One Massive Motivation Hypnosis Increase

Motivation is a beast, 

it doesn't last..but neither does bathing, thats why its recommended daily.

We make choices based on how they will make us feel, if we know that an experience is familiar, we feel good in choosing that option - we get confidence. 

Bonding to motivation is more than a fabulous romance. If you want to get all sciency about 3 million years ago, the new brain, the neocortex (neo means new), molded itself around your first two brains. If you think you don't have three brains then think again, according to research pioneered by Paul Maclean, the human brain has three formations. Archipallium (reptilian brain), Paleopallium (midbrain), Neopallium (your new brain). Your conscious mind is based in the neocortex (your new brain) that makes up the outer shell. The subconscious mind is the midbrain, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. 

The hippocampus is in your midbrain, it is designed to make new memories, new experiences, instead of craving the familiar. Love is also - a chemical potion - made in the midbrain - it is what creates bonding in all mammals. When you fall in love with your ‘ideal-motivated-self’.. you are doing something magical - chemically bonding with a new version of yourself.

Negative Motivation Works - Helping You To Be The Most Fabulous Version Of Yourself (and it’s weird)

Negative motivation is weird, we all think of doom and gloom from time to time. Does it make sense to imagine life getting even worse?

 There are two types of motivation.

  1. Negative motivation ( away from problems)

  2. Positive motivation ( towards solutions)

We have all experienced ‘away from’ motivation, especially round holiday season ‘Yay I have $2000 to go shopping this Christmas, Oh no, I only have $1000, Oops I only have $500, Oh no I only have $100. Utility bills arrive - What do you do? You take action - sell stuff on ebay, become an uber driver, Air Bnb your home, take out a loan. Negative motivation - results in taking action.

Positive motivation - Only 1% of the world falls into this category, (moving towards a solution). You reading this article, my guess is you are a positive person, with goals you want to achieve. Congratulations you are in the top 1% of thinking in the world - but this can prevent you from knowing about negative motivation. 

Motivation is still motivation.

If Motivation ‘is busting to use the bathroom on a long road trip’ it's ok, it's still motivation.

If Motivation is ‘Ah a pile of dirty dishes’, you wash them all to make the bad feeling go away, it is still motivation.

Failure -  has nothing to do with motivation, it's often a consequence of poorly established goals. SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals. 

Anyone who has been to a Tony Robbins event knows he uses (negative motivation) what he calls the Dickens Pattern.

For example,

I once had metal-toxicity-poisoning. I couldn't walk or talk (painful) but I'm fine now - I threw away my walking stick.

My negative motivation is like this:

What if I did nothing to help people, 

Every Man, Woman and Child is spastic.

No one can Think, Pray, Walk or Talk

100% of our time is spent detoxing - because we can't exercise.

Robots pray and read to us, until we can sit up in bed and read easily again.

No junk food, McDonalds, Alcohol, Chocolate, Caffeine for several years.

Tony Robbins says, ‘now make the problem even worse”, so then, I make it even worse.

I imagine, we are all like Stepehen Hawkins, but worse.

We only drink green juice. 

The whole world only drinks celery, kale, cucumber juice.

We can't laugh - nothing is funny anymore.

Only physical pain exists.

Only nightmares - we are unable to dream.

Tony robbins says, ‘now make the problem even worse”, so then, I make it even worse.

I imagine,

The Royal family are now robots.

Politicians are robots. 

Everyone is now has metal-toxicity-poisoning

No one can control what they say.

No one can control what they do.

The good news is, the future hasn't happened yet…

That's the Dickens pattern

Remember the tale of the ghost of Christmas past? When Scrooge is taken into the past.

The ghost of Christmas Past helps Scrooge begin his process of change. 

He is shown memories of his past - reminded of the goodness that used to be in him and of the people he used to love.

The ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge the joys of others.

The ghost of the Christmas Future takes Scrooge to a series of strange places: The London Stock Exchange, where a group of businessmen discuss the death of a rich man, a dingy pawn shop in a London slum, where a group of shady characters sell some personal items stolen from a dead man. Scrooge realizes the future hasn't happened yet.. and he decides to change.

Here is the, One Massive motivation Hypnosis Increase

The Ultimate Hypnosis Script for Change and Motivation by Calvin Banyan

The high road to success

Today you are standing at a fork in the road of your life. You have come to a decision point. Should you continue to do what you have been doing with regard to motivation

You think about all the problems and concerns that motivation brings into your life. 

The road on the left is a slow downward road. It is easy to take the Low Road. You could just coast down it. It is the path of doing what you have been doing for so long. But, it is a path of misery. The road on the right goes upward. It will take some effort to take the High Road. But, it is the way of freedom, health and life. It is the road of being in control of your life. It is the High Road To Success!

