Unlocking the Power of Hypnosis for Pain-Free Tattoo’s

Tough, but tattoos hurt? 

While I dont have drugs, magic spells, or potions, today I want to share with you a hypnosis trick so you can enhance your pain tolerance. 

As you know hypnosis isn't only used for ‘Pain-free Tattoo’s’ people opt in for hypnosis and use it as their primary use of analgesia for surgery. I mean, haven't we all heard bad stories about anesthetic? Those stories that start out about someone's Great-Aunt who became a narcoleptic after they woke up from surgery - and it makes you think twice about your next visit to the dentist when they ask you if you want laughing gas. In 2018 one in three Americans had an opiate prescription. David Spiegel at the World economic Forum said ‘hypnosis doesn't kill people, it doesn't addict people but it does reduce pain’.

The man leading the field in Pain Free Tattoos is Benjamin Ryan from - the UK Hypnosis Academy and you can check him out on youtube, but I want to explain to you why hypnosis works when it comes to managing pain. MRI images of the brain demonstrate that when you are in pain the anterior cingulate cortex lights up because it's aware you are in pain. When you are in hypnosis - the anterior cingulate cortex doesn't light up, it's different.

Let's be honest, I'm an erickson hypnotherapist, that might mean ‘jack-all’ to you, but Milton Erickson was a pioneer in pain removal and that's because..

He used the hypnotic structure of:

(1) Pace and then lead

(2) Distract and utilize dominant hemisphere  (ambiguity distracts the dominant hemisphere)

(3) Access the non-dominant hemisphere (non-dominant hemisphere: visualization melody, special class of language)

Your dominant hemisphere & non- dominant hemisphere are weird & very useful

For example,

Try balancing something in your right hand (like a spinning plate on a stick).

‘Talk’ and you will notice your balance is terrible.

‘Sing a song’ and you will notice your balance improves.

If you switch hands the opposite is true.

Speaking and balancing compete with the same area of the brain creating a "spill-over" effect.

‘Talking’ improves your “right visual field”, 

When you ‘Sing a song’ (a right-hemisphere function), your left-visual-field has an advantage.

Stewart Derbyshire of Birmingham University - has discovered that you don't say things like ‘ouch' when you're in hypnosis because your brain just does something different.

You deserve to get the tattoo of your dreams, to withstand the detail and artistry - Be a mental warrior of your body 

Here is the, One Massive Tattoo pain removal Hypnosis tip for 2022

Anesthesia By the hypnotic genius Dave Elman

  1. Establish selective thinking

Close your eyes

Pretend you can’t open them. 

Keep pretending that you can’t open your eyes and nothing will bother you, no pain.

Keep on pretending

Try to open your eyes (you’ll find it impossible).

You know very well that you can open your eyes at any time you change your mind.

Stop pretending. 

When you were pretending (but believed it completely) that you could not open your eyes you established ‘selective thinking’ - the result is analgesia.

Selective thinking is whatever you believe wholeheartedly. 

For example, if you believe you will feel no pain and you believe it completely, you will have no pain. 

2. Activate non-dominant hemisphere

Imagine your favorite board game, computer game or sport? 

If it's Swimming? All I want you to do is to close your eyes and visualize yourself actively engaged in swimming. 

Can you see yourself swimming?

As long as you continue to see yourself swimming nothing will bother you. 

When you imagine yourself swimming you are bypassing the “conscious critical faculty” - the ability to make judgments about what is good or true and you won’t feel anything - no pain Congratulations.

Selective thinking was established.

The two steps were made so easily that maybe you didn’t realize.

Keep on imagining swimming while you get your tattoo - ( it allows you to activate the non-dominant hemisphere through visualization).

Plan B - if you can't visualize - use baby language

*You can achieve the same thing if you talk to yourself like a baby - talk in a weird morse-code-kinda-way - (special class language).

Imagine your favorite weird voice, it has to be weird (not considered normal language) like, Beavis and Butt-head, Donald duck or Yoda.

If it's Yoda? all I want you to do is to close your eyes and visualize yourself hearing yoda.

Can you hear yoda? - (strange pace, tone, weird-words)

As long as you continue to hear yoda, nothing will bother you. 

When you imagine yourself hearing yoda you are bypassing the conscious critical faculty - the ability to make judgments about what is good or true and you won’t feel anything - no pain (analgesia) -  Congratulations.

Selective thinking was established.

Keep on imagining hearing yoda while you get your tattoo - it allows you to activate the non-dominant hemisphere.

Why baby language? linguistic and psycholinguistic research

Maybe you remember between the ages of 2 - 6yrs old,  “language & sounds” had a pattern. If you have children, you've probably noticed children learn at the same rate, with the same kind of "mistakes." Children who are fully fluent in a language and suffer some brain trauma in the language hemisphere typically become mute. They then re-learn the language with the “non-dominant hemisphere”. It means your right hemisphere has some comprehension of language (nouns, verbs, and adjectives), and minimal capacities for speech, it can comprehend, but not produce speech (maybe there is an absence of an articulatory code) it is limited. These linguistic distinctions (are known as Universal Grammar) - they are genetically in each of us at birth.


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