like trust could be the superpower we all desire - the power to have faith in others and get their confidence in return. This is why building trust should not be overlooked! Trust is not something that can be instantaneously gained, but rather must be built and honed over time. Gaining the ability to trust yourself as well as others is an integral element of forming robust relationships, persuading in our contemporary world, and comprehending the intricacies of public administration. Let's seize the power of trust, a superpower we all desire but often overlook! What incredible feats could we accomplish with this confidence in our corner?

If you trust too much you will be taken advantage of 

How often have you put your faith in somebody, only to find out that it was all for nothing? As soon as we let anxiety consume us, our humanity begins to fade away and what remains is more akin to beasts. Human beings have the exceptional capability to anticipate future occurrences, yet when we continually speculate about what may unfold, it can lead to illness. When you are stressed, your hypothalamus and pituitary gland work together to form a hormone that appears normal at first glance; however upon further inspection by science proves otherwise. This 'stress' is then circulated throughout the body where it has detrimental effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate levels, pupil dilation alteration and an imbalance of chemicals due to stress. In short - research has validated these claims!

Trust is the key to living a life of peace and tranquility. People who are reliable can attribute their success to being earnest, honest, dependable, kind-hearted, thankful, optimistic, polite and unselfish. You have within you divine potential that will help diminish your stress levels when tapped into correctly.

Trust the Government

Without trust, it is often challenging to comprehend the decisions made by our political leaders. This quality of assurance is an essential element in more developed societies like those that make up the Commonwealth and its allies. As a citizen of the United Kingdom, United States, European Union or Commonwealth countries, you have likely pledged your allegiance to always trust in governmental authorities. Still, as an exemplary citizen it is also essential that you display assurance and enthusiasm to challenge government via active involvement in our democratic process. Those who are successful in instilling trust among others have a well-thought-out plan. How do law enforcement handle an individual likely to commit future offenses and make them a credible part of the community? By engendering trust, of course! You deserve to shape your own opinion because you live in an advanced democratic society where it is your right to do so.

The language of Trust 

The statement “it's impossible to trust anyone” lacks verbs, but it’s also a generalization. Anyone? Is a bus driver, Doctor or Dentist not a bus driver Doctor or Dentist? Generalizations are perfectly normal and people who have a ‘global’ communication style get by in life. The fact is generalizations are fine - but this client finds it “impossible to trust anyone”.

  • What stops them from trusting anyone? 

  • What would happen if they trusted someone?

If this client's communication style of ‘generalizing’ is the issue, you will hear the client explain multiple situations with a lack of specifics.


  • My husband is always arguing with me

  • All cars have wheels

  • I don't have any money

  • It always rains on my day off work

  • Everyone says that about you

You’re probably aware of the concept of positive psychology - the ability to positively influence your state of mind by adopting a positive mindset. How you talk to yourself can actually create a positive feedback loop in the brain, resulting in greater confidence in our capabilities and higher determination to pursue our goals and trust people.

Here is the tremendous hypnotic way trust can reduce stress 

You go very deep now and you recognize, as you go deeper and deeper, that all of you becomes very still.  

As you become very still, and there is a special pleasure in the silence… 

there’s a special pleasure, within you, beginning for the very first time.  

To discover parts and dimensions of your being that, until now, have been hidden.

Hidden by the noise of life.  

Hidden by the many people surrounding you in your life.  

Hidden in the workplace by all the activity.  

And by all the goals you have to achieve.  

You recognize now, as you go very, very deep……That there is a quality of trust, for you that is special. 

In the past, you notice that you have equated trust with being betrayed.  

Being trusted with being betrayed.  

And now, in this experience, for the first time, you see you can have trust and have it be a joyous occasion for you by discovering the inherent good, the inherent worth, and the inherent magic of your being. 

This may seem a surprise to you at first… As we continue to move forward, you become more comfortable with this.  

It is clear to you that you are more than a circumstance, or a situation. 

You are a magnificent human being traveling through life…     

sometimes by yourself… sometimes with others… and sometimes the one that you are with will betray you, and sometimes you will betray someone you are with. 

But this has nothing to do with your value or your worth.  

And in some way profoundly, deeply, with an understanding that cannot be explained. 

You know this.  

You know that however much you think you have been betrayed, this is a time for you, now, not to betray yourself. 

So, you decide, here and now, to venture into that very special territory that you call “yourself”… 

And to embrace yourself and to give up all judgments that you have had of yourself… 

And to allow yourself to move forward in your life… 

With whomever you would choose to be with trust, whenever you will choose to give trust 

And so right here and now there is a quality of comfort… Of confidence, and of worth… Growing out of the knowledge that who you are… is greater than the fact that you are trustworthy. 

More than whether you are being recognized, complemented, or in some other way related to.  For that relationship, which is of greatest importance right now, is the relationship that you have and cherish, and value with yourself.  

Some of this seems alien at first. Some of it seems comfortable. 

Some of it seems to feel very familiar and very good… In time… every moment that passes, each hour that passes, each day that passes… all that I have said will become more and more real for you. More and more comfortable for you. 

So, now we move forward, recognizing easily and comfortably that all that you are, and all you will ever become, is not betrayed, or a rejection, or abandonment…

But a perfect and magnificent human being.  

And you will accept, easily, where you find yourself in life.  

Without having that you need to judge yourself.  

You will absorb this idea, and the ideas that have been shared with you, as we have moved forward in this session.  

And they will become more, and more fixtures in your life.  

And become reflected, more and more, in what you do. 

And now, you’re going to awaken, gently, comfortably, and peacefully.  

And feel very renewed when you're awake


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