Look at the road on the left. It means carrying all of the problems associated with continuing to have no motivation with you even longer than you already have. Think of how bad no motivation makes you feel. Really allow yourself to feel the weight of the burden of this self-destructive behavior. Feel your desire to be free from all of the ill effects of hurting yourself this way.

I’m going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down that low road of being out of control one more year. 1, 2, 3! There you are, after one more year of being out of control being miserable because you have continued to have no motivation. You feel the weight of the disappointment in yourself. 

You notice the painful way of living. There is a mirror there and you see yourself and you ask yourself, Am I pleased with myself? Am I happy to have another year of no motivation? Do I feel better having made this decision? Do I feel healthier or worse? Do I look and feel better about myself, or not? Do I feel smarter? Feel the disappointment you have in yourself for continuing to have no motivation for another year!”

I’m going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on this road of being free of  no motivation to the year ___ ! 1, 2, 3! There you are after having more years of being on the low road. Bring fourth all of the effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision. You feel no motivation. You feel hopeless. Now look around you, and you see all of those things that have done this to you. So, you can’t stand them any more. Maybe you even hate the sight of them. If there are people associated with doing this    no motivation,  are they really your friends? Do they really care about you? Again, you ask yourself, Am I pleased with myself for no motivation for 5 more years? Do I have the right to do this to myself? Am I healthier for making this choice? How is it affecting my life? Is my life better or worse? Do I feel smarter for no motivation for an additional 5 years?

And now I count from 1 to 3 and we move down to the 10-year point on this low road of continuing to the year ___. 1, 2, 3! There you are after 10 more years of hurting yourself by no motivation. Once again, bring fourth all of the cumulative effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision, of continuing to no motivation for 10 more years. You feel no motivation. You feel more hopeless. Again, you look around you and you see all of the Those are the things that have done this to you. So, you can’t stand them any more. Maybe you even hate the sight of them. If there are people associated with doing this no motivation, are they really your friends? Do they really care about you? How do you feel about them? There is a mirror there and you look at yourself. You ask yourself, am I pleased with myself for no motivation for 10 more years? Is my life better or worse? Do I feel intelligent for no motivation for an additional 10 years? Really feel the consequences of remaining on this low but easy road.

As I count back from 5 to 1 you come all the way back to the beginning of the fork in the road. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And, you feel better because none of that has to happen yet and it doesn’t have to... You have decided not to let that happen to you. You have decided to take the High Road of Success on the right! You know that it will take a little more effort, but now you know in your heart and mind that it is worth it. You have decided to start taking better care of yourself! In fact you have already left the old way by coming here today! You are already taking your first steps toward freedom and success on the road on the right.

Let’s see how this new decision of motivation affects you. You think about all the good positive changes that becoming free from the self-destructive habit has brought into your life! Being free from all those problems the feeling of really being in control and confident. You are now on the path on the right, it means success and a feeling of energy and optimism. 

I’m going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down that road of having made this change for one year. 1, 2, 3! There you are after one year of being in control. You feel good, great! You have done it, you are a success and you never felt better and you are going to feel even better yet! There is a mirror there and you see yourself and you ask yourself, Am I pleased with myself? Am I happy to have accomplished my goal for a whole year?  Do I feel better having made this healthy decision? Do I feel smarter” Feel the pride and health that is inside of you. Was it worth it? Do you want to continue to stay on the High Road of Success?

I’m going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on this road of being successful in making this change to the year ___  ! 1,2,3! There you are after 5 more years of success, of reaping the rewards of making this permanent change in motivation. 5 years of being in control and energized! Bring forth right now all of the effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision. You feel strong. Everything in your life is better for having made this permanent change. Enjoy the feeling of knowing that you have made a permanent change, knowing that you will never go back to the old way.

And now I count from 1 to 3 and we move down to the 10-year point on this High Road of Success to the year __. 1, 2, 3, and there you are after 10 more years of making this good and positive change in your life. Bring forth all of the effects of that smart choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision, of continuing to be in control for 10 more years. Motivation is now simply something that you used to do. It was a mistake to have ever done it, but now you are free and will remain free for the rest of your life! You look into that mirror one more time and ask yourself, Am I pleased with myself for motivation  for 10 more years? Would I ever go back to that old bad habit of hurting myself by motivation? Am I glad that I have made this permanent change? A change made for good? Of course you are!

I count back to 1 and you are back in the year  __ 5,4,3,2,1. You now have a new found level of certainty that you are ready - really ready to make this change! You are now ready to accept powerful hypnotic suggestions to help to keep you on the road on the right, the High Road of Success.

Now your subconscious mind fully accepts the suggestion that you will never have no motivation again.  “From now on you will be motivated and This keeps you on the High Road of Success for the rest of your life.


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