Five Fabulous Sleep Hypnosis Tips to Optimise Your Sleep

If you’re currently reading this and are maybe feeling a little tired after a not-so-great sleep last night, then one thing I can say for certain is this - you’re not alone. In fact, around two-thirds of people believe they aren’t getting enough sleep.

While the odd night of less than optimal sleep is a given in our hectic, fast-paced world, chronic poor sleep can be a serious problem for our physical and mental health. Did you know that within the first twenty minutes of falling asleep, our bodies go into restoration mode? Our blood pressure is reduced, our heart rate slows and our minds begin the gentle process of relaxing and recharging.

And here’s the interesting thing - that soothing state I described above is also what happens during hypnosis. So it stands to reason that if you’re looking for ways to improve your sleep, sleep hypnosis techniques can be a great method of getting better quality sleep, so you can wake feeling rested and refreshed.

In this article, I’m sharing five sleep hypnosis tips designed to help you get the best sleep every night - so you’ll be ready to slay the day from the moment you wake up in the morning!

Seeking Expert Guidance: The Standard Approach to Treating Insomnia - Consult a Doctor

The management of insomnia generally encompasses the use of sleep-inducing medications, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i), or a combination of these approaches. Additionally, adopting positive lifestyle modifications can provide relief to certain individuals. It is important to note that there is no universally superior treatment for insomnia. The appropriate course of treatment depends on various factors such as the duration of the condition (short-term or chronic) and the patient's medical background.

Exploring the Role of Hypnosis in Sleep Apnea Management: Consult Your Doctor for an At-Home Sleep Apnea Test

Each year, many cases of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) go undiagnosed. This disorder causes temporary pauses in breathing during sleep, making diagnosis and treatment essential for overall health and well-being. At-home sleep apnea testing is a convenient alternative to an in-clinic sleep study. But at-home testing is not for everyone and may be most appropriate when sleep apnea is strongly suspected. 

Unlocking the Benefits of Hypnosis: Exploring the Latest Research

Sleep hypnosis is utilized with the goal of addressing negative thoughts and emotions that may interfere with restful sleep. While certain studies have demonstrated favorable outcomes, further research is necessary to establish its effectiveness as the primary treatment for insomnia. As of now, hypnosis is considered a complementary approach to managing insomnia.

  1. Hypnotic suggestions given before nighttime sleep extend slow-wave sleep as compared to a control text in highly hypnotizable subjects

    This study examined the effects of hypnotic suggestions before sleep on slow-wave sleep (SWS) and slow-wave activity (SWA). Results showed that highly hypnotizable individuals experienced increased SWS and SWA power, especially at the beginning of the night. Further research is needed to explore the potential application of hypnosis in improving sleep quality, particularly in clinical populations. Link to Study 

  2. Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Chronic Combat-Related PTSD Patients Suffering From Insomnia: A Randomized, Zolpidem-Controlled Clinical Trial

    This study aimed to assess the benefits of incorporating hypnotherapy as an adjunct treatment for chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thirty-two patients receiving SSRI antidepressants and supportive psychotherapy were randomly assigned to two groups. The first group received nightly Zolpidem for 14 nights, while the second group underwent symptom-oriented hypnotherapy twice a week for two weeks. Various psychological and sleep-related assessments were conducted before and after treatment. The results showed significant improvements in PTSD symptoms, including sustained effects at one-month follow-up, and additional benefits in intrusion, avoidance reactions, and sleep quality for the hypnotherapy group. For more details, refer to the study.

