Anxiety-Busting Hypnosis Techniques to Use Anytime, Anywhere

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Ah, anxiety. The vast majority of us will experience it to some degree at some point in our lives. Whether you suffer from panic attacks, find yourself caught in a cycle of ruminating thoughts, or simply can’t shake off a bad experience, anxiety can take hold quickly and leave us feeling overwhelmed and unsettled. The good news is, there’s a variety of simple hypnosis techniques designed to help you calm anxiety, soothe your senses, and bring you back to the present so you can overcome anxious thoughts.

Traditional Evidence-Based Solutions for Anxiety

There's an arsenal of psychological interventions that have proven to be incredibly effective in treating this troublesome foe. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),  Exposure a technique of CBT, another CBT technique cognitive restructuring, Mindfulness, the rising star in anxiety treatment, found within Acceptance and Commitment therapy. On the more traditional front, progressive muscle relaxation steps up to the plate. Armed with the ability to relax muscle groups one by one, it takes on anxiety by soothing the nervous system (Takaishi, 2000). And let's not forget psychodynamic psychotherapy delving into the depths of the unconscious. So there you have it, a powerhouse of psychological interventions standing tall against anxiety. With each approach offering its unique strengths, it's time to take a deep breath, choose your weapon, and embark on the journey to conquer anxiety once and for all!

Hypnosis? Scientific Research Unveils its Surprising Benefits 

Hold onto your hats because the results of this mind-bending study ‘ The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment for Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis’ will leave you in awe! Brace yourself for the astonishing news that participants who underwent the mystical powers of hypnosis achieved anxiety reduction like never before. Their anxiety levels took a jaw-dropping plunge of 79% compared to the poor souls in the control group who received no treatment at all. But wait, there's more! At the grand finale of the follow-up, the hypnosis-treated participants reached an unbelievable 84% reduction in anxiety. It's as if anxiety itself was left scratching its head, wondering what just happened. But that's not all, folks! Prepare to be amazed as hypnosis steps into the ring with other anxiety-busting techniques like CBT, PMR, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. It turns out that hypnosis holds its ground and proves to be just as effective in alleviating anxiety.

In fact, it might even have an edge over mindfulness, leaving the audience gasping in awe. But here's the real showstopper: hypnosis works even better when it joins forces with other treatments like CBT or biofeedback. It's like a dynamic duo fighting anxiety with double the power! When hypnosis teams up, anxiety doesn't stand a chance. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The results speak for themselves—hypnosis is a true anxiety-slaying superstar, leaving control participants in the dust and providing a breathtaking performance alongside other therapeutic techniques. It's time to sit back, relax, and let hypnosis take you on a mesmerizing journey to a worry-free state.

Anxiety: Catch it Early, Conquer it Strong - Your Guide to Effective Early Intervention Strategies

Sniffing out anxiety before it pounces: Catching anxiety off guard and intervening early can save you and your squad from being clawed by stress. It's like putting a stop sign in front of serious symptoms and giving them a hilarious detour. Plus, it'll lower the chances of your life turning into a chaotic circus act with work, family, school, and an accidental mix-up of substances. Time to show anxiety who's the ultimate jokester!

Expand your diagnostic opportunities

Beyond Blue - Mental health check-in

Completing the check-in will help you understand what kind of support you might need right now. Your answers and your result are anonymous. You can decide what you want to do with your result. They’ll give you some recommendations to get you started. The check-in is an evidence-based assessment known as the K10. It’s commonly used by Australian GPs (doctors) and mental health professionals to understand the level of support you may need.

The Black Dog Institute - Anxiety self test

It’s a quick self test can give you an understanding of the likelihood that you have an anxiety disorder. Please note, results are not a diagnosis, only a health professional can give a diagnosis. 

Talk space - Anxiety disorder test

Talk space - a mobile therapy company based from New York City. Take their short online anxiety screening test, and learn whether you may be living with excessive anxiety

Sleep - Unlock its tranquil Power

30-Day Aura Guest Pass

Are you ready to embark on this transformative adventure? Join me and countless others who have found solace and serenity through Aura. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your sleep, wellbeing, and life.Click the link below to claim your exclusive 30-Day Aura Guest Pass and unlock a world of mindfulness and wellbeing: It's time to embrace the power of sleep, banish anxiety, and create a life filled with tranquility and balance. Sweet dreams await!

