One epic Drink-Less Hypnosis trick

If you are ‘Drinking too much’, well, Ah-Um, Ah, you won’t suddenly hit rock bottom, it's more of a slowly, very drawn out kinda realization - that things are getting worse, and worse. If you are trapped in a cycle of boozy lunches, borderline goon pillows, regret things you've said - motivating your subconscious mind will do the trick.

Let's be honest, you deserve to have the best Christmas Eve! ever. The world needs your smiling face - there are just too many party poopers with grumpy faces, we need you back in action.

People with the worst health - Drink the least amount of water and use diuretics like caffeine and hard alcohol. 

When you drank alcohol for the first time, you felt dizzy after consuming a small amount.

When we humans continually drink alcohol, the body can adjust, so we can keep drinking and you can be, “one who holds his liquor.”  The more alcohol consumed, the more the liver will increase in size to process it. If the drinker tries to stop drinking, it's uncomfortable - their nerve endings have adjusted, there is a lot of discomfort. The body continues to adjust, in order to prevent death. The human continues to drink, enlarging their liver to an enormous size, causing a cirrhosis of the liver. Eventually the human body can no longer adjust - death ensues - it gets them in the end.

You deserve to dominate your life - Have the skills to drink as little or as much as you want all the frigging time - you are fabulous. Before I share with you those skills, you might need to know a few extra things.

If you know what you need to know, then feel free to, just graze your way down the page to the one epic drinkless hypnosis trick

Replace the symptoms, with feelings that are positive

Richard Bandler in his book reframing wrote that years ago a hypnotist made cigarettes taste like the worst thing he could think of “cod liver oil”. The client did this with quitting smoking, but he became a “cod liver oil” junkie! He carried a bottle of “cod liver oil'' in his coat all day. I guess that's better than smoking. I don't know the ramifications of overdosing on fish oil. It sounds disgusting to me. Richard Bandler prefers to substitute symptoms that are positive.

Trigger, Operate, Test, Exit -  How do you know it will work, if you don't test it?

If you have abstained from alcohol due to past behavior - you can't just start drinking again. As the old saying goes ‘Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail”, What happens if:

  • You accidentally forget to eat before you drink?

  • How do you decide if you’ve had too much to drink?

  • What strategy do you have to leave the party? or get home? 

  • When can you stop and drink water for a few hours?

  • When can you carry on drinking?

  • What happens if you can't sleep the following day (due to drinking)? 

  • Do you drink again to fall asleep?

  • Do you get sleeping tablets because you drank?

  • Do you prepare for not being able to sleep-well, for a few days, because it was expected?

Subconscious mind - be your fabulous self

By using the power of hypnosis to shift your subconscious behaviors, thoughts and beliefs, you can embark on an incredible journey towards your authentic self and find the happiness and contentment you truly deserve.

Let's imagine a 50yr old client who has been sober for 20yrs walks into my office and asks for help. I meet the sober part of this person. This sober part is already fully committed to being sober - it understands the disadvantages of drinking. Getting access to the ‘alcoholic part’ of this person requires skill. One way to get that access is to do a hypnotic induction:

For example; Regress the client to the last time they were drunk.

  • Go back to the last time you drank

  • How do you feel,  just as you are about to take the first drink? 

  • What was it like the last time you binged? 

  • Where were you sitting? What did you see? What did you hear? 

  • What did you say when you ordered the first drink? What was it? What did it look like? 

“You can smell it now” - Olfactory access is the fastest way to regress a client. Smells are processed neurologically, they have a direct impact on behavior and responses than other sensory inputs do. The client will begin to re-experience the drunk state (you notice their posture and breathing will change) - This is where the client can start to make better decisions, insert new behaviors - Trigger, Operate, Test, Exit.

So here is the, One Epic Drink Less Hypnosis trick for 2022..

The next drink, you drink, will be the best drink you have ever had in your entire life. 

This will be because your taste buds will have relaxed.

Body relaxes.

The taste buds and body are resting.

The taste buds are more responsive to the subtle flavors of the food.

The next drink you drink - you get so much pleasure from the next drink

You wish all of your drinks could taste as good as that one.  

You know that it will have tasted better because your taste buds will have rested. 

You will want them to rest again.

The next drink will taste good

The next drink will be so satisfying and relaxing that you will want to wait a long time before you have another. 

You will have no desire for another drink for a long time. 

Because you have waited,


The next drink is also very enjoyable. 

You find that the longer you wait, between drinks.

You find yourself drinking less and less. 

You are enjoying your drinking more and more. 

You begin to take special pride in how little drinking you are doing. 

You keep a count of your drinks as you notice how enjoyable they are.

You wait longer and longer between drinks. 

Soon you find that you drink only a few drinks in an entire day. 

You are getting more pleasure from one or two alcoholic drinks than you were getting from all of the epic drinking.

You are not reaching for an alcoholic beverage just for the sake of occupying your hands. 

Sometimes you may reach for a drink only to discover that you don’t really want it. 

You change your mind and put it back where you got it. 

You don’t really want it. 

You get more satisfaction from returning the drink from which it came than you ever got from drinking.  

You are drinking less and enjoying it more. 

Soon you drink only once a day.  

Each day, you drink less than you did the day before. 

Your taste buds become more and more responsive.

You are drinking less and enjoying it more.  

The next alcoholic drink you drink is going to be so satisfying and relaxing that you will not want another for a long time.

The longer you wait

The more satisfying they become.  


One mammoth Time-Manipulation hypnosis tip and Merry Christmas


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