One Massive Breast Enlargement Hypnosis quirk

Boring 34B, Breast-Enhancement is it, a poor use for hypnosis? 

Surgical superficial enhancement just hasn't been 100% satisfying to all women, let's be honest, people wanna know if you can go all-natural? Looking into the future, if our life span doubles within this century ( you live to 150yrs old,) how many boob jobs - can you afford to have?

When you think of breasts, the words busty, curvy,'flat-chested' -  might spring to mind, the fact is, Buxom, confident women tend to feel nurturing, giving, loving and mothering.

Their self image is womanly with fabulous feelings about their femininity and motherhood. 

Women who are unsatisfied with their breasts can feel misjudged, misunderstood, not respected, an unwillingness to provide nourishment or to be nurtured physically, feelings of inadequacy as a woman.

It turns out, Stimulation of Breast Growth by Hypnosis is a thing, with proven results published in medical journals.

Skeptical? it sounds creepy, scientists studying breast sizes to achieve victory - do we care?

The theory behind the (wild) stories hypnotists might share with you, if you chose to ‘go larger than life’ or just have the desire to reclaim the fullness of your breasts you had before mumsey-pregnant-life. The hypnosis technique that has the strongest results for breast enhancement is ‘age-regression’.

For example,

Once upon a time, long long ago, far-away..during puberty your breast tissues started to develop and maybe your breast tissues stopped developing before they reached the size that you desire today. 

Waists Shrink - Breasts Blossom - and it's sustained for months

It's true, in some cases, every-volunteer increased their breast circumference. You can read the research in The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.

2 cup size increase, The Journal of Sex Research pulished in 1974 ‘Stimulation of breast growth by hypnosis’ found 13 volunteers averaged a 2.11 inch increase in the circumference of their breasts.

Honestly, I'm not a doctor, I don't know why it happens. It could be that the subject is concentrating on their breasts, causing the blood to pool in the mammary tissue, much as it would if they were sexually aroused. We've all experienced slowing down our breathing (with intent) in turn, it slows down our heart rate, then blood pressure. It's been proven hypnotized subjects can regulate blood flow to various parts of the body, maybe that's why some hypnotists ask their clients to imagine they are lying on the beach, topless, feeling the warm sunshine on their breasts - I don't know how, but it does happen.

Here is, the One Massive Breast enlargement Hypnosis quirk for 2022 

Puberty, let's go back there..When you were becoming a woman, it may have seemed awkward, people may have teased you, which made you feel sensitive, clothes fit differently,  you blushed more frequently, your breasts become sensitive to touch.  Remember all those feelings now. Some girls were embarrassed by what was occurring and they pulled their shoulders forward trying to hide themselves.  

Looking back on it now

It seems so silly, doesn't it?  

It's a 100% natural part of growing up. 

Feel the physical feelings (swelling, sore, throbbing) of when your breasts were developing now. They are growing, maturing.

We are going to do something very interesting with time. 

You are going to have your breasts continue to develop into the future. 

The blood flow is sending nourishment to that area. Hormones are being re-engaged in your body to bring on these changes.  But all the while… you are comfortable, healthy, happy.  Imagine a mirror in front of you. 

Visualize your body image (what shape you would like it to be, in a month's time).

Visualize it and imagine how you will feel then…

See yourself receiving compliments on your new shape. 

Step inside that body now, bring yourself into womanhood.

Fully matured adult body now.



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