One Cosmic Remote-Viewing Hypnosis tip
Paranoid about the paranormal? If you think Russia, China or Israel are ‘Remote-viewing’ us all, Imagine feeling educated, calm, relaxed, so you can distinguish fact from fiction.
Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.
The closest experience I've ever had trying to ‘mind-read’ someone (literally read their mind) takes me back to when I was learning ‘Master nlp practitioner’. The entire class full of students were given an exercise to test our ‘sensory acuity’ (with our eyes closed) - It was more like testing out our ESP mojo, (extrasensory perception) - This wasn't ‘Oh no, not the mind-probe in Dr who’ - It was organic - We were put into pairs, and asked to read-each-others-mind.
It was my turn to ‘mind-read’, I got it wrong, I'm just not DIA ‘Project Stargate’ material, I know the USA defense intelligence agency won't be knocking on my door, asking me to become a psychic spy…because that bloke, who I was paired with in the ESP test, went ‘all-in’ on projecting a life experience, beaming it-out of every cell of his body that he was surfing and I was unable to pick up on any psychic cues (I was right beside him) - at best, I thought he was swimming.
Remote viewing, is not something you learn in Hypnosis or Master NLP.
The ‘Stargate Project’ was a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency. It would investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and intelligence applications. Stargate Project's work primarily involved remote viewing, the ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance. The unit was small scale, comprising about 15 to 20 individuals and The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation.
However, I have just finished reading’ Psychic Warrior: The True Story of America's Foremost Psychic Spy By David Morehouse (excerpt from the book) ‘There is much more around us that our physical eyes can see, I can say with absolute confidence that the gifts spoken of in this chronicle is a precious and wonderful tool, that we have been fortunate enough to see in our lifetime. I can also say with equal conviction, that like anything placed in mortal hands the gift, can be transformed into a curse, that can plague mankind, rather than serve and protect.
The choice is ours, the secret is out, remote viewing exists, it works, it has been tested and proven and used in intelligence for over two decades’
Cold reading it's different, because, it just is
A simple way to explain cold reading
Imagine you ask someone ‘Do you want ice-cream on your sandwich’ they say ‘no’ (with a yuck-face). You turn yourself into a human instagram camera and take a mental picture of their ‘no-yuck-face’ . Welcome to the world of cold reading. You can coldread that person, because you know, when they are about to say the word ‘No’ by their (no-yuck-face).
Let's get nerdy - When you learn to <code> you are asking the computer to recall information that is already there.
<pattern>What is your name</pattern>
<template>My name is Chatty Bot</template>
<patter>What is your age</pattern>
<template>I am 5 Years old</template>
<pattern>Who is Julie</pattern>
<template>She is my creator</template>
<template>I have no answer for that</template>
In a study titled ‘applying NLP to build a cold reading chatbot’ at 2021 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, someone tried to build a #griefbot
You might be thinking Why build a cold reading #griefbot? This #griefbot was to be used to assist those suffering from prolonged grief disorder. By using cold reading techniques.
The benefits would be minimal data collection.
(don't need to know the names of lost loved ones, or sensitive dates, locations) and your <code> does not have to focus on, the last thing the user typed in the message.
With cold reading you respond to the overall context, it would be something new a Griefbot
For example, A could create a griefbotty that could use ‘Barnum statements’, those annoying statements that psychics use - At first they seem personal - but apply to many people.
Imagine I'm a psychic, I could say to you ’I sense, between the ages of 13 and 15 you went through a dramatic change?’ and I would be 100% correct, we all went through puberty at that age.
A GriefBotty, could be like
<pattern> I sense *</pattern>
<think><set name= “GriefBotty” <star/></set></think>
<condition name= ”GriefBotty”>
<li value = “You have an intense desire to get people to like you” >Yes </li>
<li value = “Sometimes you give too much effort on projects “ >Yes </li>
<li value = “You prefer change and do not like to feel limited” >Yes </li>
<li value = “You are an independent thinker who takes pride” >Yes </li>
<li value = “Sometimes you can be outgoing but quiet“ >Yes </li>
<li value = “You can be overly harsh on yourself” >Yes </li>
<li value = “Although you do have some weaknesses” >Yes</li>
<li> “No” <li>
I'm glad you have worked out, Remote-viewing is different to Cold-Reading & GriefBotty.
Maybe remote viewing inspired those robust-tech-nerds to invent ‘Remote patient monitoring’. that creepy technology - that high tech stuff- medical monitoring equipment - that lets healthcare providers manage acute and chronic conditions (cuts down on patients' travel costs and infection risk).
Let's be honest, I don't know if you can increase your ESP (Extrasensory perception), sixth sense mojo - or whatever you want to call it.
*extrasensory perception: perception or communication outside of normal sensory capability, as in telepathy and clairvoyance.
But if you do want to give it a try ..
Here is the, One Cosmic Remote viewing Hypnosis tip
You are unaffected by negativity and retain the ability to enjoy all of the warmth and joy that life has to offer.
You are totally detached from negativity. You are open and receptive to love.
You do not complain.
You accept other people as they are without expecting them to change.
You are patient, calm and harmoniously centered at all times.
You let go of all fear-based emotions such as blame, jealousy, guilt and possessiveness. These negative emotions are now a part of your past.
You are independent and self-responsible and fully realize that you have unlimited ability to create your own reality.
You are rapidly developing perception and psychic powers. The psychic power is within and is your divine right.
Infinite Spirit gives you the wisdom to increase your psychic powers and awareness.
You trust your intuitive processes.
Your thoughts have psychic validity and you now trust your thoughts.
You have extra-sensory and precognitive abilities.
You listen to that inner self.
You follow the magical path of intuition and your psychic powers increase tenfold.
Everyday your awareness increases and you receive many premonitions of things.
You have the total ability to concentrate totally upon the subject of your immediate focus, whether business, pleasure or meditation.
You keep your mind calm like water.
You remain centered at all times, physically relaxed, emotionally calm, mentally focused and spiritually aware.