One massive Religion Hypnosis tipoff

Right now, Religion, Spiritual-connection or Higher-purpose plays an important role in the overall health and wellbeing of people's lives. Herbs, crystals, dream-catchers and therapy don't quite hit the sweet spot, all the time. Life just seems like it's just one damn thing after another; war, pandemics, natural disasters - in these times we are vulnerable.

  • Being vulnerable demonstrates you are human.

  • Being vulnerable shows you have the courage to express delicate feelings. 

  • When we are vulnerable, religion & spiritual practices are here to help.

  • When we are vulnerable, ‘religion & spiritual fraudsters’ can show up.

How do you know if you are being “emotionally-exploited” in a colossal “blood diamond” kind of way? - Science is in search for the truth.

Neuro-theology seeks to understand the relationship between the human brain and religion.

What happens when you pray or meditate anyway? Andrew Newberg, M.D at the University of Pennsylvania, found when he looked at the brains scans of monks in meditation their frontal lobe lit up. When the frontal lobe lights up the rest of the brain quiets down, The frontal lobe suspends our sense of time and boundaries between ourselves and others disappear. We feel more connected. It was also true when he looked at the scans of the brains of Franciscan nuns in prayer. There was increased activity in the frontal lobes, but also increased activity in the inferior parietal lobe (the language area). This latter finding makes sense in relation to the nuns doing a verbally based practice (prayer) rather than visualization. 

Dr. Newberg puts it, we begin to "perceive the self as endless and intimately inter- woven with everyone and everything." when we pray or meditate.

“Whether he approves or disapproves, every effective religionist, in the usages of ritual, preaching, and worship, unavoidably makes use of hypnotic techniques, and is therefore subject to the same responsibilities as known and acknowledged by the scientifically trained hypnotist.”

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Volume 7 published in 1959 by Margaretta K. Bowers M.D. titled ‘Friend or traitor? hypnosis in the service of religion’

Who can you ask for advice?

  1. The Trinity Foundation - Monitoring religious fraud for 30+ years.

It’s sometimes criticized for investigating religious fraud, some say their investigations are an attack on Christianity itself and nothing could be further from the truth. They love the church and they continue a long biblical tradition. is the leading “watchdog” of religious media, conducting investigations and providing information to expose fraud and abuses committed in the name of God. The foundation has worked with news organizations such as ABC News Prime Time Live, CBS News 60 Minutes, NBC News Dateline, CNN Special Reports, ABC News 20/20

Spanish, Español?  Have a loved-one or friend that only speaks Spanish?  Spanish religious fraud website here

2. Pesonal Freedom Outreach is a non-profit, non-denominational group with three goals: 

  1. To educate Christians about the dangers and heretical doctrines of religious cults.

  2. To use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach members of those cults.

  3. To warn Christians of unbiblical teachings within the Church itself.  

This organization prefers to communicate by letter and they do not accept email. 

3. Local authorities 

You will find most police officers are trained in ‘depth assessment’. It's not a personality test, it's more like a profiling tool and they will be able to tell you, within social norms or normative standards, if anything seems out of the ordinary.

Here is the, One Massive Religion Hypnosis tipoff for 2022

Script by Chaplain Paul G. Durbin, Ph.D

STAR WARS: There is a scene in one of the Star War movies which shows great worth of visualization and imagery. I would like to focus on the second one, "The Empire Strikes Back." You may remember in that movie, we continue our involvement in the heroes and villains of the first movie. Once again, we find ourselves engaged with Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Princess Leia, Cheubaca, and robots R2D2 and C-3PO, as they do battle with Darth Vader and Legions of Dark Empire.

One of the most fascinating new characters of "The Empire Strikes Back" is a strange little fellow named Yoda. The short, odd-looking little individual is the master teacher of the Knight Jedi. The Jedi Knights are commissioned as universal agents of goodness and righteousness.

Luke Skywalker is sent to Yoda for training to become a Jedi Knight, but the training does not always run smoothly. When Yoda tries to teach Luke to raise his spaceship from a swamp through the force of thought and imagery, Luke fails. After Luke's failure to move the ship, Yoda then levitates the spaceship up and out of the swamp by thought alone. Luke watches in amazement, saying, "I don't believe it!" Yoda responds, "That is why you failed."

The "Star Wars" movies are fictitious, but the story of Luke Skywalker and Yoda can be looked upon as a parable. Imagery is a powerful source of healing, overcoming unwanted habits, increasing self-worth, and making positive changes in your life. Imagery consists of vividly picturing in your conscious mind a desired goal of objectives, and holding that image until it sinks into your subconscious mind, where it releases great untapped energies. Imagery is based upon the principle there is a deep tendency in human nature to ultimately become precisely that which one images himself to be. The wise old man of proverbs states that whosoever a person thinks in his heart, so is he. 

Jesus said, "Whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." 

The only way that one can experience something that has not yet occurred is through your imagination. So vividly imagine that, which you want to happen in your life.

Chaplain Paul G. Durbin, Ph.D is convinced that one can have an influence over illness and disease by the use of visualizations and imagery. When using visualization and imagery be sure that you are also following good medical advice and procedures for they are your allies in overcoming disease and healing from injuries.


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If you can still watch Politics you must be as Zen as F***, but watch out for these five political hypnosis tricks