Exercise Can Tackle Anxiety Head-On,  Unleash Your Inner Zen

In a groundbreaking study conducted by Yale researchers, a whopping 1.2 million people in the United States revealed some jaw-dropping results. Brace yourself for this mind-blowing fact: Those who engage in regular exercise reported having a staggering 1.5 fewer days of poor mental health per month compared to their non-exercising counterparts. Talk about an anxiety-reducing superhero! Now, before you embark on your exercise adventure, remember to consult with your doctor. It's always wise to ensure you're on the right track and maximize the benefits of your exercise journey. But here's a quick heads-up: combining the emotion of anger with exercise might not be the best recipe for success. That's right, my friend. Keep that anger at bay during your exercise sessions to make sure they remain truly beneficial. Nobody wants a workout session that leaves you feeling more fired up than zen! So, grab those running shoes, dance like nobody's watching, or hit the gym with gusto. Let exercise be your ally in the battle against anxiety. It's time to sweat away those worries and embrace a healthier, happier you!

Low tolerance for Ambiguity - a Risk Factor for anxiety 

Life, oh how it loves to keep us guessing! Ambiguity reigns supreme, showering us with countless unknowns that we can never truly unravel. But here's the catch: a low tolerance for ambiguous situations can send us spiraling into hours of overthinking, ages of worry, and overwhelming chaos. Fear not, dear reader, for there is a way out of this never-ending labyrinth of thoughts. The key lies in mastering the art of both recognizing and tolerating ambiguity. By doing so, we can finally put an end to the incessant mental whirlwind.

Community Groups to Kickstart Your Path to Healing

ADAA is a U.S. nonprofit organization

Free Anonymous Online Community. The Anxiety and Depression Support Group has more than 75,000 subscribers from around the world. The objective of this community is to create a space that those suffering from anxiety and depression can turn to to find and offer comfort and support, to share information and personal experiences, and to make connections with those in the community. 

The Australian Men’s Shed Association

Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and would like something meaningful to do with that time. Most men have learned from our culture that they don’t talk about feelings and emotions many do not take an interest in their own health and well-being. Men dont talk face to face, they talk shoulder to shoulder. The Men’s Shed movement has now become one of the most powerful tools in addressing health and wellbeing and helping men to once again become valued and productive members of our community.

Check out these three Hypnosis anxiety-busting techniques

That you can use wherever you are, whenever you need them - and kick anxiety to the curb so you can move on with your day.

Overcoming Anxiety - Hypnosis Tip 1: Sight, sound, touch

When to use it: This is a fantastic emergency tool for calming anxiety when you’re in the middle of a panic attack or feel one coming on. Make a note of this technique so you can be ready to use it in those moments when you start to feel panic rising.

How it works: The senses technique was proposed by Jeffery Zeig, Head of the Milton Erickson Foundation - and it works a treat for bringing you back to the present moment and drawing your attention away from your anxious thoughts.

The idea behind the ‘sight, sound, touch’ technique for calming anxiety is to recognise things that are true and real, rather than becoming overwhelmed by the racing thoughts and voices in your head.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Begin by identifying one thing you can see. Maybe it’s the sky, the road, a building - anything tangible within your line of sight.

2. Next, move on to your sense of sound and find one thing you can hear - traffic or birdsong, for example.

3. Finally, focus on one thing you can feel, such as the wind blowing on your face or the earth beneath your feet.

Repeat this process three times, each time focusing on one thing you can see, one thing you can hear, and one thing you can feel.

Overcoming Anxiety - Hypnosis Tip 2: The crystal ball technique

When to use it: This nifty technique is a fantastic anxiety-busting tool to use when you find yourself stuck in a non-stop cycle of ruminating thoughts or spinning emotions - the kind that you just can’t seem to free yourself from.

How it works: The trick with ruminating thoughts is to find a way to distance yourself from them - but this isn’t always easy. Enter the crystal ball technique...

For this technique, you’ll need to imagine you’re holding a crystal ball in your hands. This crystal ball contains the earth and everything in it. Allow all your feelings, thoughts and emotions to flow down your arms and into the crystal ball.

Next, imagine a tiny you inside the crystal ball - now you can watch that tiny person experience all the thoughts and feelings you’re having, but from a great distance.

What’s great about the crystal ball technique is that it allows you to put a healthy distance between yourself and your ruminating thoughts, enabling you to gain clarity and become detached from these emotions.


Overcoming Anxiety - Hypnosis Tip 3: Saying “I don’t know”

When to use it: We all tend to have an aversion to ambiguity. As humans, we crave the certainty of knowing things for sure and are resistant to having to be satisfied with an answer of “I don’t know”. But sometimes, “I don’t know” really is the truth! This anxiety-soothing technique is designed for those times.

How it works: There are lots of situations in life when - as much as we hate to admit it - we’ll simply never know the answer as to why something happened.

Let’s say you didn’t get the job you were hoping to land. You might tell yourself it was because the interviewer didn’t like you, or you messed up your interview, or your qualifications didn’t stack up. But the fact is, you’ll never know for sure why you didn’t get the job.

In these circumstances, the best thing we can do to soothe our anxiety and quiet our turbulent minds is to simply say “I don’t know”. Give it a try next time you feel this way - say these words out loud, then take a deep breath, hold it, hold it a little longer, and then...let it go.


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