Slay Negative Thoughts, a Hypnosis Tip-off

How can it all go so wrong?

When you love life, know-how to have the best day ever and have high standards of self-care.

If you have had enough of being positive and it all seems too frigging hard..

Today I want to share with you a Hypnosis ‘tip-off’ to slay those negative thoughts.

First, let's get ‘woo woo’.

Your body is about 70% of water.

In an ideal world, your body is a pure pond.

Reflecting light perfectly (like the cover of Pink Floyd's album ‘Dark side of the moon’).

Reflecting light, laser beam perfect (like the small quartz disc can store 360TB of data forever

coined the ‘Superman memory crystal’).

You receive light perfectly, like a mirror (not a curved distortion mirror you see at the local circus)

You are more like a liquid crystal - all that water in the brain, body, soul (mind, body spirit).

‘Let your fake plants die, do not pretend to water them’ Be a plant.

Plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar ( Be a plant) plants crystallize light through photosynthesis (be one with the plants).

Positive thoughts generate 1200 biochemical changes of growth, renewal and repair.

Negative thoughts generate, just that negativity.

You deserve to radiate light, to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

Let's get all ‘techy’,

Congratulations over time you have enhanced your own unique ‘homeostasis’. This unique genetic program responds to your environmental circumstances, and your subvocalized thoughts. When Stress (cortisol) is high - a part of your brain called the ‘hypothalamus’ detects it and decreases your ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) it also has the richest blood supply -  so, any junk can go anywhere - its linked to your metabolic, process, endocrine system and nervous system. Like a light switch, it can stop hormones, make peptides and worse it can create a negative feedback loop (of chemical junk) based on your thoughts.

We have all experienced trying to grow a plant - some grow, some don't. The seeds of plants are not thinking - they just exist, but one day, they do something magnificent - They turn from nothing into something - Be a plant.

Negative thinking can result in a host of problems, including social anxiety, depression, stress and lack of confidence. Techniques used for removing negative thinking are

  • Thought diary 

  • Gratitude Journal

  • Prayer

  • Affirmations

‘Its during our darkest moments that we must focus on the light’

‘The light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes , which is the same light that quickens your understandings . Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of good to fill the immensity of space The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of good, who sitteth upon the throne of space who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. We are in space and space is in us. We will see this when we are physically pure prisms of light. But for now our light is veiled by our impurities.

Here is the, Slay negative thoughts hypnosis tip-off for 2022

Create a positive feedback loop and fall in love with yourself.

Today, fall in love with yourself.  Let your heart beat faster at the prospect of spending an hour alone with such a fascinating, intricate and complex person.  Let your heart fill with love as you think about how precious you are, how lovable, how compassionate and caring you are.  Let your eyes sparkle with joy as you consider your sense of humor, that quirky way you have of looking at things.Ah, how blessed you are to have this lover, always with you, always there.  Someone who cares deeply and does everything possible for you. Someone who loves and appreciates you exactly as you are.  Someone who requires nothing from you to give love and approval. For you are perfect exactly as you are. You are infinitely lovable, right now.

Fall in love with yourself. Give to yourself everything you have been hoping to get from others.  Give lavishly. Shower praise upon yourself. You are so blessed, right now, just as you are.  Let yourself feel and know this. Let yourself fall in love unconditionally, right now.

And you can say to yourself;

I love myself completely and absolutely.

I love everything about myself, exactly as I am.

I give myself permission to be me, glowing with a fire inside, a fire bright enough to light up the world.  

I give myself permission to shine, to shine forth with all my wonder, letting others see what I know so well, that I am deeply precious and infinitely lovable.

I am acceptance and love.  

I am joy.  

I am.


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