  3. Sleep paralysis and microsomatognosia with special reference to hypnotherapy

    This study explores sleep paralysis and its association with a patient who experienced a sensation of her entire body feeling extremely small. The psychological implications of the paralysis and the condition known as microsomatognosia are examined. Comparisons are drawn with other perceptual distortions related to changes in body size. The study also delves into the characteristics of sleep paralysis, associated personality patterns, and the relevance of these findings to hypnosis and hypnotherapy. To read the full study, please visit: link to the study

  4. Randomized, Controlled Trial of an Intervention Combining Self-Care and Self-Hypnosis on Fatigue, Sleep, and Emotional Distress in Posttreatment Cancer Patients: 1-Year Follow-Up

    This study examined the impact of a group intervention combining self-care and self-hypnosis on fatigue, sleep disturbances, and emotional distress in posttreatment cancer patients. Ninety-five female cancer survivors were randomly assigned to either a hypnosis group intervention or a wait-list control. The results revealed significant reductions in fatigue, sleep difficulties, and emotional distress in the hypnosis group intervention compared to the control group, both in the short-term and at the 1-year follow-up. For further information, refer to the study.

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Optimize Your Sleep with Mintal Sleep Tracker: Monitor Sleep Talking, Snoring, and Wake Up in the Perfect Sleep Phase with an Intelligent Alarm Clock"

Mintal is the best sleep tracking app to help you learn from sleep cycle. Track your sleepwithout watch and get better and quality sleep with Mintal app.

Sleep Hypnosis Tip 1: Improve your sleep by turning your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary

To get your body and mind into the ‘sleep zone’, you need to associate your bedroom with rest, relaxation and sleep time. And this means keeping it free from stimulating mental distractions such as your mobile phone and its unrelenting notifications.

Get into the habit of keeping your phone, tablet or laptop in a separate room - you can go out and check them when you need to, but be sure that once you enter your bedroom, there are no devices to pull you away from unwinding and preparing for a restful sleep.

Sleep Hypnosis Tip 2: Get better sleep by keeping your thoughts ‘positive, peaceful and distant’

While you might think that the key to drifting off into a blissful sleep is clearing your mind of all thoughts, this isn’t quite true (or even possible while you’re still conscious!). Rather than attempting to have a completely blank mind, you should instead focus on keeping your thoughts ‘positive, peaceful and distant’.

This means avoiding thoughts that involve complex, brain-taxing problems or anything stressful that’s likely to keep you awake with worry - and instead, letting your mind gently move into light visualisations and pleasant musings that are distant and separate from you and your problems.

Sleep Hypnosis Tip 3: Optimise your sleep by creating a bedtime ritual

It seems there are step-by-step guides for just about everything these days. From cooking to driving, exercise to studying, you’ll find clear instructions for how to achieve the outcome you want. So applying this approach to sleep can help you reach your goal of a perfect night’s slumber.

Just as you might create a morning routine to set yourself up for the day, following a bedtime ritual can get you ready for good quality sleep. As well as things like enjoying a calming cup of herbal tea, switching off your devices and turning down the lights, your sleep routine should also involve giving yourself 30 minutes or so of solid thinking time - this will allow you to get your thoughts out of your head so you’re ready to drift off peacefully.

Sleep Hypnosis Tip 4: Boost your sleep by taking your negative thoughts elsewhere

As you consciously calm your mind and body by closing your eyes, taking a few deep and slow breaths, and allowing your mind to flood with soothing, positive, peaceful and distant thoughts, don’t stress yourself out if you suddenly find yourself feeling overly stimulated or thinking negative thoughts.

It’s only natural for our brains to jump around and want to ruminate on things that are concerning us or playing on our minds. If this happens, give yourself permission to leave the bedroom for a few minutes, sit in a chair and let these thoughts come up before letting them go.


Sleep Hypnosis Tip 5: Remember, you’ve fallen asleep plenty of times before!

If you find yourself lying awake in the small hours of the night unable to fall back asleep, try not to worry too much or beat yourself up for not being able to drift off into slumber. What might help is thinking back to all those times when you’ve peacefully fallen into a blissful sleep.

Think of all the times when you were a tired child in your mother or father’s arms, with the ability to fall asleep anywhere. Your mind and body are still perfectly capable of letting go of the day’s stresses and finding themselves gently releasing into sleep. Breathe, relax and let it all go.


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