Three Memory Hypnosis Hacks for 2022

Amazing feats of memory have always fascinated people. From the prodigies who can memorise the entire phone book to those who can reel off insanely long strings of numbers after a quick glance, we sure do love those mesmerising memory superstars.

But the thing about memory is that there are some simple tricks we can all use to improve our ability to recall things. Whether it’s a memory technique to help us memorise an entire deck of cards or memory exercises to help our brains become better at remembering, it’s quite amazing just how effective these mental tricks and techniques can be.

Whether you’re always struggling to remember the name of that person you were introduced to five minutes ago or can never seem to recall where you left your keys - or maybe you’d just love to show off your new party trick of memorising a deck of cards - here are three memory hacks that might just help get your brain into gear.

Memory Hack 1: Ditch the digital devices

This first memory trick is deceptively simple and doesn’t actually involve any mental exercises at all. It’s a suggestion put forward by four-time memory champion Nelson Dellis, from the United States, whose incredible abilities include memorising a whopping nine decks of cards, as well as 200 names given to him only once.

So what advice does this elite-level memory guru have for us forgetful folk who can’t even remember whether we turned our hair straighteners off? The answer is to disconnect from technology for at least one hour per day.

This is because our brains are like the processing unit of a computer - and if it’s constantly being distracted by a continual stream of digital information, how on earth can it possibly be expected to remember anything?

So if you’re desperately seeking a memory boost to help you remember all those important day-to-day details, follow Nelson’s advice and switch off from technology for at least one hour a day.

Memory Hack 2: How to memorise a deck of cards

This hack is very specific, but I know many of us love the idea of being able to memorise an entire pack of cards from start to finish - something that seems almost impossible to the average person.

Well, I’m here to tell you it’s far from impossible - you simply need to tap into your brain’s power of sight, sound and feel in order to achieve this awesome feat.

Essentially, this technique works by applying the following elements to each card in the deck:

  • ●  Visuals with movement

  • ●  Sounds, such as bells chiming or drums banging

  • ●  Feelings that move you and get you all worked up

    Possibly the easiest way to memorise a deck of cards with this technique is to choose a room in your house that you’re familiar with (e.g. your lounge room), then take one card at a time - we’ll use the Queen of Hearts as an example - and do the following:

  • ●  First, we need visuals. Imagine emoji love hearts bursting out of your TV and visualise a mini Queen of Hearts marching across the top.

  • ●  Next up, it’s time to add sound. Imagine you can hear the queen’s marching band, the beat of the drums, bagpipes and maybe a choir echoing from the TV.

  • ●  Finally, let’s bring in some feelings. Imagine a feeling in your stomach as though you’ve just eaten cake, scones with jam and cream, a sponge cake - anything sweet associated with the Queen of Hearts. Feel the satisfied, full sensation and enjoy the deliciousness of it all.

    Trust me, with all of that association, you’re now going to remember the Queen of Hearts. Do this with the rest of the cards and you’ve got a foolproof method for memorising the whole deck.

Memory Hack 3: Temporary amnesia

Ok, so it’s time for our final memory hack. And this one’s a little different. It’s something I think we all need to remind ourselves of in these crazy times we live in, when we’re constantly bombarded with negative news and unwanted obstacles.

My ‘temporary amnesia’ trick is simple. But if you repeat it to yourself enough times, you’ll start to shift your behaviours and take back control of your memories and your mind.

Whenever there is something you’d really like wiped from your memory - whether it’s the words of that politician on TV or the car that just cut you off on the highway - simply say to yourself, “I can remember to forget and forget to remember”.

Try it out. “I can remember to forget and forget to remember”. Focus on these words and their meaning - then free yourself of the memories you’d rather not have.


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